
賀!本系洪伯邑助理教授已出版學術專書「Tea Production, Land Use Politics, and Ethnic Minorities: Struggling over Dilemmas in China's Southwest Frontier」





在這些故事的背後,是對「邊疆」意義的重新認定,也是本書最核心的論點:邊疆地景是兩難困境的體現(frontier as dilemmas),讓地景中的人事物不斷游移在「傳統」與「現代」、「國家」與「市場」、「國境邊陲」與「連結空間」、「原始自然」與「文明開發」之間。本書已於2015年8月由人文社會科學主要出版社Palgrave Macmillan出版,同時在亞馬遜網路書店(amazon.com)也找得到。



In this book, Po-Yi Hung uses tea production as a lens to investigate the tension between nature and society under the market economy in frontier China. By focusing on the landscape of the 'ancient tea forest' (guchalin), this book aims to understand the interactions among tea trees, entrepreneurs, the state, and the Bulang, an ethnic minority population. Intensive ethnographic research conducted by the author examines local Bulang villagers' everyday lives as entrepreneurs in the market economy at a time of changing moralities and cultural renovations. The author explores the dilemmas that arise in this unique region between tradition and modernity, territorial margin and connected space, and nature and development.


將於2015年8月由人文社會科學主要出版社Palgrave Macmillan出版。