國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系擬徵聘專任教師 1 至 2 名、兼任教師 1 至 2 名(包括助理教授、副教授或教授等職級),從事教學及研究工作,預訂起聘時間為 2023 年 8 月。申請者需獲有博士學位,歡迎以地理空間議題為研究對象的地理學、地球與環境科學、都市與區域計畫、地政與土地管理、地理數據科學、土木與環境工程等相關學術專長者提出申請,可強化本系在地理學跨領域議題的前瞻研究發展,或能夠深化技術應用於人文社會、區域研究與環境永續等議題。依序考慮以下研究領域:
(1)地理資訊科學與科技 (Geographic information science and technology):例如,空間思維(spatial thinking)、空間本體論 (spatial ontology)、空間資料科學與地理計算(spatial data science and geo-computation)、地理人工智慧 (geo-AI)、環境遙測(environmental remote sensing) 、地理視覺化(geo-visualization)等。
(2)自然地理與地球關鍵區 (Physical geography and earth critical zone):例如,地形與地表作用(geomorphology and surface process)、陸域生物地球化學(terrestrial biogeochemistry)、地球關鍵區的監測與作用(monitoring and processes in the Earth Critical Zone)、自然災害 (natural hazards)、環境資源保育與經理(environmental resource conservation and management)。
(3)人文地理與環境相關研究 (Human geography and environmental studies):例如,城鄉區域與發展 (local and regional development),文化社會與自然研究(culture, nature and society),區域研究與地理 (regional studies and geography), 環境變遷的人文面向研究 (human dimensions of environmental change)
意者請備妥:(1) 一封申請信,內容應包含在本系的教學及研究計畫(教學計畫若涵蓋前述課程一門以上優先考慮);(2)履歷自傳;(3) 博士學位證書影本 (或是由指導教授出具,保證申請人能於 2022 年 8 月前取得博士學位證書的文件);(4) 歷年著作目錄;(5) 五年內著作各 1 份(若著作收錄於 SCI/SSCI/TSSCI 等索引資料庫,請標註),並指明三年內著作一篇為代表作,此代表作應為已印行在 SCI、SSCI 期刊之論文,且為第一作者或通訊作者,或其它等同標準之著作,如經嚴格審查之專書著作;(6) 三位推薦人之聯絡資訊。 (審查資料不退還)
申請截止日期為 2022 年 12 月 10 日。請將備妥資料以 PDF 電子檔格式寄至:
E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
The Department of Geography in National Taiwan University (NTU) is seeking to appoint up to two tenure-track or tenured positions and 1-2 adjunct faculty at all ranks from August 2023 thereafter. The candidates will hold, or be about to complete (by August, 2023), a PhD in geography or related disciplines, such as Earth and environmental science, urban and regional planning, land economy, land management, geographic information science, civil engineering and environmental engineering. We seek energetic and innovative candidates with a track record of outstanding research, and a commitment to excellence in education and research, which can strengthen the department's development on inter-disciplinary issues in geography, or can deepen the application of technology to humanities and social sciences,regional studies and environmental sustainability. The following research areas are preferable, in order of priority:
(1)Geographic information science and technology: including spatial thinking, spatial ontology, spatial data science and geo-computation, geo-AI, environmental remote sensing, and geo-visualization.
(2)Physical geography and earth critical zone: including geomorphology and surface process, terrestrial biogeochemistry, monitoring and processes in the Earth Critical Zone (ECZ), natural hazards, and environmental resource conservation and management.
(3)Human geography and environmental studies: including local and regional development, culture, nature and society, regional studies and geography, and human dimensions of environmental change.
Applicants who can teach at least one of the following courses are preferred, including Computer Programming, Cartography and Geographic Information System, Statistics with Practices, Educational Practicum in Geography, Teaching Methods and Materials in Geography/Social Studies, Practicum in Geography/Social Studies、and Introduction to Geography/Social Studies, etc.
The successful candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the core areas of their discipline. Candidates must have excellent oral and written communication skills in either English or Mandarin Chinese and evidence of developing and maintaining research collaborations in her/his field or inter-disciplinary. Further information about Geography Department, NTU can be found at http://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/
Those applying for the positions should forward: (1) a letter of application (please indicate applying for a tenure-track or adjunct position) describing how she/he would contribute to the department’s teaching and research programs; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a copy of PhD diploma;(4) a complete publication list; (5) recent selected publications (published after April, 2018) and a representative work (published after April, 2020); (6) a list of names and addresses of three referees to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 by December 10, 2022. Note that the applicant should be the first and/or corresponding author for the representative paper, which was published in a SCI or SSCI indexed journal or refereed book/book chapter. Applications may also be mailed to:
Professor Jr-Chuan Huang
Chairperson, Department of Geography National Taiwan University
No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road
Taipei, Taiwan 106
Tel: +886-2-33665820; Fax: +886-2-23622911
E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Note that the application materials will not be returned to the applicants
National Taiwan University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.