「土地利用與資源規劃」領域授課需求主要科目包括「國土與區域規劃」、「都市計畫」、「計畫分析方法」、「規劃理論」、「環境規劃」課程 第一階段所需文件:
第一階段審查合格者,將另外通知面試;屆時並請提交研究成果簡報資料及教學計畫。 如係國外學歷,依本校教師評審委員會決議,應將學歷證件先行送駐外單位驗證。
起聘日:103年8月1日 收件截止日:103年2月6日下午5時前寄達
The Department of Land Economics at National Chengchi University is seeking a full-time faculty member for the field of Land Use and Resource Planning. This post is open for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. The applicant must hold a PhD degree.
Courses in the field of Land Use and Resource Planning primarily include “National and Regional Planning”, “Urban Planning”, “Quantitative Analysis and Planning Methods”, “Planning Theory” and “Environmental Planning”.
The applicant is required to submit the documents as follows:
1. curriculum vitae and a list of previous academic publications (three copies)
2. doctoral dissertation (three copies)
3. major academic publications (three copies)
4. photocopy of PhD degree certificate ;both of PhD and Master degree academic transcripts
5. two reference letters
6. photocopy of teacher’s certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C, if available
The shortlisted applicants will be informed in due time for an interview. Applicants who come for the interview shall submit in advance the presentation materials and teaching plan.
For applicants who hold a degree from overseas, the degree certificates need to be verified by ROC’s embassies and missions overseas in accordance with the resolution of the University’s committee for teacher evaluation.
The appointment is expected to begin on 1st August of 2014.
All application materials must arrive at the following address no later than 5 p.m. of 6th February of 2014.
Committee for Teacher Evaluation
Department of Land Economics
No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd.
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605
Taiwan R.O.C.
For further information, please contact Miss Chen
Telephone: 886-2-29393091 extension 50642
Fax: 886-2-29390251