GEMT:Bridging Multiple Time Scales of Erosion and Rock Uplift in Taiwan
Taiwan is one of the most densely instrumented and intensively studied mountain belts in the world, yet first-order questions about mechanisms of mountain building remain. While Taiwan is widely invoked as a case study for mountain belts in erosional or topographic steady-state, a number of observations challenge this classical view. It is now known that exhumation rates in the fold- thrust belt and the metamorphic belt are higher than predicted by simple tectonic wedge models. Highly variable estimates of denudation and incision rates inferred over disparate time intervals raises questions about the time periods over which the concepts of steady-state mountain building are relevant in Taiwan. Furthermore, present-day uplift rates from geodesy are also not easily reconciled with the millennial and longer time-scale erosion rates. These confounding observations suggest that the mechanisms of mountain building in Taiwan are not fully understood and fundamental questions remain unanswered about the relationship of deformation, tectonic uplift, and erosion over a wide range of time scales. In this proposal, we describe a plan to quantitatively examine these relationships by combining observations and modeling that bridge multiple time scales of erosion and rock uplift in Taiwan.