


Lin, J. J., Tedong, P. A., Wong, H. Y. 2024-01 Association of proximity to transit stations with early-stage gentrification in a railway upgrade context: Evidence from Kuala Lumpur Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Lin, J. J. and Wu, J. J. 2023-11 Association of bike-sharing service with gentrification in a transit-rich city: A catalyst or an outcome? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Hsueh, C. and Lin, J. J. 2023-10 Influential factors of the route choices of scooter riders: A GPS-based data study Journal of Transport Geography
Liaw, A. and Lin, J. J.* 2023-07 Bikeway network design model considering utilitarian and recreational bicycling in urban built-up areas International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Lin, J. J., Lin, T. Y., Kadali, B. R., and Subbarao, S. S. V. 2023-01 Zone-based TOD evaluation considering interdependences among criteria and zones Transport Policy
Liu, H. C. and Lin, J. J.* 2022-07 Associations of built environments with spatiotemporal patterns of shared scooter use: A comparison with shared bike use Transport Policy
Liaw, A. and Lin, J. J.* 2022-07 Bikeway network design model considering utilitarian and recreational bicycling in urban built-up areas International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Lin, J. J.*, Yai, T, and Chen, C. H. 2022-01 Temporal changes of transit-induced gentrification: A 40-year experience in Tokyo, Japan Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Chen, Y. H. and Lin, J. J.* 2021-04 Determinants of flight delays at East Asian airports from an airport, route and network perspective Journal of Air Transport Management
Zhang, Y., Zhao, P.*, and Lin, J. J. 2021-03 Exploring shopping travel behavior of millennials in Beijing: Impacts of built environment Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Xiao, F. and Lin, J. J.* 2021-03 High-speed rail and high-tech industry evolution: Empirical evidence from China Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Wong, H. T.* and Lin, J. J. 2020-05 The effects of weather on daily emergency ambulance service demand in Taipei: A comparison with Hong Kong Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Lin, J. J.* and Chen, C. H. 2020-04 Survival analysis of metro-induced household displacement in Taipei (2001-2016) Travel Behaviour and Society
Lin, J. J.* and Xie, Z. X. 2020-02 The Associations of newly launched high-speed rail stations with industrial gentrification Journal of Transport Geography
Lin, J. J.* and Yang, S. H. 2019-04 Proximity to metro stations and commercial gentrification Transport Policy
Wong, H. T.*, Lin, D. K., and Lin, J. J. 2019-03 Identifying rural–urban differences in the predictors of emergency ambulance service demand and misuse Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
Liu, H. C. and Lin, J. J.* 2019-02 Associations of built environments with spatiotemporal patterns of public bicycle use Journal of Transport Geography
Lin, J. J.* and Chen, W. T. 2018-09 Bike-sharing systems and destination satisfactions in overseas tourists Asian Transport Studies
Liu, J. H.*, Pai, J. T., and Lin, J. J. 2018-05 Planning strategy for green transit oriented development using a multi-objective planning model International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development A: Planning Strategies and Design Concepts
Lin, J. J.* and Wei, Y. H. 2018-04 Assessing area-wide bikeability: A grey analytical network process Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Lin, J. J.*, Zhao, P., Takada, K., Li, S., Yai, T., and Chen, C. H. 2018-04 Built environment and public bike usage for metro access: A comparison of neighborhoods in Beijing, Taipei, and Tokyo Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Lin, J. J.*, Lin, C. T., and Feng, C. M. 2018-02 Locating rental stations and bikeways in a public bike system Transportation Planning and Technology
Feng, C. M.*, Lin, J. J., and Lai, Y. C. 2018-02 High speed railways in Asia Routledge Handbook of Transport in Asia
Lin, J. J.* and Chung, J. C. 2017-07 Metro-induced gentrification: A 17-year experience in Taipei Cities
Lin, J. J.*, Wang, N. L., Feng, C. M. 2017-05 Public bike system pricing and usage in Taipei International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Fang, J. T. and Lin, J. J.* 2017-05 School travel modes and children’s spatial cognition Urban Studies
Lin, J. J.* and Cheng, Y. C. 2016-07 Access to jobs and apartment rents Journal of Transport Geography
Lin, J. J.*, Chen, C. H. and Hsieh, T. Y. 2016-06 Job accessibility and ethnic minority employment in urban and rural areas in Taiwan Papers in Regional Science
Lin, J. J.* and Liao, R. Y. 2016-03 Bikeway network design model for recreational bicycling in scenic areas Networks and Spatial Economics
Lin, J. J.* and Ting, T. C. 2014-10 Does built environment matter to early adolescents’ physical activity? Journal of Early Adolescence
Lin, J. J.* and Fu, C. Y. 2014-07 The opening of direct flights across the Taiwan Strait: the impact on the global role of Taiwan’s international airport Journal of Transport Geography
Lin, J. J.* and Wong, H. I. 2014-06 Optimization of a feeder-bus route design by using a multi-objective programming approach Transportation Planning and Technology
Lin, J. J.*, Huang, Y. C. and Ho, C. L. 2014-04 School accessibility and academic achievement in a rural area of Taiwan Children's Geographies
Lin, J. J.* and Yu, C. J. 2013-01 A bikeway network design model for urban areas Transportation
Lin, J. J.* and Liu, Y. H. 2012-08 Developing regional cooperation strategies by multi-criteria decision making approaches Annals of Regional Science
林楨家、孫小于 2012-05 高齡者住宅社區之區位規劃模式 建築與規劃學報
林楨家、吳建彤、方若庭 2011-12 建成環境對捷運轉乘運具選擇的影響:臺北捷運南港線之實證研究 運輸計劃季刊
羅健文、林楨家 2011-12 都市綠廊道網絡期程規劃模式 戶外遊憩研究
Lin, J. J.* and Yu, T. P. 2011-01 Built environment effects on leisure travel for children: Trip generation and travel mode Transport Policy
林楨家、謝宗育 2010-06 工作可及性對都市原住民就業之影響:臺北縣之實證分析 運輸計劃季刊
Lin, J. J.* and Feng, C. M. 2010-06 Transportation planning in Taiwan Planning in Taiwan: Spatial Planning in the Twenty-first Century
Lin, J. J.* and Chang, H. T. 2010-04 Built environment effects on children’s school travel in Taipei: Independence and travel mode Urban Studies
林楨家,郭毓菱 2009-12 都市計程車招呼站區位規劃模式 運輸學刊
Lin, J. J.* and Jen, Y. C. 2009-10 Household Attributes in a Transit-oriented Development: Evidence from Taipei Journal of Public Transportation
Lin, J.J.* and Yang, A.T. 2009-08 Structural analysis of how urban form impacts travel demand: Evidence from Taipei Urban Studies
羅健文,林楨家 2009-06 以既有道路網布設都市綠廊道網絡之規劃模式 臺灣土地研究
林楨家,許義男 2009-05 都市公共醫療設施區位規劃模型 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J. J.* and Shin, T. Y. 2008-12 Does transit-oriented development affect metro ridership? Evidence from Taipei Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Lin, J.J.*, Feng, C.M. and Huang, L.C. 2008-08 Local development impact assessment for a high speed rail system: A Taiwan study WIT Transactions of the Built Environment
林楨家,謝明珊 2008-08 高齡者需要什麼樣的都市運輸系統?臺北市立浩然敬老院院民之實例分析 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J. J.* and C. W. Lo 2008-06 Valuing external benefits and developing management strategies for metro system underground arcades Tunneling and Underground Space Technology
馮正民,林楨家 2008-06 都市及區域分析方法 建都文化事業股份有限公司出版
Lin, J.J.* and C.N. Li 2008-03 grey programming model for regional transit-oriented development planning Papers in Regional Science
Lin, J. J.*, C. M. Feng and Y. N. Lee 2007-12 Influence of accessibility on innovation: Empirical study of the electronics industry in Northern Taiwan Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
林楨家,李凱琳 2007-12 臺灣北部區域網路購物者之旅次發生分析 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J. J.* and Hsia, T. T. 2007-09 Effect of built environment on active transportation: A Taipei study Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
林楨家,羅健文,王雨涵,楊幼文,張瓊文,林國顯 2007-06 資訊科技對貨運旅次發生之影響:臺灣北部地區IC產業EDI應用之實證分析 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J.J.* and P.C. Hsiao 2006-12 Strategy development of mixed land-use for restraining trip generation in Taipei City Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Lin, J.J.* and Gau, C.C. 2006-09 A TOD planning model to review the regulation of allowable development densities around subway stations Land Use Policy
林楨家、蔡耀慶 2006-09 考量專程與順道購物旅次之社區與鄰里商業中心區位規劃模型 都市與計劃
Lin, J.J.* and Y.S. Shen 2006-07 Designing local street spacing by grey programming Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
林楨家、張佑川 2006-06 台北捷運地下街店舖租金分析-特徵價格法之應用 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J.J.* and A.T. Yang 2006-05 Does the compact city paradigm foster sustainability? An empirical study in Taiwan Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design
Lin, J.J.*, C.M. Feng and Y.Y. Hu 2006-03 Shifts in activity centers along the corridor of the Blue Subway Line in Taipei Journal of Urban Planning and Development
閻克勤、曾國雄、林楨家 2005-12 海岸濕地永續管理之績效標準準則建立之研究-以灰色關聯分析應用在指標之選擇 都市與計劃
林楨家、林彥廷 2005-12 電子商務對企業空間關係之影響:臺北地區資訊電子製造業之實證分析 建築與規劃學報
Feng, C. M., Chen, C. C.* and Lin, J. J. 2005-08 The evaluation indicators for sustainable intercity transportation in social equity aspect Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
林楨家、馮正民、丁柏雅 2005-06 以地域連攜為基礎的科學園區規劃模式 臺灣土地研究
閻克勤、林楨家、曾國雄 2005-06 水岸環境土地利用發展潛能之評估-生態規劃法與模糊AHP法之應用 建築與規劃學報
Lin, J.J.*, Hwang, C.H. 2004-12 Analysis of property prices before and after the opening of the Taipei subway system Annals of Regional Science
蔡耀慶、林楨家 2004-06 流量截取式區位模型在公園飲料販賣機選址規劃之應用 造園學報
林楨家,謝瓊慧 2003-12 以覆蓋模式分析震災臨時避難場所之配置規劃 都市與計劃
Lin, J.J.*, Feng, C.M. 2003-03 A bi-level programming model for the land use – network design problem Annals of Regional Science
馮正民、林楨家、吳信輝 2002-09 應用模糊認知圖法分析都市發展系統關聯之初探 都市與計劃
馮正民,林楨家,邱裕鈞 2002-06 運輸與區域規劃之研究方法 都市與計劃
馮正民,蔡仲璜,林楨家 2000-12 道路兩旁土地使用特性對車行速率之影響 運輸計劃季刊
馮正民,李雪敬,林楨家 2000-09 中小型都市之路網規劃方法 運輸計劃季刊
馮正民,林楨家 2000-06 都市計畫草圖替選方案分析模式之改進:納入公共設施配置 都市與計劃
Feng, C. M. and Lin, J. J.* 1999-08 A land use-network design model to generate alternative sketch maps for urban planning Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Feng, C. M. and Lin, J. J.* 1999-04 Using a genetic algorithm to generate alternative sketch maps for urban planning Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
曾國雄,林楨家 1997-03 淡海新市鎮消防隊佈設區位之研究-TOPSIS多目標規劃法之應用 都市與計劃
馮正民,林楨家 1992-09 重大建設對區域發展之衝擊分析-以台灣北部區域為例 運輸計劃季刊