
[活動]第七屆 堉璘臺大招募說明會


邁入第五年,已經累積超過1,000位臺大學生參與、並有超過250位優秀的學員獲得計畫補助。如果你也對於社會議題有興趣、想一起來發想解決方案、打造專屬自己的提案,那麼就千萬不要錯過這個機會!快來參加說明會,瞭解更多 計畫 #設計專案 的培訓課程、如何與 #校外組織合作、最後爭取執行及出國實習的補助費用!


◇ 社團聯展:09.09(六)10:00-16:00 文學院前(攤位92) 無需報名
◇ 說明會一:09.13(三)12:40-13:20 普通102教室
◇ 說明會二:09.14(四)12:40-13:20 普通102教室


The NTU-YLL Project is currently recruiting students enthusiastic about community building and international collaboration!

Want to start a new project, collaborate with organizations, expand your social network, and study abroad? If you’re not sure where to start, come and check out the NTU-YLL Project hosted by the Office of International Affairs!
We welcome you to join the upcoming events to learn more about the NTU-YLL Project.

Information Booth
◇NTU Club Expo: Sat, Sep 9, 10:00-16:00 (Venue: In front of the College of Liberal Arts)

Orientation Sessions
◇Session 1: Wed, Sep 13, 12:40 - 13:20 (Venue: Putong Lecture Building Rm 102)
◇Session 2: Thu, Sep 14, 12:40 - 13:20 (Venue: Putong Lecture Building Rm 102)
☞Registration Form|https://reurl.cc/94ek6Y

Project application
☞Application Form|https://reurl.cc/GA9VAp (Applications open on Sep 13)
☞ NTU-YLL Project website: https://yllproject.ntu.edu.tw/

All events and training programs will be conducted in Mandarin.