黃誌川教授是國立台灣大學地理環境資源研究所博士。攻讀博士學位其間,主要的研究領域水文模式模擬,包括了無限邊坡模式及TOPMODEL。在獲得博士學位後,先後於中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心、環境變遷研究中心擔任博士後研究員,主要的研究內容包括了集水區碳、氮循環、水文地形作用、集水區水文模擬。參與的學術團體包括了EGU (European Geophysics Union)、AGU (American Geophysics Union)及IAEH (International Association for Environmental Hydrology) 並擔任中華民國土木水利工程會刊、地理學報及Paddy and Water Environment期刊論文審查者。
研究專長 : 水文模式與河溪流量模擬、 崩塌與輸砂 、集水區內的氮循環
年份 |
學位 |
2003 |
國立台灣大學地理環境資源研究所博士 |
1999 |
國立台灣大學地理環境資源研究所碩士 |
1997 |
國立台灣大學地理系學士 |
起迄年份 |
服務機構 |
部門 |
職稱 |
2018.8-Present |
國立台灣大學 |
地理環境資源學系 |
教授 |
2014-2018.7 |
國立台灣大學 |
地理環境資源學系 |
副教授 |
2010-2014 |
國立台灣大學 |
地理環境資源學系 |
助理教授 |
2011 ~ 2015 教授課程:
自然地理學通論 Introduction to Physical Geography
降雨逕流歷程模擬 Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
環境水文學及實習 Environmental Hydrology and Lab.
水文地形作用模擬 Hydrogeomorphic Processes Modelling
專題研究上下 Special Topics (1)(2)
地理學通論上 Introduction to Geography (1)
作者 | 出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 收錄出處 |
Jun-Yi Lee, Ci-Jian Yang, Tsung-Ren Peng, Tsung-Yu Lee, and Jr-Chuan Huang | 2023-12 | Landscape structures regulate the contrasting response of recession along rainfall amounts | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Shengyue Chen, Jinliang Huang, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2023-07 | Improving daily streamflow simulations for data-scarce watersheds using the coupled SWAT-LSTM approach | Journal of Hydrology |
Ci-Jian Yang, Pei-Hao Chen, Erica D. Erlanger, Jens M. Turowski, Sen Xu, Tse-Yang Teng, Jiun-Chuan Lin, and Jr-Chuang Huang | 2023-05 | Mobile evaporite enhances the cycle of physical–chemical erosion in badlands | Earth Surface Dynamics |
Hongyan Bao, Ying Wu, Xiaoqian Zhan, Xiaona Wang, Robert G. M. Spencer, Peter J. Hernes, Xiaojuan Feng, Li-Chin Lee, Jr-Chuan Huang, Jingjing Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Jing Zhang | 2023-04 | Global Riverine Export of Dissolved Lignin Constrained by Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Land‐Cover | Global Biogeochemical Cycles |
Li-Chin Lee, Gabriele Weigelhofer, Thomas Hein, Shin-Chien Chan, Ying-San Liou, Chien-Sen Liao, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Yu-Lin Yu, Tsung-Yu Lee, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2023-04 | Transition of carbon-nitrogen coupling under different anthropogenic disturbances in subtropical small mountainous rivers | Science of The Total Environment |
Shail Vijeta Ekka, Yu-Hsuan Liang, Kuo-Fang Huang, Jr-Chuang Huang, Der-Chuen Lee | 2023-03 | Riverine molybdenum isotopic fractionation in small mountainous rivers of Taiwan: The effect of chemical weathering and lithology | Chemical Geology |
Chung-Te Chang, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2023-02 | Wet depositions of cations in forests across NADP, EMEP, and EANET monitoring networks over the last two decades | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Chung-Te Chang, Jun-Yi Lee, Jyh-Min Chiang, Hsueh-Ching Wang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Chun-Wei Tseng, Chiu-Hsien Wang, Shu-Wei Fu | 2022-11 | Characterizing the climate-phenology-hydrology associations in a subtropical forested watershed, central Taiwan | Ecological Indicators |
Rohit Kumar, Hasan Raja Naqvi, Rahul Devrain, Benidhar Deshmukh, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2022-11 | Sediment Yield Assessment, Prioritization and Control Practices in Chambal River Basin Employing SYI Model | Journal of the Geological Society of India |
Chung-Te Chang, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2022-11 | Wet depositions of cations in forests across NADP, EMEP, and EANET monitoring networks over the last two decades | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Chung-Te Chang, Lixin Wang, Lih-Jih Wang, Chiung-Pin Liu, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Chiao-Ping Wang, Neng-Huei Lin, Teng-Chiu Lin | 2022-05 | On the seasonality of long-range transport of acidic pollutants in East Asia | Environmental Research Letters |
Guan-Zhou Lin, Shao-Yiu Hsu, Chia-Chun Ho, Chi-Feng Chen, Jr-Chuan Huang, Tsung-Yu Lee | 2022-02 | Application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to evaluate the fates of nitrogenous fertilizer in subtropical mountainous watershed tea farms | Environment Monitroing and Assessment |
Chao Xu, Teng-Chiu Lin, Jr-Chuan Huang, Zhijie Yang, Xiaofei Liu, Decheng Xiong, Shidong Chen, Minhuang Wang, Liuming Yang, Yusheng Yang | 2022-02 | Microbial Biomass Is More Important than Runoff Export in Predicting Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations Following Forest Conversion in Subtropical China | Land |
李宗祐、黃誌川 | 2021-11 | 亞熱帶小型高山河川的物質輸出之研究發展與意涵 | 地理學報 Journal of Geographical Science |
Zhang, T.P., Huang, J.-C., Lei, Q.L., Liang, X., Lindsey, S., Luo, J.F., Zhu, A.X., Bio, W.K., Liu, H.B. | 2021-07 | Empirical estimation of soil temperature and its controlling factors in Australia: Implication for interaction between geographic setting and air temperature | CATENA |
Wang, C.H., Liou, Y.S., Chen, P.H., Huang, J.C. | 2021-05 | Tropical cyclones likely enhance chemical weathering but suppress atmospheric CO2 consumption in landslidedominated catchments | Biogeochemistry |
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y. | 2021-03 | Hydrological Impact of Typhoon on Rivers | Water |
Chang, C.T., Song, C.E., Lee, L.C., Chan, S.C., Liao, C.S., Liou, Y.S., Chiang, J.M., Wang, S.F., Huang, J.-C. | 2021-02 | Influence of landscape mosaic structure on nitrate and phosphate discharges: An island-wide assessment in subtropical mountainous Taiwan | Landscape and Urban Planning |
Chang, C.T., Shih, Y.T., Lee, L.C., Lee, J.Y., Lee, T.Y., Lin, T.C., Huang, J.C.* | 2020-10 | Eects of Land Cover and Atmospheric Input on Nutrient Budget in Subtropical Mountainous Rivers, Northeastern Taiwan | Water |
Lee, W.S., Huang, J.C., Chang, C.T., Chan, S.C., Liou, Y.S., Liao, C.S., Lee, L.C., Lee, J.Y., Shih, Y.T., Lu, M.C., Chen, P.H. | 2020-10 | Interaction Among Controlling Factors on Riverine DIN Export in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan: Inseparable Human-Landscape System | Water |
Teng, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., Jan, M.Y., Liu, C.C. | 2020-10 | Investigating Sediment Dynamics in a Landslide-Dominated Catchment by Modeling Landslide Area and Fluvial Sediment Export | Water |
Zhang, Z.Y., Huang, J.L., Xiao, C.R., Huang, J.C. | 2020-07 | A simulation-based method to develop strategies for nitrogen pollution control in a creek watershed with sparse data | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Yeh, T.C., Krennmayr, K., Liao, C.S., Ejarque, E., Schomakers, J., Huang, J.C., Zehetner, F., Hein, T. | 2020-07 | Effects of terrigenous organic substrates and additional phosphorus on bacterioplankton metabolism and exoenzyme stoichiometry | Freshwater Biology |
Lee, JY, Shih, YT, Lan, CY, Lee, TY, Peng, TR, Lee, CT, Huang, JC* | 2020-04 | Rainstorm Magnitude Likely Regulates Event Water Fraction and Its Transit Time in Mesoscale Mountainous Catchments: Implication for Modelling Parameterization | Water |
Qiao, J., Bao, H.Y., Huang, D.K., Li, D.W., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2020-03 | Runoff-driven export of terrigenous particulate organic matter from a small mountainous river: sources, fluxes and comparisons among different rivers | Biogeochemistry |
Lian, H.S., Yen, H., Huang, J.C., Feng, Q.Y., Qin, L.H., Bashir, M.A., Wu, S.X., Zhu, A.-X., Luo, J.F., Di, H.J., Lei, Q.L., Liu, H.B. | 2020-02 | CN-China: Revised runoff curve number by using rainfall-runoff events data in China | Water Research |
Huang, GZ, Hsu, TC, Yu, CK, Huang, JC*, Lin, TC* | 2020-01 | Dilution and precipitation dominated regulation of stream water chemistry of a volcanic watershed | Journal of Hydrology |
Zheng, L.W., Li, D.W., Dong, X.D., Lee, T.Y., Zheng, Z.Z., Shiah, F.K., Zheng, X.F., Hsu, T.C., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2020-01 | Isotope Constraints on the Sources of Particulate Organic Carbon in a Subtropical Deep Reservoir | JGR Biogeosciences |
Lee, Y.J., Chen, P.H., Lee, T.Y., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C.* | 2020-01 | Temporal variation of chemical weathering rate, source shifting and relationship with physical erosion in small mountainous rivers, Taiwan | CATENA |
Xu, C., Yang, Z., Qian, W., Chen, S., Liu, X., Lin, W., Xiong, D., Jiang, M., Chang, C.-T., Huang, J.-C., Yang, Y. | 2019-05 | Runoff and soil erosion responses to rainfall and vegetation cover under various afforestation management regimes in subtropical montane forest | Land Degradation Development |
Chen, Y.-C., Chang, K.-T., Wang, S.-F., Huang, J.-C., Yu, C.-K., Tu, J.-Y., Chu, H.-J., Liu, C.-C. | 2019-04 | Controls of preferential orientation of earthquake- and rainfall-triggered landslides in Taiwan's orogenic mountain belt | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms |
Li-Chin Lee, Ting-Chang Hsu, Tsung-Yu Lee, Yu-Ting Shih, Chuan-Yao Lin, Shih-Hao Jien, Thomas Hein, Franz Zehetner, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Jr-Chuan Huang | 2019-02 | Unusual Roles of Discharge, Slope and SOC in DOC Transport in Small Mountainous Rivers, Taiwan | Scientific Reports |
Yu-Ting Shih, Pei-Hao Chen, Li-Chin Lee, Chien-Sen Liao, Shih-Hao Jien, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Tsung-Yu Lee, Thomas Hein, Franz Zehetner, Chung-Te Chang, and Jr-Chuan Huang | 2018-12 | Dynamic responses of DOC and DIC transport to different flow regimes in a subtropical small mountainous river | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Tz-Ching Yeh, Chien-Sen Liao, Ting-Chien Chen, Yu-Ting Shih, Jr-Chuan Huang, Franz Zehetner, Thomas Hein | 2018-08 | Differences in N loading affect DOMdynamics during typhoon events in a forested mountainous catchment | Science of the Total Environment |
Lian Huishu, Lei Qiuliang, Zhang Xinyu, Yen Haw, WangHongyuan, Zhai Limei, Liu Hongbin, Huang Jr-Chuan, Ren Tianzhi, Zhou Jiaogen, QiuWeiwen | 2018-06 | Effects of anthropogenic activities on long-term changes of nitrogen budget in a plain river network region: A case study in the Taihu Basin | Science of the Total Environment |
J. Schomakers, H. Mayer, J.Y. Lee, T.Y. Lee, S.H. Jien, A. Mentler, T. Hein, J.C. Huang, Z.Y. Hseu, L.W. Cheng, C.K. Yu, F. Zehetner | 2018-06 | Soil aggregate breakdown and carbon release along a chronosequence of recovering landslide scars in a subtropical watershed | Catena |
Chung-Te Chang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Lixin Wang, Yu-Ting Shih, and Teng-Chiu Lin | 2018-04 | Shifts in stream hydrochemistry in responses to typhoon and non-typhoon precipitation | Biogeosciences |
Bao, H., Kao, S.-J., Lee, T.-Y., Zehetner, F., Huang, J.-C., Chang, Y.-P., Lu, J.-T., and Lee, J.-Y. | 2017-07 | Distribution of organic carbon and lignin in soils in a subtropical small mountainous river basin | Geoderma |
Chow, M., Huang, J.-C., and Shiah, F.-K. | 2017-07 | Phosphorus Dynamics along River Continuum during Typhoon Storm Events | Water |
Chang, C.-T., Wang, C.-P., Huang, J.-C., Wang, L.-J., Liu, C.-P., and Lin, T.-C. | 2017-06 | Trends of two decadal precipitation chemistry in a subtropical rainforest in East Asia | Science of the Total Environment |
Lu, M.-C., C.-T. Chang, T.-C. Lin, L.-J. Wang, C.-P. Wang, T.-C. Hsu and J.-C. Huang | 2017-03 | Modeling the terrestrial N processes in a small mountain catchment through INCA-N: A case study in Taiwan | Science of The Total Environment |
Schomakers, J., S.-H. Jien, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, Z.-Y. Hseu, Z. L. Lin, L.-C. Lee, T. Hein, A. Mentler and F. Zehetner | 2017-03 | Soil and biomass carbon re-accumulation after landslide disturbances | Geomorphology |
Milliman, J. D., Lee, T. Y., Huang, J. C., and Kao, S. J. | 2017-02 | Impact of catastrophic events on small mountainous rivers: Temporal and spatial variations in suspended- and dissolved-solid fluxes along the Choshui River, central western Taiwan, during typhoon Mindulle, July 2–6, 2004. | Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta |
Chang, C.-T., Wang, L.-J., Huang, J.-C., Liu, C.-P., Wang, C.-P., Lin, N.-H., Wang, L., and Lin, T.-C. | 2017-02 | Precipitation controls on nutrient budgets in subtropical and tropical forests and the implications under changing climate | Advances in Water Resources |
Huang, J.-C., Milliman, J. D., Lee, T.-Y., Chen, Y.-C., Lee, J.-F., Liu, C.-C., Lin, J.-C., and Kao, S.-J. | 2017-01 | Terrain attributes of earthquake- and rainstorm-induced landslides in orogenic mountain Belt, Taiwan | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms |
Shih, Y.T., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Chang, F.J. | 2016-04 | Apportioning riverine DIN load to export coefficients of land uses in an urbanized watershed. | Science of The Total Environment |
Huang, J. C., Lee, T. Y., Lin, T. C.*, Hein, T., Lee, L. C., Shih, Y. T., Kao, S. J., Shiah, F. K., and Lin, N. H. | 2016-03 | Effects of different N sources on riverine DIN export and retention in a subtropical high-standing island, Taiwan. | Biogeosciences |
Lin, C.Y., Su, C.J., Kusaka, H., Akimoto, Y., Sheng, Y.F., Huang, J. C., and Hsu, H.H. | 2016-02 | Impact of an improved WRF urban canopy model on diurnal air temperature simulation over northern Taiwan | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics |
Lin, T.C., Shaner, P.-J. L., Wang, L.-J., Shih, Y.-T., Wang, C.-P., Huang, G.-H., Huang, J.C. | 2015-12 | Effects of mountain tea plantations on nutrient cycling at upstream watersheds | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Bao, H., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Feng, X., Dai, M., Kao, S.J. | 2015-11 | Importance of Oceania small mountainous rivers (SMRs) in global land-to-ocean output of lignin and modern biospheric carbon | Scientific Reports |
Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Lee, J.Y., Jien, S.H., Zehetner, F., Kao, S.J. | 2015-08 | Magnified sediment export of small mountainous river in Taiwan: chain reactions from increased rainfall intensity under global warming | PLOS ONE |
Lee, T.Y., Hong, N.M., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2015-08 | The sources of streamwater to small mountainous rivers in Taiwan during typhoon and non-typhoon seasons | Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Selevaraj, K., Lee, T.Y., Yang, J.Y.T., Canuel, E.A., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2015-02 | Stable isotopic and biomarker evidence of terrigenous organic matter export to the deep sea during non-typhoon seasons | Marine Geology |
Milliman, J.D., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2014-12 | Temporal and spatial responses of river discharge to tectonic and climatic perturbations: Choshui River, Taiwan, and Typhoon Mindulle (2004) | Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea, IAHS |
Lee, T.Y., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J., Shiah, F.K., Liu, K.K. | 2014-10 | Speciation and dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen export in the Danshui River, Taiwan | Biogeosciences |
Laskar, A.H., Huang, J.C., Hsu, S.C., Bhattacharya, S.K., Wang, C.H., Liang, M.C. | 2014-10 | Stable isotopic composition of near surface atmospheric water vapor and rain–vapor interaction in Taipei, Taiwan | Journal of Hydrology |
Tung, C.P., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Perng, P.W., Kao, S.J., Liao, L.Y. | 2014-07 | The development of stream temperature model in a mountainous river of Taiwan | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Teng, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., Huang, C.Y., Lee, C.T. | 2014-05 | Validating the Operational Bias and Hypothesis of Universal Exponent in Landslide Frequency-Area Distribution | Plos One |
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Lee, J.Y. | 2014-03 | Observed magnified runoff response to rainfall intensification under global warming | Environmental Research Letters |
Kao, S.J., Hilton, R.G., Selvaraj, K., Dai, M., Zehetner, F., Huang, J.C., Hsu, S.C., Sparkes, R., Liu, J.T., Lee, T.Y., Yang, J.-Y.T., Galy, A., Xu, X., Hovius, N. | 2014-03 | Preservation of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments offshore Taiwan: mountain building and atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration | Earth Surface Dynamic |
Chen, L., Yeh, H.C., Wei, C.C., Huang, J.C., Fu, Y.R. | 2013-12 | Combining Genetic Algorithm and Operation Tree Model for Improving the Radar-based Rainfall Estimation: A Case Study for Typhoon Rainfall in Shih-men | 農業工程學報Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering |
Hsu, S.C.*, Tsai, F.J., Lin, F.J., Chen, W.N., Shiah, F.K., Huang, J.C., Chan, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Liu, T.H., Chen, H.Y., Tseng, C.M., Hung, G.W., Huang, C.H., Lin, S.H., Huang, Y.T. | 2013-07 | A super Asian dust storm over the East and South China Seas: Disproportionate dust deposition | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres |
Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Tung, C.P. | 2013-04 | Temporal variation of nitrate and phosphate transport in headwater catchments: the hydrological controls and land use alteration | Biogeosciences |
Huang, C. Y.*, Chai, C. W., Chang, C. M., Huang, J.C., Hu, K. T., Lu, M. L., Chung, Y. L. | 2013-02 | An Integrated Optical Remote Sensing System for Environmental Perturbation Research | IEEE J-STARS |
Huang, J.C.* | 2012-11 | Editorial: Facing the unpredictable tropical cyclone induced disasters | Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters |
Huang, J.C.*, Yu, C.K., Lee, J.Y., Cheng, L.W., Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J. (2012) | 2012-09 | Linking typhoon tracks and spatial rainfall patterns for improving flood lead time predictions over a mesoscale mountainous watershed | Water Resources Research |
Huang, J.C.*, Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Lin, H.J., Peng, T.R. | 2012-03 | Land use effect and hydrological control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watershed | Hydrology and Earth Systems Science |
Lee, T. Y., Huang, J. C., Kao, S.J., Liao, L.Y., Tzeng, C.S., Yang, C.H., Kalita, P.K., Tung, C.P.* | 2012-01 | Modeling the effects of riparian planting strategies on stream temperature : increasing suitable habitat for endangered Formosan Landlocked Salmon in Shei-Pa National Park, Taiwan | Hydrological Processes |
Huang, J.C.*, Lin, C.C., Chan, S.C., Lee, T.Y., Hsu, S.C., Lee, C.T., Lin J.C. | 2011-10 | Stream discharge characteristics through urbanization gradient in Danshui River, Taiwan: perspectives from observation and simulation | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Lin, C.Y., Chang, P.L., Li, M.H. | 2011-09 | Effect of subsampling tropical cyclone rainfall on flood hydrograph response in a subtropical mountainous catchment | Journal of Hydrology |
Jiang, Z.P.*, Huang, J.C., Dai, M.H., Kao, S.J., Hydes, D.J., Chou, W.C., Jan, S. | 2011-06 | Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems of Taiwan: observations and modeling | Limnology and Oceanography |
Kao, S.J.*, Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Liu, C.C., Walling, D.E | 2011- | The changing rainfall-runoff dynamics and sediment response of small mountainous rivers in Taiwan under a warming climate (eds) | Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins,IAHS |
Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Arimoto, R., Shiah, F.K., Gong, G.C., Huang, Y.T., Kao, S.J., Chen, J.P., Lin, F.J., Lin, C.Y., Huang, J.C., Tsai, F.J., Lung, S.C.C. | 2010-10 | Effects of acidic processing, transport history, and dust and sea salt loadings on the dissolution of iron from Asian dust | Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres |
Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Tsai, F., Engling, G., Lin, I.I., Chou, C.K.C., Kao, S.J., Lung, S.C.C., Chan, C.Y., Lin, S.C., Huang, J.C., Chi, K.H., Chen, W.N., Lin, F.J., Huang, C.H., Kuo, C.L., Wu, T.C., Huang, Y.T. | 2010-09 | High wintertime particulate matter pollution over an offshore island (Kinmen) off southeastern China: An overview | Journal of Geophysical Research |
Hsu, S.C.*, Huang, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Tu, J.Y., Engling, G., Lin, C.Y., Lin F.J., Huang, C.H. | 2010-02 | Evaluating real-time air-quality data as earthquake indicator | Science of the Total Environment |
Dai, M.H.*, Meng, F.F., Tang, T.T., Kao, S.J., Lin, J.R., Chen, J.H., Huang, J.C., Tian, J.W., Gan, J.P., Yang, S. | 2009-11 | Excess total organic carbon in the intermediate water of the South China Sea and its export to the North Pacific | Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems |
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J. | 2009-01 | Simulating typhoon-induced storm hydrographs in subtropical mountainous watershed: An integrated 3-layer TOPMODEL | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Chang, K. T.*, Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J., Chiang, S.H. | 2009- | Radar Rainfall Estimates for Hydrologic and Landslide Modeling in Park, Seon K. and Xu, Liang (eds) | Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications |
Lin, C.Y.*, Chen, F., Huang, J.C., Chen, W.C., Liou, Y.A., Chen, W.N., Liu, S.C. | 2008-03 | Urban heat island effect and its impact on boundary layer development and land-sea circulation over northern Taiwan | Atmospheric Environment |
Zehetner, F.*, Vemuri, N.L., Huh, C.A., Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Huang, J.C., Chen, Z.S. | 2008-02 | Soil and phosphorus redistribution along a steep tea plantation in the Feitsui reservoir catchment of northern Taiwan | Soil Science and Plant Nutrition |
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J.*, Hsu, M.L., Liou, Y.A. | 2007-12 | Influence of specific contributing area algorithms on slope failure prediction in landslide Modeling | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences |
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. | 2006-12 | Optimal estimator for assessing landslide model performance | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J.*, Hsu, M.L., Lin, J.C. | 2006-09 | Stochastic procedure to extract and to integrate landslide susceptibility maps: an example of mountainous watershed in Taiwan | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
114 | 河流對氣候和人類變遷的反應(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
114 | 2025自然保育國際研討會 | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 生物地理因子對溪流新陳代謝作用與碳-氮耦合的控制:金瓜寮溪為例 | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃-第二期(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
112 | 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(3/3) | 計畫主持人 |
112 | 2023國際海岸研討會 | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 永續發展與氣候變遷研究的新創方法 | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 評估沈積物流失、氮循環與水土品質對農民生計之影響: 以喜馬拉雅山錫金集水區為例 | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(2/3) | 計畫主持人 |
110 | 氣候變異與地景特性對地表植被生長及集水區水文效應:以台灣熱帶/亞熱帶高山島嶼為例 | 共同主持人 |
110 | 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(1/3) | 計畫主持人 |
110 | 棄置與再生:地景和土地利用變化的社會觀點及其對水文和土壤之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 河水的停留時間與交換對山地集水區營養循環的影響 | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 溶解碳轉換與運移的水文控制:以中尺度集水區的關鍵帶為例 | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 永續發展與氣候變遷研究的新創方法 | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 河水的停留時間與交換對山地集水區營養循環的影響 | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 應用氣象、水文及遙測資料對亞熱帶島嶼森林進行的乾旱整合性分析 | 共同主持人 |
108 | 以雪山隧道導坑水之地球化學參數瞭解地表─地下水之交互作用(III) | 共同主持人 |
107 | 以雪山隧道導坑水之地球化學參數瞭解地表─地下水之交互作用(II) | 共同主持人 |
107 | 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 | 計畫主持人 |
107 | 河水的停留時間與交換對山地集水區營養循環的影響 | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 氣候變遷下的跨國合作 – 下一步目標 | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 以雪山隧道導坑水之地球化學參數瞭解地表─地下水之交互作用 | 共同主持人 |
106 | 化學風化與物理侵蝕的共變與非共變 (II) | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究(Ⅲ) | 共同主持人 |
105 | 霧對附生植物水需求貢獻之定量研究 | 共同主持人 |
105 | 台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連--台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連 (II) | 共同主持人 |
105 | 化學風化與物理侵蝕的共變與非共變 | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 | 計畫主持人 |
104 | 物理與化學剝蝕率在快速抬升與氣候控制下的動態歷程 | 計畫主持人 |
104 | 物理與化學剝蝕率在快速抬升與氣候控制下的動態歷程 | 計畫主持人 |
104 | 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究(Ⅱ) | 共同主持人 |
104 | 台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連--台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連 (I) | 共同主持人 |
103 | 台灣近岸環境觀測、分析與模擬研究--台灣近岸環境觀測、分析與模擬研究(I) | 共同主持人 |
103 | 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究 | 共同主持人 |
103 | 臺灣集水區生態與生地化監測研究--翡翠水庫集水區之流量與營養鹽/沉積物輸出模擬(I) | 計畫主持人 |
103 | 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 (II) | 計畫主持人 |
103 | 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 (II) | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 以集水區尺度探討極端事件對陸域至水域間碳循環之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 應用NEWs與INCA—N模式估計高山型島嶼之氮輸出 | 計畫主持人 |
101 | 大陸型與島嶼型流域氮遺失之觀測與模擬 | 計畫主持人 |
101 | 大陸型與島嶼型流域氮遺失之觀測與模擬 | 計畫主持人 |
101 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(III) | 共同主持人 |
100 | 亞熱帶山地集水區之水循環與氮循環觀測與模擬 | 計畫主持人 |
100 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(II) | 共同主持人 |
100 | 臺灣集水區生態與生地化監測研究--微生物群聚在碳氮磷循環中所扮演的角色:以流域生態系模式為例 | 共同主持人 |
100 | 亞熱帶山地集水區之水循環與氮循環觀測與模擬 | 計畫主持人 |
099 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(I) | 計畫主持人 |
099 | 亞熱帶山地集水區溶解態無機氮輸出之觀測與模擬 | 計畫主持人 |