

黃倬英 特聘教授

辦公室 : 地理系館605室

Email : choying@ntu.edu.tw

電話 : 886-2-33663733

網站 : https://sites.google.com/site/choyhuang



黃倬英教授是亞利桑納大學(University of Arizona)自然資源學系博士。博士期間主要的研究計畫是運用長期大地衛星影像(Landsat TM/ETM+)來研究美國西南部半乾燥莽原氣候區的生態變化。在畢業之前,很幸運地即申請到史丹福大學卡內基學院全球生態系(Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution at Stanford University)博士後研究的工作,博士後研究的主要研究計畫是運用多種尺度的遙測資料(AVIRIS, ETM+, MODIS)來監測現今與預估未來科羅拉多高原(the Colorado Plateau)的碳收支。

研究專長 : 全球生態學、 陸域生物地球化學、外來入侵物種科學




  • 生態系統生態學
  • 生物地球化學
  • 環境遙測
  • 外來物種


































2011 ~ 2015 教授課程:

自然地理學通論              Introduction to Physical Geography 

進階環境遙測文獻導讀           Advanced Reading on The Topics of Remote Sensing of The Environment 

遙測學及實習               Remote Sensing and Lab. 

空間與環境前沿文獻閱讀(二)   Seminar on Space and Environment Frontiers (II) 

地景生態學                Landscape Ecology 

專題討論一                Seminar (Ⅰ) 


國土監測專論               Special Topics on Land Monitoring


學士論文上下               Thesis (b.s.) (1)(2)

地理學通論上               Introduction to Geography (1)

環境遙測                 Remote Sensing of the Environment 


Jang Y, Swenson S, Juang J, Huang C, Lo M 2025-01 Roles of forests in moderating diurnal cycle of land-atmosphere interactions Environmental Research Letters
The International Tree Mortality Network (authors in alphabetical order), Esquivel-Muelbert A, Pugh T, Senf C 2025-01 Towards a global understanding of tree mortality New Phytologist
Chong J, Lo M, Huang C* 2024-11 Quantification of the spatiotemporal dynamics of diurnal fog and low stratus occurrence in subtropical montane cloud forests using Himawari-8 imagery and topographic attributes International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Denaro L, Li H, Chong J, Huang C* 2024-05 Reconstructing fresh green leaf spectra in the SWIR-2 region (2001–2500 nm) collected in a humid environment by referring to publicly available green leaf spectral databases International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Huang C*, Liu H, Chung C 2024-04 Contribution of environmental factors to post-typhoon litterfall stability in subtropical montane cloud forests of the Asia-Pacific region Forest Ecology and Management
Wang H, Huang C* 2024-01 Cross-scale assessments of the impacts and resilience of subtropical montane cloud forests to chronic seasonal droughts and episodic typhoons Global Change Biology
Pan H, Huang C, Huang C* 2023-09 Mapping aboveground carbon density of subtropical subalpine dwarf bamboo (Yushania niitakayamensis) vegetation using UAV-lidar International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Huang Y, Huang C, Minasny B, Chen Z, Hseu Z 2023-09 Using pXRF and Vis-NIR for characterizing diagnostic horizons of fine-textured podzolic soils in subtropical forests Geoderma
Tran T, Bruce D, Huang C, Tran D, Myint S, Nguyen D 2023-01 Decadal assessment of drought in the context of land use land cover change using MODIS multivariate spectral index time-series data GIScience & Remote Sensing
Huang C*, Liu H, Hu K, Chung C, Wang J 2023-01 Variation of seasonal litterfall in subtropical montane cloud forests to typhoon severity and environmental factors Biotropica
黃倬英*,林書妍 2023-01 環境改變對於大阿里山茶區的影響 茶訊 Taiwan Tea Monthly
Yang T, Huang C, Juang J, Chen Y, Cheng C, Lo M 2022-11 Responses of surface evaporative fluxes in montane cloud forests to the climate change scenarios Journal of Hydrometeorology
Li H, Lo M, Juang J, Wang J, Huang C* 2022-04 Assessment of spatiotemporal dynamics of diurnal fog occurrence in subtropical montane cloud forests Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Jang Y, Shen S, Juang J, Huang C, Lo M 2022-03 Discontinuity of diurnal temperature range along elevated regions Geophysical Research Letters
Chung C, Wang J, Deng S, Huang C* 2022-01 Analysis of canopy gaps of coastal broadleaf forest plantations in northeast Taiwan using UAV lidar and the Weibull distribution Remote Sensing
Nguyen K, Duong V, Kieu K, Tran T, Huang C, Reef R, Hoang T 2021-11 Characterizing the spatial distribution of coral reefs in the South-Central coast region of Vietnam using Planetscope imagery PeerJ
Huang C*, Durán S, Hu K, Li H, Swenson N, Enquist B 2021-11 Remotely sensed assessment of increasing chronic and episodic drought effects on a Costa Rican tropical dry forest Ecosphere
Gu R, Lo M, Liao C, Jang Y, Juang J, Huang C, Chang S, Hsieh C, Li M, Chen Y, Chu H, Chang K 2021-09 Early peak of latent heat fluxes regulates diurnal temperature range in montane cloud forests Journal of Hydrometeorology
Lai G, Liu H, Chung C, Wang C, Huang C* 2021-02 Lidar-derived environmental drivers of epiphytic bryophyte biomass in tropical montane cloud forests Remote Sensing of Environment
Chung C, Huang C* 2020-08 Hindcasting tree heights in tropical forests using time-series unmanned aerial vehicle imagery Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Lai G, Liu H, Kuo A, Huang C* 2020-06 Epiphytic bryophyte biomass estimation on tree trunks and upscaling in tropical montane cloud forests PeerJ
Chung C, Wang C, Hsieh H, Huang C* 2019-12 Comparison of forest canopy height profiles in a mountainous region of Taiwan derived from airborne lidar and unmanned aerial vehicle imagery GIScience & Remote Sensing
Hu K, Huang C* 2019-10 A metabolic scaling theory-driven remote sensing approach to map spatiotemporal dynamics of litterfall in a tropical montane cloud forest International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Tran T, Tran D, Myint S, Huang C, Pham H, Luu T, Vo T, Nguyen D, Trinh H 2019-10 Mapping spatiotemporal dynamics of vegetation salinity in agricultural land using Landsat time series imagery and a spatial regression approach Science of the Total Environment
Huang C*, Anderegg W, Asner G 2019-09 Remote sensing monitoring of forest die-off in the early Anthropocene: From plant ecophysiology to canopy structure Remote Sensing of Environment
Anderegg W, Anderegg L, Huang C 2019-07 Testing early warning metrics for drought-induced tree physiological stress and mortality Global Change Biology
Huang C*, Wei H, Rau J, Jhan J 2019-06 Use of principal components of UAV-acquired narrow-band multispectral imagery to map the diverse low stature vegetation fAPAR GIScience & Remote Sensing
Huang C*, Archer S, McClaran M, Marsh S 2018-09 Shrub encroachment into grasslands: end of an era? PeerJ
Chang C, Wang H, Huang C* 2018-05 Assessment of MODIS-derived indices (2001–2013) to drought across Taiwan's forests International Journal of Biometeorology
Cobb R, Ruthrof K, Breshears D, Llorett F, Aakala T, Adams H, Allen C, Anderegg W, Ewers B, Galiano L, Grünzweig J, Hartmann H, Huang C, Klein T, Kunent N, Kitzberger T, Landhausser S, Levick S, Preisler Y, Suarez M, Trotsiuk V, Zeppel M 2017-12 Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off: A global synthesis with conceptual state-and-transition models Ecosphere
Chung C, Tu S, Huang C, Yang T, Lin C 2017-10 The use of spectroscopy to determine the properties and evaluation of extruded tea leaf-plastic composites Journal of Tropical Forest Science
Chung C, Lin C, Lin S, Huang C* 2017-03 Determining ideal timing of row thinning for a Cryptomeria japonica plantation using event history analysis Forests
Jhan J, Rau J, Huang C, Liu K, Lee W 2016-11 Band registration for miniature multiple camera array through perspective transformation 航測及遙測學刊Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Huang C 2016-07 Influences of rapid and chronic meteorological fluctuations on species elevational range size Landscape NTU Research and Development
Jhan J, Rau J, Huang C 2016-06 Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Anderegg W, Martinez-Vilalta J, Cailleret M, Camarero J, Ewers B, Galbraith D, Gessler A, Grote R, Huang C, Levick S, Powell T, Rowland L, Sanchez-Salguero R, Trotsiuk V 2016-04 When a tree dies in the forest: Scaling climate-driven tree mortality to ecosystem water and carbon fluxes Ecosystems
Chan W, Chen I, Colwell R, Liu W, Huang C, Shen S 2016-03 Seasonal and daily climate variation have opposite effects on species elevational range size Science
Wang H, Lin K, Huang C* 2016-02 Temporal and spatial patterns of remotely sensed litterfall in tropical and subtropical forests of Taiwan Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences
Chang C, Huang C* 2016-01 Spatial patterns of vegetation phenology based on MODIS time-series data in Taiwan applying TIMESAT 航測及遙測學刊Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Rau J, Jhan Y, Huang C 2015-08 Ortho-rectification of narrow band multi-spectral imagery assisted by DSLR RGB imagery acquired by a fixed-wing UAS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences
Anderegg W, Flint A, Huang C, Flint L, Berry J, Davis F, Sperry J, Field C 2015-05 Tree mortality predicted from drought-induced vascular damage Nature Geoscience
McDowell N, Coops N, Beck P, Chambers J, Gangodagamage C, Hicke J, Huang C, Kennedy R, Krofcheck D, Litvak M, Meddens A, Muss J, Negron-Juarez R, Peng C, Schwantes A, Swenson J, Vernon L, Williams A, Xu C, Zhao M, Running S, Allen C 2015-02 Global satellite monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances Trends in Plant Science
Huang C*, Anderegg W 2014-08 Vegetation, land surface brightness, and temperature dynamics after aspen forest die-off Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences
Huang J, Lee T, Teng T, Chen Y, Huang C, Lee C 2014-05 Validating the operational bias and hypothesis of universal exponent in landslide frequency-area distribution PLoS One
Chang C, Wang H, Huang C* 2014-03 Retrieving multi-scale climatic variations from high dimensional time-series MODIS green vegetation cover in a tropical/subtropical mountainous island Journal of Mountain Science
Huang C*, Chai C, Chang C, Huang J, Hu K, Lu M, Chung Y 2013-12 An integrated optical remote sensing system for environmental perturbation research IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Chang C, Wang H, Huang C* 2013-12 Impacts of vegetation onset time on the net primary productivity in a mountainous island in Pacific Asia Environmental Research Letters
Fernandez D, Neff J, Huang C, Asner G, Barger N 2013-09 Twentieth century carbon stock changes related to piñon–juniper expansion into a black sagebrush community Carbon Balance and Management
Lu M, Huang J, Chung Y, Huang C* 2013-05 Modeling the invasion of a Central American Mimosoid tree species (Leucaena leucocephala) in a tropical coastal region of Taiwan Remote Sensing Letters
Wang H, Huang C* 2012-12 Investigating the spatial heterogeneity of subtropical montane cloud forest plantation with a QuickBird image International Journal of Remote Sensing
Chan W, Yuan H, Huang C, Wang C, Lin S, Lo Y, Huang B, Hatch K, Shiu H, You C, Chang Y, Shen S 2012-09 Regional scale high resolution δ18O prediction in precipitation using MODIS EVI PLoS One
Huang C*, Anderegg W 2012-03 Large drought-induced aboveground live biomass losses in southern Rocky Mountain aspen forests Global Change Biology
Huang C*, Asner G, Barger N. 2012-01 Regional variation in net primary production of pinyon-juniper ecosystems Ecological Modelling
Barger, N., Archer, S., Campbell, J., Huang, C., Morton, J., Knapp, A. 2011-08 Woody plant proliferation in North American drylands: A synthesis of impacts on ecosystem carbon balance Journal of Geophysical Research
Royer P, Cobb N, Clifford M, Huang C, Breshears D, Adams H, Villegas J 2011-05 Extreme-event-triggered overstorey vegetation loss increases understorey solar input regionally: Primary and secondary ecological implications Journal of Ecology
Asner G, Huang C 2011-01 Remote sensing Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions
McClaran, M., Browning, D., Huang, C. 2010-11 Temporal dynamics and spatial variability in desert grassland vegetation Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Natural Sciences
Huang C*, Asner G, Barger N, Neff J, Floyd M 2010-07 Regional carbon losses due to drought-induced tree dieback in piñon-juniper ecosystems Remote Sensing of Environment
Carrière Y, Ellers-Kirk C, Cattaneo M, Yafuso C, Antilla L, Huang C, Rahman M, Orr B, March S 2009-10 Landscape ecology of transgenic cotton on non-target ants and beetles Basic and Applied Ecology
Huang C*, Asner G 2009-06 Applications of remote sensing to alien invasive plant studies Sensors
Huang C*, Asner G, Martin R, Barger N, Neff J 2009-04 Multiscale analysis of tree cover and aboveground carbon stocks in pinyon-juniper woodlands Ecological Applications
Huang C*, Geiger E, van Leeuwen W, Marsh S 2009-02 Discrimination of invaded and native species sites in a semi-desert grassland using MODIS multi-temporal data International Journal of Remote Sensing
Huang C*, Geiger E 2008-09 Climate anomalies provide opportunities for large-scale mapping of non-native plant abundance in desert grasslands Diversity and Distributions
Huang C*, Marsh S, McClaran M, Archer S 2007-10 Postfire stand structure in a semi-arid savanna: Cross-scale challenges estimating biomass Ecological Applications
Huang C*, Geiger E, Kupfer J 2006-07 Sensitivity of landscape metrics to classification scheme International Journal of Remote Sensing
Cattaneo M, Yafuso C, Schmidt C, Olson C, Huang C, et al. 2006-05 Farm-scale evaluation of the impacts of transgenic cotton on biodiversity, pesticide use, and yield Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA


113 Youngryel Ryu 計畫主持人
113 原住民族地區長期社會生態觀測站示範站點計畫--原住民族地區長期社會生態觀測站示範站點計畫(1/3) 計畫主持人
113 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適(4/4) 計畫主持人
112 運用模擬時間序列整合式衛星植生指標解析在環境干擾下山地霧林細根月淨初級生產量時空動態 計畫主持人
112 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適(3/4) 計畫主持人
111 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適 (2/4) 計畫主持人
111 結合模式與近地表遙測評估運用日光誘導葉綠素螢光以及生態代謝尺度理論估測臺灣山地雲霧森林淨初級生產量的可行性(Ⅱ) 計畫主持人
111 以土壤近地感測探討淋澱化土壤的化育作用 共同主持人
111 結合模式與近地表遙測評估運用日光誘導葉綠素螢光以及生態代謝尺度理論估測臺灣山地雲霧森林淨初級生產量的可行性 計畫主持人
110 人類世下雲霧森林的水循環變化與碳吸收趨勢 共同主持人
110 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適 (1/4) 計畫主持人
110 結合模式與近地表遙測評估運用日光誘導葉綠素螢光以及生態代謝尺度理論估測臺灣山地雲霧森林淨初級生產量的可行性 計畫主持人
110 科普活動:一起來抓水精靈!全國捕霧網製作大賽(主題四) 共同主持人
109 結合日光誘導葉綠素螢光以及生態代謝尺度理論估測熱帶霧林淨初級生產量 計畫主持人
109 科普活動:捕捉山林裡的水精靈─捕霧網的製作與推廣(主題一) 共同主持人
108 運用林下日照量研究近熱帶山地霧林上坡霧每日停滯時間的季節性 計畫主持人
107 結合衛星光學遙測與異速生長定律估測臺灣濕潤森林初級生產淨量 計畫主持人
107 應用生態理論與空載光達技術估測棲蘭山霧林初級生產淨量 計畫主持人
107 虛擬科技融入原住民地理科課程發展暨推廣計畫(水里商工)--總計畫(含子計畫一):VR與AR技術課程發展計畫 (3/3) 共同主持人
106 虛擬科技融入原住民地理科課程發展暨推廣計畫(水里商工)--總計畫(含子計畫一):VR與AR技術課程發展計畫 (2/3) 共同主持人
106 運用附生植物光譜學技術估測棲蘭山雲霧時空動態(2/2) 計畫主持人
106 結合生態代謝理論與光學遙測技術推估台灣山地霧林淨生產量 計畫主持人
105 運用附生植物光譜學技術估測棲蘭山雲霧時空動態(1/2) 計畫主持人
105 虛擬科技融入原住民地理科課程發展暨推廣計畫(水里商工)--總計畫(含子計畫一):VR與AR技術課程發展計畫 (1/3) 共同主持人
104 以定翼型UAV搭載多光譜相機與多相機陣列進行大面積災害調查與製圖之研究--以定翼型UAV搭載多光譜相機與多相機陣 列進行大面積災害調查與製圖之研究 共同主持人
104 窄波寬多光譜無人飛行載具系統在估測檳榔樹生物量上的應用 計畫主持人
104 跨尺度估測北台灣棲蘭山雲霧帶檜木林枯落物之研究 計畫主持人
103 颱風擾動對台灣山區森林生物地球化學循環影響之研究 計畫主持人
103 無人飛行載具於崩塌地土石流失率與植栽復育調查之研究 共同主持人
100 跨尺度評估小花蔓澤蘭侵凌對於台灣低地森林生物地球化學循環的衝擊 計畫主持人
098 光學遙測在大尺度亞熱帶山地雲霧森林碳貯存與吸存淨量估測的應用 計畫主持人
098 光學遙測在多尺度外來種植物研究上的應用:以監測台灣小花蔓澤蘭空間分佈為例 計畫主持人


2013 111學年度教師教學優良(英語授課)獎

2011 國立臺灣大學傑出期刊論文獎