Chang MC, Wen TH |
2024-08 |
The Mediating Role of Human Mobility in Temporal-Lagged Relationships Between Risk Perception and COVID-19 Dynamics in Taiwan: Statistical Modeling for Comparing the Pre-Omicron and Omicron Eras |
JMIR Public Health & Surveillance |
Lin CH, Wen TH |
2024-03 |
Assessing the impact of emergency measures in varied population density areas during a large dengue outbreak |
Heliyon |
Lin YC, Wen TH, Shin WL, Vermund SH, Fang CT |
2024-02 |
Impact of vaccination and high-risk group awareness on the mpox epidemic in the United States, 2022–2023: a modelling study |
eClinicalMedicine |
Lee YP, Wen TH |
2023-12 |
Understanding the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Edge Areas of Hotspots: Dengue Epidemics in Tropical Metropolitan Regions |
Applied Geography |
Lin PS, Liu WL, Chne CD, Wen TH, Chen CH, Chen LW, Kung YH |
2023-11 |
Micro‑scale Urbanization based Risk Factors for Dengue Epidemics |
International Journal of Biometeorology |
Jiang WM, Wen TH, Huang YC, Chiou HY, Chen WJ, Hsiung CA, Sytwu HK, Tsou HH |
2023-10 |
Interregional Mobility in Different Age Groups is Associated with COVID-19 Transmission in the Taipei Metropolitan Area, Taiwan |
Scientific Reports |
Kao B, Lin CH, Wen TH |
2023-06 |
Measuring the effects of typhoon trajectories on dengue outbreaks in tropical regions of Taiwan: 1998–2019 |
International Journal of Biometeorology |
Kuo FY, Wen TH |
2023-01 |
Assessing the Impact of Local Context and Priorities regarding Domestic Disease Outbreaks and Imported Risk on Early Pandemic Response: Cross-continental Comparisons |
Frontiers in Public Health |
Kuo FY, Wen TH |
2022-10 |
Assessing the spatial variability of raising public risk awareness for the intervention performance of COVID-19 voluntary screening: A spatial simulation approach |
Applied Geography |
Lin CH, Liu YH, Huang RN, Lin CC, Liu H. KH, Wen TH |
2022-08 |
Modeling geographical invasions of Solenopsis invicta influenced by land‑use patterns |
Scientific Reports |
Kuo PF, Putra IGB, Setiawan FA, Wen TH, Chiu CS, Sulistyah UD |
2022-05 |
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on O-D flow and airport networks in the origin country and in Northeast Asia |
Journal of Air Transport Management |
Lin CH, Wen TH, Liu YH, Huang RN, Liu H. KH |
2021-12 |
Elucidating how the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) diffused spatiotemporally among different landscapes in north Taiwan, 2008–2015 |
Ecology and Evolution |
Kuo FY, Wen TH |
2021-07 |
A Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Medical Resource Availability of COVID-19 in Time and Space |
Mapping COVID-19 in Space and Time |
Chan CH, Wen TH |
2021-06 |
Revisiting the Effects of High-Speed Railway Transfers in the Early COVID-19 Cross-Province Transmission in Mainland China |
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health |
Kuo FY, Wen TH |
2021-01 |
Regionalization for Infection Control: An Algorithm for Delineating Containment Zones Considering the Regularity of Human Mobility |
Applied Geography |
Hossain MP, Junus A, Zhu X, Jia P, Wen TH, Pfeiffer D, Yuan HY |
2020-09 |
The Effects of Border Control and Quarantine Measures on the Spread of COVID-19 |
Epidemics |
Liao HY, Wen TH |
2020-03 |
Extracting Urban Water Bodies from High-resolution Radar Images: Measuring the Urban Surface Morphology to Control for Radar’s Double-bounce Effect |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation |
Yuan HY, Liang J, Lin PS, Sucipto K, Tsegaye MM, Wen TH, Pfeiffer S, Pfeiffer D |
2020-03 |
The Effects of Seasonal Climate Variability on Dengue Annual Incidence in Hong Kong: A Modelling Study |
Scientific Reports |
Ng TC, Wen TH |
2019-12 |
Spatially Adjusted Time-varying Reproductive Numbers: Understanding the Geographical Expansion of Urban Dengue Outbreaks |
Scientific Reports |
Huang CY, Chin WC, Wen TH, Fu YH, Tsai YS |
2019-04 |
EpiRank: Modeling Bidirectional Disease Spread in Asymmetric Commuting Networks |
Scientific Reports |
Ng IC, Wen TH, Yang ST, Fang CT, Hsueh PR |
2019-03 |
Detecting Tuberculosis Clusters in Urban Neighborhoods, Taipei, Taiwan: Linking Geographic and Genotyping Evidence |
Applied Geography |
Yuan HY, Wen TH, Kung YH, Tsou HH, Chen CH, Chen LW, Lin PS |
2019-01 |
Prediction of Annual Dengue Incidence by Hydro-Climatic Extremes for Southern Taiwan |
International Journal of Biometeorology |
Chen TH, Chen YJ, Wen TH |
2018-12 |
Revisiting the Role of Rainfall Variability and its Interactive Effects with the Built Environment in Urban Dengue Outbreaks |
Applied Geography |
Wen TH, Hsu CS, Hu MC |
2018-09 |
Evaluating Neighborhood Structures for Modeling Intercity Diffusion of Large-scale Dengue Epidemics |
International Journal of Health Geographics |
Kuo FY, Wen TH, Sabel C |
2018-01 |
Characterizing Diffusion Dynamics of Disease Clustering: A Modified Space-Time DBSCAN (MST-DBSCAN) |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
Chin WC, Wen TH, Sabel C, Wang IH |
2017-10 |
A Geo-computational Algorithm for Exploring the Structure of Diffusion Progression in Time and Space |
Scientific Reports |
Wen TH, Chin WC, Lai PC |
2017-05 |
Understanding the Topological Characteristics and Flow Complexity of Urban Traffic Congestion |
PHYSICA A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications |
Lin CH, Wen TH, Teng HJ, Chang NT |
2016-12 |
The Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Potential Dengue Risk Assessed by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in High-epidemic Areas |
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment |
Wen TH, Tsai CT, Chin WC |
2016-11 |
Evaluating the Role of Disease Importation in the Spatiotemporal Transmission of Indigenous Dengue Outbreak |
Applied Geography |
Chin CB, Wen TH |
2015-10 |
Geographically Modified PageRank Algorithms: Identifying the Spatial Concentration of Human Movement in a Geospatial Network |
溫在弘 |
2015-06 |
空間分析:方法與應用 |
雙葉書廊 |
Wen TH, Lin MH, Teng HJ, Chang NT |
2015-05 |
Incorporating the Human-Aedes Mosquito Interactions into Measuring the Spatial Risk of Urban Dengue Fever |
Applied Geography |
Wen TH, Chin CB |
2015-04 |
Incorporation of Spatial Interactions in Location Networks to Identify Critical Geo-Referenced Routes for Assessing Disease Control Measures on a Large-Scale Campus |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Wen TH, Tsai YS |
2014-12 |
Analyzing the Patterns of Space-Time Distances for Tracking the Diffusion of an Epidemic |
Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience |
Chiu CH, Wen TH, Chien LC, Yu HL |
2014-10 |
A Probabilistic Spatial Dengue Fever Risk Assessment by a Threshold-Based-Quantile Regression Method |
Lin CH, Wen TH, Teng HJ, Chang NT |
2014-08 |
The spatio-temporal characteristics of potential dengue risk assessed by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in high-epidemic areas |
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment |
Huang CY, Wen TH |
2014-06 |
A Novel Private Attitude and Public Opinion Dynamics Model for Simulating Pluralistic Ignorance and Minority Influence |
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation |
Wen TH, Jiang JA, Sun CH, Juang JY, Lin TS |
2013-12 |
Monitoring Street-level Spatial-Temporal Variations of Carbon Monoxide in Urban Settings Using a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Framework |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Hu MC, Huang AL, Wen TH |
2013-06 |
GIS-based Biomass Resource Utilization for Rice Straw Co-firing in the Taiwanese Power Market |
Energy |
Huang CY, Lee CL, Wen TH, Sun CT |
2013-03 |
A Computer Virus Spreading Model Based on Resource Limitations and Interactions Costs |
Journal of Systems and Software |
Wu HH, Wang CY, Teng HJ, Lin C, Lu LC, Jian SW, Chang NT, Wen TH, Wu JW, Liu DP, Lin LJ, Norris DE, Wu HS |
2013-03 |
A Dengue Vector Surveillance by Human Population-stratified Ovitrap Survey for Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) Adult and Egg Collections in High Dengue-risk Areas of Taiwan |
Journal of Medical Entomology |
溫在弘、黃清琦、葉高華 |
2012-12 |
台灣戰後人口普查地圖集:1956-2010 |
台大人口中心 |
Tsai YS, Ko PC, Huang CY, Wen TH |
2012-11 |
Optimizing Locations for the Installation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Urban Public Streets Through the Use of Spatial and Temporal Weighting Schemes |
Applied Geography |
Ng IC, Wen TH, Wang JY, Fang CT |
2012-11 |
Spatial Dependency of Tuberculosis Incidence in Taiwan |
Lin CM, Wen TH |
2012-10 |
Temporal Changes in Geographical Disparities in Alcohol-attributed Disease Mortality before and after Implementation of the Alcohol Tax Policy in Taiwan |
BMC Public Health |
Wen TH, Lin MH, Fang CT |
2012-09 |
Population Movement and Vector-borne Disease Transmission: Differentiating Spatial-temporal Diffusion Patterns of Commuting and Non-commuting Dengue Cases |
Annals of the Association of American Geographers |
Chang YC, Wen TH, Lai MS |
2011-12 |
比較不同地理可近性分析方法於評估台灣各鄉鎮每萬人口西醫師數之差異 |
台灣公共衛生雜誌Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
Su MD, Lin MC, Wen TH |
2011-10 |
Spatial Mapping and Environmental Risk Identification |
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health |
Wen TH, Chang YC, Lai MS |
2011-09 |
Measurement of Geographic Accessibility for Cancer Hospitals in Taiwan |
Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences |
Lin MH, Yang AC, Wen TH |
2011-08 |
利用地區差異與人口學特徵評估全民健保資料庫人口居住地變項之推估原則 |
台灣公共衛生雜誌Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
Lin CH, Wen TH |
2011-07 |
Using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to Explore Spatial Varying Relationships of Immature Mosquito and Human Densities with the Incidence of Dengue |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Hu MC, Lin CH, Chou CA, Hsu SY, Wen TH |
2011-06 |
Analysis of Biomass Co-firing Systems in Taiwan Power Markets Using Linear Complementarily Models |
Energy Policy |
Yang AC, Wen TH, Shih CC, Fang CT |
2011-04 |
Differentiating Geographic Patterns of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection with Different Risk Factors in Northern Taiwan: 1997-2008 |
Applied Geography |
Tsai YS, Huang CY, Wen TH, Sun CT, Yen MY |
2011-04 |
Integrating Epidemic Dynamics with Daily Commuting Networks: Building a Multilayer Framework to Assess Influenza A (H1N1) Intervention Policies |
Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International |
Chen DR, Wen TH |
2010-10 |
Elucidating the Changing Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Neighborhood Effects on Adult Obesity Risk in Taiwan from 2001 to 2005 |
Health and Place |
19. Shang CS, Fang CT, Liu CM, Wen TH, Tsai KH, King CC |
2010-08 |
The Role of Imported Cases and Favorable Meteorological Conditions in the Onset of Dengue Epidemics |
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
Wen TH, Chen DR, Tsai MJ |
2010-05 |
Identifying Geographical Variations in Poverty-Obesity Relationships: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan |
Geospatial Health |
Huang CY, Tsai YS, Wen TH |
2010-04 |
A Network-Based Simulation Architecture for Studying Epidemic Dynamics |
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International |
Wen TH, Lin NH, Chao DY, Hwang KP, Kan CC, Lin KC, Wu JT, Huang SY, Fan IC, King CC |
2010-04 |
Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Dengue in Areas at Risk of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Kaohsiung |
International Journal of Infectious Diseases |
Huang CY, Tsai YS, Wen TH |
2010-03 |
Simulations for Epidemiology and Public Health Education |
Journal of Simulation |
Chen DR, Wen TH |
2010-03 |
Socio-spatial Patterns of Neighborhood Effects on Adult Obesity in Taiwan: A Multilevel Model |
Social Science and Medicine |
Chang YC, Wen TH, Lai MS |
2009-12 |
利用地理資訊系統探討肝癌病患就醫地理可近性與醫院選擇間之相關性 |
台灣公共衛生雜誌 |
Wen TH, Tsai YS, Huang CY, Yen MY |
2009-08 |
Multi-Layer Epidemic Dynamics Simulation (MEDSIM) for Spatial Transmission of Acute Respiratory Diseases |
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity |
Kan CC, Lee PF, and Wen TH |
2008-09 |
Two Clustering Diffusion Patterns Identified from the 2001-2003 Dengue Epidemic |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
Chen J, Chen DR, Wen TH |
2008-07 |
Delayed Treatment of Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Taiwan |
BMC Public Health |
温在弘 |
2008- |
再發現醫療地理學 |
數位典藏地理資訊系統 |
温在弘 |
2007-12 |
GIS應用於公共工程設施之公平性研討:以台灣高鐵/台鐵運輸網絡為例 |
國土資訊系統通訊 |
温在弘 |
2007-11 |
整合空間資訊建立防救災資源資料庫系統 |
災害防救學報 |
温在弘 |
2007-10 |
Analysis of Spatial Scenarios Aiding Decision-Making for Regional Irrigation Water-Demand Planning |
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering- American Society of Civil Engineers |
温在弘 |
2006-04 |
Spatial Mapping of Temporal Risk Characteristics to Improve Environmental Health Risk Identification: A Case Study of a Dengue Epidemic in Taiwan |
Science of the Total Environment |
温在弘 |
2004-09 |
灌溉渠道系統空間資料結構之建立及其應用 |
農業工程學報 |
温在弘 |
2004-02 |
A GIS-based Framework of Regional Irrigation Water Demand Assessment |
Paddy & Water Environment |
温在弘 |
2002-06 |
地理資訊系統應用於傳染流行病的疫情偵測、數據分析與速效控制 |
台灣公共衛生雜誌 |