李美慧 教授
辦公室 : 地理系館603室
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電話 : 886-2-33665839
網站 : 環境生態實驗室
[學術研討]2025臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA) 2025-06-16, 08:00AM - 05:00PM |
[新聘教師演講]時空雙重視角:遙測與土地利用分類及時間使用資料為基礎的人類活動建模 2025-02-20, 11:00AM - 12:00PM |
[學術活動]中研院地球所研討會 Frontier on Solid Earth Geochemical Research workshop at IES 2025-02-20, 09:00AM - 04:00PM |
[學術研討]南方的林業與林業的南方:變更之地紀錄片放映暨座談會 2025-01-10, 02:00PM - 04:00PM |
[演講公告]地理學研究法與論文寫作 2024-12-18, 02:20PM - 04:20PM |
[演講公告]自己的地圖自己畫-從手繪地圖到自發性地理資訊 2024-12-11, 02:20PM - 04:20PM |
[學術研討]下水道地理資訊系統應用研討會—「從地下到雲端:GIS在下水道防災與維護之創新應用」 2024-12-11, 09:30AM - 04:30PM |
[演講公告]Gender, family, and the responses to climate change 2024-12-04, 02:20PM - 04:20PM |
[演講公告]AI與新自由主義 2024-12-02, 09:15AM - 05:00PM |
[演講公告]義山研究的可能性:海外華人社會文化史的新視野 2024-11-27, 02:20PM - 04:20PM |
[演講公告]「台灣的紋理2」-臺灣林業的政治生態學(1895-1993) 2024-11-23, 03:20PM - 04:50PM |
李美慧 教授
辦公室 : 地理系館603室
Email : Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
電話 : 886-2-33665839
網站 : 環境生態實驗室
2012 國立臺灣大學優良期刊論文獎
2010 國立臺灣大學優良期刊論文獎
2009 國立臺灣大學傑出期刊論文獎
2007 國立臺灣大學校教學傑出教師
2006 國立臺灣大學優良期刊論文獎
2004 國立臺灣大學校教學優良教師
作者 | 出版年月 | 著作名稱 | 收錄出處 |
Li, M.H. | 2024- | Double exposure framework of COVID-19 pandemic and climate change | Climate Change and Human Health Scenarios International Case Studies. |
Li, M.H., Wu, IH. | 2023- | Analysis of 2021 COVID-19 outbreak and vaccination in Taiwan using a causal loop diagram approach. | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreaks, Vaccination, Politics and Society - The continuing challenge. |
Solà, E., Leria, L., Stocchino, G.A., Bagherzadeh, R., Balke, M., Daniels, S.R., Harrath, A.H., Khang, T.F., Krailas, D., Kumar, B., Li, M.H., Maghsoudlou, A., Matsumoto, M., Naser, N., Oben, B., Segev, O., Thielicke, M., Tong, X., Zivanovic, G., Manconi, R., Baguñà, J., Riutort, M. | 2022- | Three dispersal routes out of Africa: The puzzling biogeographical history of Dugesia freshwater planarians. | Journal of Biogeography |
Li, M.H. | 2021-05 | Proactive strategies, social innovation, and community engagement in relation to COVID-19 in Taiwan | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreaks, Environment and Human Behaviour |
Li, Y.J. Li, M.-H. Shih, Y.-H. | 2020- | Aerobic degradation and the effect of hexabromocyclododecane by soil microbial communities in Taiwan | Environment International |
Li, M.H. | 2020- | Applying a social–ecological framework to Yucheng: 40 years after exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health |
Li, M.H. | 2020- | Enzymatic biomarker responses in freshwater planarians exposed to endocrine disruptors. | Fresenius Environment Bulletin |
Li, M.H. | 2020- | Planarian mobility assay as a simple alternative for rapid screening aquatic acute toxicity of personal care products. | Fresenius Environment Bulletin |
Hung, L.-S. and Li, M.-H | 2020- | Extreme weather events and health responses in Taiwan. | Extreme Weather Events and Human Health: International Case Studies. |
Li, M.-H | 2019-02 | Comparative toxicities of 10 widely used biocides in three freshwater invertebrate species. | Chemistry and Ecology |
Chien, W.-C., Li, M.-H.*, Li, H.-J. | 2019- | Appropriate management practices help enhance odonate species richness of small ponds in peri-urban landscapes. | Urban Ecosystem |
Wu, J.-P., Li, M.-H | 2018-08 | Use of freshwater planarians in environmental toxicology studies: Advantages and potential. | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Mei-Hui Li | 2017-12 | Trends and seasonal variations of climate, air quality, and mortality in three major cities in Taiwan. | Climate Change and Air Pollution: The impact on the human health in developed and developing countries |
Wu, J.-P., Li, M.-H | 2017-02 | Low uptakes of Cd, Cu, and Zn in Dugesia japonica, a freshwater planarian with higher tolerance to metals. | Chemistry and Ecology |
Li, Mei-Hui | 2016-08 | Development of in vivo metabolic enzyme assays for ecotoxicity screening: In vivo measurement of phases I and II enzyme activities in freshwater planarians | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Tzai-Hung Wen, Min-Hau Lin, and Mei-Hui Li | 2016-06 | Potential effects of climate changes on dengue transmission- Review of empirical evidences from Taiwan. | Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia |
Jui-Pin Wu, Mei-Hui Li, Jhih-Sheng Chen, Szu-Yao Chung, Hui-Ling Lee | 2015-03 | Disturbances to neurotransmitter levels and their metabolic enzyme activity in a freshwater planarian exposed to cadmium | Neurotoxicology |
Jui-Pin Wu, Mei-Hui Li | 2015-03 | Inhibitory effects of pain relief drugs on neurological enzymes: implications on their potential neurotoxicity to aquatic animals. | Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology |
Mei-Hui Li | 2014-12 | Effects of bisphenol A, two synthetic and a natural estrogens on head regeneration of the freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica. | Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry |
Jui-Pin Wu, Hui-Ling Lee & Mei-Hui Li | 2014-11 | Cadmium neurotoxicity on a freshwater planarian | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Li, M.-H. | 2013-12 | Acute toxicity of thirty pharmaceutically active compounds to freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica | Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry |
Li, M.-H. | 2013-09 | Acute toxicity of industrial endocrine-disrupting chemicals, natural and synthetic sex hormones to the freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica | Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry |
Tseng, L.-H., Hsu, P.-C., Lee, C.-W., Tsai, S.-S., Pan, M.-H., Li, M.-H. | 2013-07 | Developmental exposure to decabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-209): effects on sperm oxidative stress and chromatin DNA damage in mouse offspring | Environmental Toxicology |
Lee,T.-H. and Li, M.-H. | 2013- | Intertidal assemblages on artificial structures and natural rocky habitats on Taiwan’s north coast | Raffles Bulletin of Zoology |
李美慧 | 2013- | 都市化河川水質時空變化-以基隆河為例 | 環境與世界 |
Wu, J.-P., Chen, H.-C., and Li, M.-H. | 2012-08 | Bioaccumulation and toxicodynamics of cadmium in the freshwater planarian and the protective effects of N-acetylcysteine | Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology |
Wu, J.-P., Li, M.-H. Chen, J.-S., and Lee, H.-L. | 2012-06 | In vivo and in vitro metabolism of tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) by freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica | Chemosphere |
Li, M.-H. | 2012-04 | Survival, mobility, and membrane-bound enzyme activities of freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica, exposed to synthetic and natural surfactants | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Li, M.-H. | 2012-01 | Acute toxicity of benzophenone-type UV filters and paraben preservatives to freshwater planarians, Dugesia japonica | Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry |
李宗翰,李美慧* | 2012- | 遊客踩踏行為對岩岸潮間帶附著生物的影響 | 戶外遊憩研究 |
Li, M.-H.* | 2011- | Changes of cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activities in male guppies (Poecilia reticulate), after exposure to ammonium perfluorooctanoate, but not perfluorooctane sulfonate | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
Wu, J.-P., Chen, H.-C., Li, M.-H.* | 2011- | The preferential accumulation of cadmium in the head portion of the freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria) | Metallomics |
Li, M.-H.* | 2010- | Chronic effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate and ammonium perfluorooctanoate on biochemical parameters, survival and reproduction of Daphnia magna | Journal of Health Science |
李美慧 | 2009- | An Overview of Environmental Health Status and Related Studies in Taiwan | 中國地理學會會刊Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China |
Lin, C.W.,Li, M.-H.* | 2009- | Effects of two types of landfills on river water quality and endocrine disruptor concentrations before and after rainfall in a subtropical climate | Water Quality Research Journal of Canada |
Li, M.-H.* | 2009- | Toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid to plants and aquatic invertebrates | Environmental Toxicology |
Tseng, L.-H., Li, M.-H. Tsai, S.-S., Lee, C.W., Pan, M.-H., Yao, W.-J., Hsu, P.-C. | 2008- | Developmental exposure to decabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE 209): Effects on thyroid hormone and hepatic enzyme activity in male mouse offspring. | Chemosphere |
Li, M.-H. | 2008- | Effects of nonionic and ionic surfactants on survival, oxidative stress, and cholinesterase activity of planarian | Chemosphere |
Li, M.-H. | 2008- | Effects of nonylphenol on cholinesterase and carboxylesterase activities in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
Hong, L. and Li, M.-H.* | 2007-06 | Acute toxicity of nonylphenol to aquatic invertebrates in Taiwan | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology |
李美慧 | 2005-01 | Effect of nonylphenol on plasma vitellogenin of male adult guppies (Poecilia reticulata). | Environmental Toxicology |
李美慧, 2. Hsu, P.-C., Guo, Y.L., and Li, M.-H.* | 2004- | Effects of postnatal exposure to 3,3’,4,4’- tetrachlorobiphenyl on sperm function and hormone levels in adult rats. | Chemosphere |
李美慧 | 2004- | Morphological biomarkers of shore crabs (Grapsus albolineatus) living in the vicinity of a coastal landfill site. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
李美慧 | 2003- | Peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in fig leaves in response to ambient air pollution in a subtropical city | Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
111 | 台灣昆蟲復育-以混合地理學與批判自然地理學之視角 | 計畫主持人 |
107 | 全球生物均質化及東南亞和南亞都市生物多樣性之探討 | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 評估日常用品及農業藥品中常見抗菌劑的水生毒性與生態影響 | 計畫主持人 |
103 | 評估淡水渦蟲做為生態毒性測試模式之可行性 | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 利用淡水渦蟲檢驗水中新興污染物 | 計畫主持人 |
101 | 淡水河生態系生態功能及其生態服務價值評估--淡水河河川水質之生態系功能及生態系服務評估研究(II) | 計畫主持人 |
101 | 大陸型與島嶼型流域氮遺失之觀測與模擬 | 共同主持人 |
100 | 利用淡水渦蟲檢驗水中新興污染物 | 計畫主持人 |
100 | 利用淡水渦蟲檢驗水中新興污染物 | 計畫主持人 |
100 | 淡水河生態系之服務機制、價值評估及效益移轉--淡水河的生態系統碳通量(I) | 共同主持人 |
099 | 利用渦蟲做為檢測界面活性劑對水生動物毒性之測試系統 | 計畫主持人 |
098 | 利用渦蟲做為檢測界面活性劑對水生動物毒性之測試系統 | 計畫主持人 |
097 | 利用渦蟲做為檢測界面活性劑對水生動物毒性之測試系統 | 計畫主持人 |
097 | 利用渦蟲做為檢測界面活性劑對水生動物毒性之測試系統 | 計畫主持人 |
096 | 全氟辛烷磺酸對水生動物之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
095 | 全氟辛烷磺酸對水生動物之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
094 | 利用孔雀魚檢測環境雄性激素 | 計畫主持人 |
093 | 空氣污染與榕樹葉片過氧化酵素活性及發育不穩定性之探討 | 計畫主持人 |
091 | 台灣山坡地環境敏感區土地利用變遷及其對環境衝擊之研究--總計畫暨子計畫五:濁水溪流域土地利用變遷機制研究--陳有 蘭溪集水區山坡地土地經營面向分析(II) | 共同主持人 |
091 | 利用雄孔雀魚評估環境雌性激素之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
090 | 台灣山坡地與海岸環境敏感區土地利用變遷及其對環境衝擊之研究--子計畫二:土地利用變遷與河川污染之研究(I) | 計畫主持人 |
089 | 發展整合型的母幼鼠急性反映測試方法來檢測多氯聯苯之毒性(II) | 計畫主持人 |
089 | 利用發育不穩定性來監測基隆附近海岸環境(II) | 計畫主持人 |
089 | 發展整合型的母幼鼠急性反應測試方法來檢測多氯聯苯之毒性(1/3) | 計畫主持人 |
088 | 利用發育不穩定性來監測基隆附近海岸環境 | 計畫主持人 |
087 | DEVELOPMENTAL INSTABILITY在環境監測之應用 | 計畫主持人 |
086 | 生物監測法之綜合整理與討論 | 計畫主持人 |
環境生態(Environmental Ecology)
都市生態與環境(Urban Ecology and Environment)
環境變遷中生態議題(Ecological Issues in a Changing World)
批判自然地理(Critical Physical Geography)
生態監測簡介(Introduction to Ecological Monitoring)
環境變遷與疾病(Environmental Change and Disease)
環境毒理(Environmental Toxicology)