黃宗儀、陳盈璇 |
2025-08 |
雙重情感經濟與在韓台妻的社群媒體經營:以臉書粉絲專頁為例 |
地理學報 |
Penn Tsz-Ting Ip, Tsung-yi Michelle Huang, and Jing Wang. |
2023- |
Gendering grassrootscapes: The sociospatial relations of lower working-class women dwelling in the socialist Workers’ New Villages in post-reform Shanghai |
Journal of Urban Affairs |
黃宗儀、黃佳媛 |
2023- |
「妳怎麼嫁到比大陸還大陸的地方?」性別化地緣政治與臺港跨境婚姻 |
台灣社會研究季刊 |
黃宗儀,胡俊佳 |
2022-12 |
「硬著頭皮」為母則強:在韓台灣女性婚姻移民之母職實踐 |
地理學報 |
黃宗儀,胡俊佳 |
2021-04 |
〈從觀光客到港妻:台港跨境婚姻中的親密性與生活方式想像〉 |
文化研究 |
黃宗儀 |
2020-09 |
《中港新感覺:發展夢裡的情感政治》 |
聯經 |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2019-04 |
"Let’s Talk About Love: Hong Kong’s Geopolitical Narratives of Emotion and Stories of Lifestyle Migration in Taiwan" |
Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context:Being and Becoming |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang, Chun-kai Woo and Yen-fu Lai |
2019-03 |
"Imagining accidental fetal citizens: pregnant Mainland women and the cultural politics of birthright citizenship" |
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies |
Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang, Szu-Yun Hsu and Chun-Kai Woo |
2018-09 |
"Cooling China's Body: Herbal Cooling Tea and Cultural Regionalism in Post-SARS China" |
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang and Muzi Dong |
2018-09 |
"Imagining the entitled middle-class self in the global city: Tiny Times, small-town youth and the New Shanghainese" |
The Routledge Companion to Urban Imaginaries |
黃宗儀, 董牧孜 |
2017-04 |
從「小城青年」到「新上海人」:《小時代》與大都會「新中產」之自我想像。《台灣社會研究季刊》 |
台灣社會研究季刊 |
Tsung-yi Huang and Chi-she Li |
2015- |
“Multiple Modernities and the Imaging of Uselessness in Contemporary Chinese Cinema” |
Technovisuality: Cultural Re-Enchantment and the Experience of Technology |
黃宗儀, 胡俊佳, 賴彥甫 |
2014-06 |
從人口政策到排他論述:內地孕婦赴港分娩與出生公民權的文化政治 |
台灣社會研究季刊 |
Chi-she Li, Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2014- |
"Culture Governance of the New Economic Human: The Entrepreneurial Biography in Contemporary China" |
positions: asia critique |
黃宗儀 |
2014- |
「襟兄弟」與「自己友」:從親密性談《低俗喜劇》的本土主義與中港合拍片想像 |
中外文學 |
黃宗儀, 胡俊佳 |
2013- |
生命安全與文化區域主義:SARS、涼茶與嶺南中醫藥發展 |
地理學報 |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2013- |
"Conceiving Cross-Border Communities: Mobile Women in Recent Hong Kong Cinema" |
The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2013- |
"New Mobile Women in South China: Narratives of Female Success and the Imagination of Development in the Pearl River Delta" |
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban |
黃宗儀 |
2012-06 |
想像跨界社群:晚近香港電影中的中國移動女性 |
女學學誌:婦女與性別研究 |
黃宗儀 |
2011-12 |
中國南方「新流動女性」:女性發達史敘事與珠江三角洲的發展想像 |
中外文學 |
黃宗儀,李紀舍 |
2011-06 |
「近似家人,實非親故」:移工情感勞動與影像親密性的文化政治 |
台灣社會研究季刊 |
黃宗儀,李紀舍 |
2011-03 |
新自由主義經濟人的生命政治:中國富商傳的企業家主體敘述 |
文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2011- |
Cinematic Imagination of Border-Crossing in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Comrades, Almost a Love Story and Durian, Durian. |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang and Chi-she Li |
2011- |
Like a Family but Not Quite: Cinematic Politics of Intimacy in Representing Migrant Workers. |
The Global and the Intimate: Feminism in Our Time |
黃宗儀 |
2008-11 |
面對巨變中的東亞景觀:大都會的自我身份書寫 |
群學出版社 |
黃宗儀 |
2008-06 |
全球城市區域治理之外:香港的跨境身份論述與再現 |
地理學報 |
黃宗儀,李紀舍 |
2007-12 |
東亞多重現代性與反成長敘述:論三部華語電影 |
中山人文學報 |
黃宗儀 |
2007-03 |
全球都會區域連結的跨國身份想像:以上海與台北為例 |
文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |
黃宗儀 |
2007-03 |
東亞全球都會區域的互相凝視與自我書寫:以香港與上海為例 |
思與言 |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2006-09 |
The cosmopolitan imaginary and flexible identities of global city-regions: articulating new cultural identities in Taipei and Shanghai |
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies |
Tsung-yi Huang |
2006-03 |
Revisiting Postcolonial Global Cities: Hong Kong and Fruit Chan's Little Cheung |
Tamkang Review |
黃宗儀 |
2005-06 |
全球城市的自我形象塑造:談老上海的懷舊論述 |
文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2005-01 |
Mutual Gazing and Self-Writing: Revisiting the Tale of Hong Kong and Shanghai as Global City-Regions |
Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies |
黃宗儀 |
2004-03 |
都市空間的生產:全球化的上海 |
台灣社會研究季刊 |
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang |
2004-03 |
Walking Between Slums and Skyscrapers: Illusions of Open Space in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Shanghai |
Hong Kong University Press |
黃宗儀,李紀舍 |
2004- |
抗爭運動之外:試論反全球化的文化與訓育面向 |
黃宗儀 |
2003-09 |
後殖民與全球化的東亞世界都市: 從香港與《細路祥》談起 |
中外文學 |
Tsung-yi Huang |
2003- |
Tetsuo: Salaryman or Iron Man? |
Tsung-yi Huang |
2001- |
Chungking Express: Walking with a Map of Desire in the Mirage of the Global City |
Quarterly Review of Film and Video |
Tsung-yi Huang |
2000- |
Hong Kong Blue: Flâneurie with the Camera's Eye in a Phantasmagoric Global City |
Journal of Narrative Theory |