氣候變遷調適轉型、能源與食物安全、飛河研究、拉丁美洲研究、永續地水連帶系統(land-water sytems)
[學術研討]第十屆「德勒茲/瓜達希研究在亞洲」國際學術研討會 2024-09-26, 08:00AM - 05:00PM |
[演講公告]開放資料在環境資源經營的應用與挑戰 2024-09-25, 02:20PM - 05:20PM |
[演講公告]越南主處聖⺟在台灣寺廟落腳時:新住⺠的信仰在地化 2024-09-24, 02:00PM - 04:00PM |
[演講公告]臺灣公民地理資訊的發展與應用-公眾參與數位孿生的契機與挑戰 2024-09-18, 02:20PM - 04:20PM |
[學術研討]社會住宅暨高齡友善居住環境學術研討會 2024-09-13, 09:00AM - 12:20PM |
[演講公告]De/Re-militarizing the Pacific Island: Post-/Colonial Manifestations of Geopolitical Forces in Okinawa, Japan 2024-09-09, 02:00PM - 04:00PM |
[學術研討]2024森林集水區經營與生態監測研討會 2024-09-04, 08:00AM - 06:00PM |
[學術研討]捷運系統與都市發展學術工作坊 2024-07-22, 01:30PM - 05:30PM |
[學術研討]台灣地理資訊學會 30 週年慶暨 2024 年學術研討會 2024-07-11, 09:00AM - 05:00PM |
[學術研討]2024科學表達工作坊-Day2-研究生學術發表驗練 2024-06-21, 10:00AM - 03:00PM |
[學術研討]2024科學表達工作坊-Day1-大師演講 2024-06-14, 10:00AM - 04:30PM |
氣候變遷調適轉型、能源與食物安全、飛河研究、拉丁美洲研究、永續地水連帶系統(land-water sytems)
2016-2019 PhD in Geography, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany
Thesis: Aerial river management for future water in the context of land use change in Amazonia
2013-2014 Master of Science in Water Science, Policy and Management, University of Oxford, UK
2008-2013 Bachelor of Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Major: Geography Minor: Atmospheric Sciences
2020-11/2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow/ Physical Geography department, Stockholm University, Sweden
4/2015-8/2020 Science officer/ Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
4/2018-10/2018 Visiting scientist, Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia
翁葳 助理教授
辦公室 : 地理系館 R507室
Email : Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
電話 : +886-2-33665838
研究室網頁 :
過去我在德國萊布尼茲波茲坦氣候變遷影響研究中心(Potsdam Insitute for Climate Impact Research)擔任科學員,此機構為氣候變遷領域的前端智庫,在服務期間得以接觸並熟悉世界各地氣候研究和調適政策的計劃。我所參與的團隊主要是負責歐盟企業自主減碳的轉型路徑評估分析和亞馬遜雨林永續農業發展的計劃。
在亞馬遜的計畫啟發了我在南美洲飛河(Flying rivers or aerial rivers)的研究,我使用地球系統模式輔助追蹤各種不同土地利用型態會對區域氣候造成的影響,並對飛河深深著迷。飛河是長時間尺度下,描述空中水分流動的習慣軌跡。飛河就像流在空中的河,但是無色無味,不易感知,剛好與地上的河相反,受蒸發散補助,透由降雨失去水分。
目前我的研究焦點在世界減碳路徑、氣候變遷調適轉型、永續地水連帶系統(land-water systems)的管理還有飛河研究,除了在歐盟和拉丁美洲的區域深耕點,也新增台灣的在地研究點,並將繼續拓展研究場域與合作社群來豐富學術內涵與對話。
楊啟見 助理教授
辦公室 : 地理系館503室
Email : cijianyang@ntu.edu.tw
電話 :+886-2-33665830
研究室名稱:Surface Processes and Landforms
Current fields of interest focus primarily on Earth's surface processes and landforms. The main goal of my research is to provide relevant information on the dynamics of surface processes, thus enabling the interaction between geomorphic processes and physico-chemical systems. The topics include the following:
1.Landscape dynamics via on-site monitoring and numerical simulation.
a.Badland landscape dynamics
Dr. Yang has published 5 SCI papers related to badland landscape dynamics since 2019, including 4 papers listed as first author, one of them was published in Nature Communications. As far, Dr. Yang provides a framework to investigate how tectonic and climatic processes on mudstone badland evolution in southwestern Taiwan. The next part of the project aims at generating the spatially complete set of observational constraints on badland landscape.
2.Fluvial process during major floods in mountain rivers.
a. Acoustic ambient noise analyses on the detection of bedload transportation
Two overarching interests in this project: First, to raise a high-quality, long-term dataset on bedload dynamics and threshold of motion. This will be unique for the typhoon-dominated rivers of Taiwan and can be used to inform local hazard protection measures. Second, use this dataset to investigate how far the extreme conditions of Taiwan lead to similar or different behavior in temporal bedload dynamics in comparison to previous observations and models.
b. Mobilization and controls on sediment transportation from lithologic, biologic, and anthropogenic sources during major floods in mountain rivers.
c. Development of an image-based detection method for river driftwood and flux estimation.
3.Capability and limitation of carbon sequestration of olivine fertilization over various agricultural practices.
The main scope of this project addresses the relation between land use, climatic effects, and the enhanced weathering rate, which needs more detailed and precise observation data to analyze the effect of environmental change on the efficiency of carbon sequestration. Dr. Yang conduct additional olivine fertilization in three standard sample plots with various agricultural practices and monthly water chemistry and the minutes-resolution water stage constrain the result of carbon sequestration.
2020 Ph.D., Tectonic and climatic processes on mudstone badland evolution in southwestern Taiwan, Geography, National Taiwan University.
2021-2023 Postdoctoral fellow, German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam.
2020-2021 Postdoctoral fellow, National Taiwan University.
2020-2021 Adjunct assistant professor, National Taiwan Normal University.
Geomorphology and Lab. 地形學及實習
Drainage Basin Geomorphology 集水區地形學
Field Geomorphology 野外地形學
Terrain analysis and hydrologic modeling 數值地形分析與水文分析
Special Topics in Geography (I) 地理議題專論一
Computer Programming 程式設計 (英文授課)
Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution 地表作用與演育
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
114 | 森林集水區河流洪水期間土地利用對河流沉積物輸送的控制 (1/4) | 共同主持人 |
114 | 颱風對山地集水區河流沉積物輸送行為與近地表水循環的影響(3/3) | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 惡地地形特徵圖製作-以牛埔水土保持教室為例 | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 颱風對山地集水區河流沉積物輸送行為與近地表水循環的影響(2/3) | 計畫主持人 |
112 | 颱風對山地集水區河流沉積物輸送行為與近地表水循環的影響(1/3) | 計畫主持人 |
2024 K-INET Joint Research Program (international)
2021-2022 MOST recruiting Postdoc fellowships. Host institution: German Research Center for Geoscience, GFZ.
2020-2021 MOST recruiting Postdoc fellowships. Host institution: National Taiwan University
2018-2019 Graduate Students Study Abroad Program sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology. Host institution: German Research Center for Geoscience, GFZ.
2020 Vei-Chow Juan thesis award.
2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly.
2018 Annual Meeting of Geological and Geophysical Society.
2015 Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Society.
2014 Annual Meeting of Geological Society of China.
2014 Department of Geography, National Taiwan University.