Refereed Papers (2000年迄今): [Nora Chiang CV 2000~2023] [Publications 1974~2023]
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora (2025) Exploring the Lived Experience of Early Taiwan Chinese Immigrants in North America, Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives. 18(1): 31-58.
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora (2023) Contesting patriarchy: Employment and gender roles of East Asian middle-class marriage migrants in Taiwan, Asian Journal of Women Studies, 1-24. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2022.06) On the 35th Anniversary of the Women’s Research Program at National Taiwan University, Herstory 1, Asian Association of Women Studies (AAWS), Korea. (link)
姜蘭虹、孫以翔 (2021). 長期住港的臺灣人:遷移軌跡與適應,中國地理學會會刊,68,1-23。“Long-term Taiwanese Residents in Hong Kong: Migration Trajectories and Adaptation” Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China (Taipei) 68: 1-23. (In Chinese) (link)
姜蘭虹 (2021.10)〈婦女研究室成立過程十問〉《婦研縱橫》第115期。臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心婦女研究室。(link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2020) Early Taiwanese-Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong: Social and Cultural Adaptation, J. of Population Studies, 60: 95-143. (TSSCI) (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora (2019) There is no place like home: Taiwanese married women in Hong Kong (不如歸去:香港的臺灣人) Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives 13: 137-166. (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Yu-ling Cathy Song (2019) Practicing Feminist Geography in Taiwan. Gender, Place and Culture. 26: 1-22. (SSCI) (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Rebecca A. Stephenson (2019) The Challenges of Feminist Geography in Taiwan. Gender, Place and Culture. 26(7-9): 1-8. (SSCI) (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Chia-Yuan Jane Huang (2018) Cultural Adaptation of Taiwanese Female Marriage Migrants in Hong Kong. Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives. 12(2): 121-156. (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Ping Lin (2018) Socio-economic Integration of Early Professional Hong Kongers in Taipei, Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Sociology. 4(1): 3-29. (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora (2018) The Cultural Adaptation of Early Hong Kong Immigrants in Taiwan, Occasional Paper Series, No. 239. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (link)
Elsie Seckyee Ho and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2017) Long-distance Filial Piety: Chinese Families in Australasia Caring for Elder Parents Across Borders (長距離的孝道:紐西蘭與澳洲華人家庭的跨國父母照顧) Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, 11: 278-311. (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Zee Ken C. Wong (2017) 家在臺北:香港專業移民在大臺北都會區的生活印記 (Life in a ‘New’ Homeland: The First Professional Immigrants from Hong Kong in Taipei). Journal of Geographical Research. 66: 47-71. (In Chinese) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Zee Ken Christopher Wong (2016) Youth Migration to a Global City: the Case of Recent Taiwanese Movers to Hong Kong SAR. Bulletin of Geographical Society of China (Taipei), 56: 45-65. (In Chinese) (link)
Elsie Ho and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2016) Translocal Families: The Challenges of Practicing Filial Piety through Parental Care-giving across Borders (台灣澳洲移民為盡孝道而跨國照顧年長父母的挑戰) Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, 10(2): 232-258. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Zee Ken Christopher Wong, and Chia Yuan Huang (2016) Recent (Young) Taiwanese Movers to Hong Kong:Challenges and Opportunities in a Global City, The China Review, 16(2): 137–164. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Rebecca A. Stephenson (2015) Volunteering as a Form of Integration by Taiwanese Middle-class Female Immigrants in Canada, Pacific Asia Inquiry — Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Occasional Papers in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, U. of Guam, pp. 27-47.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Chia Yuan Huang (2014) Young Global Talents on the Move:Taiwanese in Singapore and Hong Kong, J. of Population Studies, 49: 69-117. (TSSCI) (link)
Li-Ting Shirley Huang and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2013) Body Image: A Comparative Study across Gender, Place and Culture, Environment and Worlds, 27: 1-30.(link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Ping Lin (2013) Book Review of Hong Kong Movers and Stayers: Narratives of Family Migration (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press), by Janet W. Salaff, Siu-Lun Wong, and Arent Greve. J. of Population Studies, 46: 189-193. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Shuguang Wang (2013) Book Review of Millionaire Migrants: Trans-Pacific Life Lines (RGS-IBG Book Series), by David Ley, U.K., Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Asian Geographer, 30(1): 81-84. (link)
Yu-ling Song, Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, and Si-ming Li (2012) The Place Attachment of Residents Displaced by Urban Redevelopment Projects in Shanghai. Issues and Studies, 48(3): 43-73. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2012) Luo Di Sheng Gen (落地生根): Early Taiwanese-Chinese Immigrants in Canada and Guam, Journal of Chinese Overseas. 8: 169-204. (link)
Ying Chun Liu and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2012) Together and Apart: Spatial Tactics of Women in Seafaring and Commuting Households in Taiwan, Pacific Asia Inquiry — Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Occasional Papers in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, 3(1): 30-40. (link)
Bernardo Trejos, and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2012) Young Taiwanese Immigration to Argentina: The Challenges of Adaptation, Self-Identity and Returning. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (IJAPS), 8(2): 113-143. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2011) Return Migration: The Case of the 1.5 Generation of Taiwanese in Canada and New Zealand. China Review, 11(2): 91-124. (SSCI) (link)
Jianfa Shen and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2011) Chinese Migrants and Circular Mobility: Introduction, China Review, 11(2): 1-10. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Ying Chun Liu (2011) Feminist Geography in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Gender, Place and Culture. 18(4): 557–569. (SSCI) (link)
陳鈺淳、姜蘭虹、劉盈君 (2010)自阿根廷回流之臺裔年輕移民的適應歷程研究, 環境與世界, 21: 73-97. (In Chinese)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2010) "Exploring Taiwan" on the Go. Pacific Asia Inquiry — Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Occasional Papers in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. 1(1): 42-53. (link)
Rebecca A. Stephenson, Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, and Hiro Kurashina, Yu-chun Chen and Yvette Li (2010) Guam Is Our Home: Taiwanese Chinese “Old Timers,” Perceptions of Guam. Pacific Asia Inquiry: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Occasional Papers in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. 1(1): 20-26.
劉盈君、姜蘭虹 (2009) 臺灣分偶家庭之比較研究:船員婚姻與通勤婚姻,環境與世界,20: 27-58。(In Chinese)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2009) Volunteering: A Path to Integration by Taiwanese Middle-class Female Immigrants in Canada, Journal of Geographical Science, 57: 71-96. (TSSCI)
Janice Monk and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2009) Preface: Asian Women: Gender, Migration, and Work, Journal of Geographical Science, 57: 1-5. (TSSCI)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Rebecca A. Stephenson, Hiro Kurashina, and Tom Iversion (2009) Globalization, Tourism and Taboo: Exploring Cultural Improprieties in Bali, Indonesia, Journal of Rural Tourism Research, 3(1): 1-13.
Bernardo Trejos and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2009) Local Economic Linkages to Community-based Tourism in Rural Costa Rica, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 30(3): 373-388. (Corresponding author) (SSCI) (link)
姜蘭虹 、黃禮強 (2009) 日久他鄉是故鄉-加拿大臺裔移民的心聲,中國地理學會會刊,42: 25-42。(link)
Zhou Yu and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2009) Assimilation and Rising Taiwanese Identity: Taiwan-born Immigrants in the United States, 1990-2000, Journal of Population Studies, 38: 115-160. (Corresponding author) (TSSCI)
Bernardo Trejos, Wen-Chi Huang, and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2008) The Role of NGOs in the Development of Community-Based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica, Journal of Rural Tourism Research, 2(1): 63-76.
宋郁玲、姜蘭虹 (2008) 從城市「中心」到「邊緣」的「上海人」:上海市中心區拆遷戶棲居歷程之研究,台灣社會研究季刊,70: 165-212。(TSSCI)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2008) ‘Astronaut Families’: Transnational Lives of Middle-class Taiwanese Married Women in Canada, Social and Cultural Geography, 9(5): 505-518. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Chih-Hsiang Yang (2008) Learning to be Australian: Adaptation and Identity Formation of Young Taiwanese-Chinese Immigrants in Melbourne, Australian, Pacific Affairs, 81(2): 241-258. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Pei-Chun Sunny Liao (2008) Back to Taiwan: Adaptation and Self-Identity of Young Taiwanese Return Migrants from Australia, Journal of Population Studies, 36: 99-135. (TSSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Ya-lien Chen, and Cathy Song (2008) The Meaning of Second Homes to Middle-class Taiwanese Women: A Feminist Perspective, Journal of Geographical Science, 53: 1-27. (TSSCI) (link)
Bernardo Trejos, Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Wen-Chi Huang (2008) Support Networks for Community-Based Tourism in Rural Costa Rica, Open Area Studies Journal, 1: 16-25.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Sue-Ching Jou (2006) Development of Human Geography in Taiwan in the Last Decade, Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 58(6): 25-39. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Jung-Chung Richard Hsu (2006) Taiwanese in Australia: Two Decades of Settlement Experiences, Geography Research Forum, 26: 32-60. (link)
Kung-Hung Chen and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2005) The Impact of Tourism on a Traditional District in Tainan, Taiwan, Asian Geographer, 24(1 & 2): 93-111.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Jung-Chung Richard Hsu (2005) Location Decisions and Residential Preferences of Taiwanese Migrants in Australia, GeoJournal, 64(1): 75-89. (link)
廖珮君、姜蘭虹、徐榮崇 (2005) 年輕移民在台灣、澳洲兩地之間的流動原因、適應與自我認同,中國地理學會會刊,35: 59-87。
徐榮崇、姜蘭虹 (2005) 近期澳洲臺灣移民之生活現況分析及僑務政策上的涵意,台北市立教育大學學報,36(2): 1-18。
楊智翔、姜蘭虹、廖珮君 (2005) 澳洲台灣移民相關議題之研究,環境與世界,11: 33-64。
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2004) Middle-class Taiwanese Immigrant Women Adapt to Life in Australasia: Case Studies from Transnational Households, Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 10(4): 31-57. (SSCI) (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2004) The Dynamics of Self-Employment and Ethnic Business Ownership among Taiwanese in Australia, International Migration, 42(2): 153-173. (SSCI) (link)
徐榮崇、姜蘭虹 (2004) 澳洲台灣移民的空間性與地方性 — 以居住地的選擇與決策思考,國立臺灣大學人口學報,28: 81-107。 (TSSCI)
姜蘭虹、宋郁玲 (2002) 生態旅遊發展與社區參與:以高雄縣美濃鎮為例,地理學報,32: 19-40。 (TSSCI) (link)
Rebecca A. Stephenson, Hiro Kurashina, Thomas J. Iverson, and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2002) Visitors’ Perceptions of Cultural Improprieties in Bali, Indonesia, Journal of National Park, 12(2): 156-69.
姜蘭虹、宋郁玲 (2001) 移民就業與適應 — 以澳洲臺灣移民為例,地理學報,29: 1-26。(TSSCI)
姜蘭虹、徐榮崇 (2001) 澳洲臺灣移民居住地選擇因子與遷徙過程,中國地理學會會刊,29: 39-72。
姜蘭虹、徐榮崇 (2001) 澳洲臺灣移民居住地選擇的初探,南方人口(中山大學), 3(16): 6-15。
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Wayne Kuo (2000) An Examination of Employment Structure of Taiwanese Immigrants in Australia, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 9(6): 481-459. (SSCI) (link)
Chiang, Lan-hung and Hsu, Jung-chung (2000). Location Decisions and Economic Incorporation of Taiwanese Migrants in Sydney. Journal of Geographical Science. 27: 1-19.
Books & Book Chapters:
Chiang, L. H. N 姜蘭虹 My Fifty Years in Taiwan: A Memoir of Sorts 半世紀在臺灣:一位香港移民的回憶錄(再版)臺北市: 唐山出版社。(2024年3月出版)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora (2023). Qualitative and Quantitative Methods as Applied to International Migration. In Firuza Begham Mustafa (Ed), Methodological Approaches in Integrated Geography, 99-114. Switzerland: Springer Nature. eBook ISBN 978-3-031-28784-8. (link)
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora and Elsie Ho (2020). Parent care in transnational families: Experiences of Taiwanese-Chinese families in Australia and New Zealand. In: Shirlena Huang and Kanchana Ruwanpura (Eds.) Handbook on Gender in Asia. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 128-145. (link)
姜蘭虹(2019). 人間處處有地理――臺大地理系友的故事 (Vignettes of NTU Geography Alumni)。臺北市:文華圖書館管理。
林平、姜蘭虹 (2018) 早期香港專業移民在台灣:生活經驗與政治態度《移動之民:海外華人研究的跨領域新視野》(I’m Migrant: New Perspectives in the Studies of Oversea Chinese) 論文集, 臺北:師大出版中心。pp. 113-148. (link)
姜蘭虹、宋郁玲 (2016) 性別、社會與空間讀本 (Gender, Society and Space: Selected Translations) 台北:唐山書局。
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Po-Yu Chang, Ping-Huang Yang and Yueh-Wen Huang (Eds.) (2014) Contemporary Issues in Geographical Thought: Selected Translations (地理思想讀本), 3rd ed. Taipei: Tonsan Publisher.
姜蘭虹、黃佳媛 (2014) 人口的遷移與分佈 《永續發展教育系列叢書-人口健康》(第十冊)第二章。(link)
姜蘭虹、游智凱 (2015) “人口與資源” 《環境與人》二版, 台北市:遠流出版事業股份有限公司。
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2014) “Different Places, Different Voices: Early Taiwanese-Chinese Immigrants in Guam and Canada.” In Kuei-fen Chiu, Dafydd Fell, and Ping Lin (Eds.) Migration to and from Taiwan. London and New York:Routledge, pp. 88-111. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2013) Theme Issue on Taiwanese Migrants, Journal of Population Studies, Population Studies Center, National Taiwan University. (SSCI)
Eric Fong, Lan-Hung Nora Chiang and Nancy Denton (Eds.) (2013) Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Canada, Taiwan, and the United States. London and New York: Routledge.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2013) Different Voices: Early Taiwanese-Canadians in Canada In: Eric Fong, Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, and Nancy Denton (Eds.) Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Canada, Taiwan, and the United States. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 255-281.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Rebecca A. Stephenson, Hiro Kurashina and Thomas J. Iverson (2012) Globalization, Tourism and Taboo: Exploring Cultural Improprieties in Bali, Indonesia. In K. Johnson (ed) From classrooms to rice fields: cultivating connections through field studies in Bali, Indonesia, Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
姜蘭虹 (2011) 台灣女性移民適應澳紐生活的過程:幾個跨國家庭的個案研究。全球化與性別:全球經濟重組對中國和東南亞女性的意義,葉漢明編,259-278。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
Ip, Manying, Nora Chiang and Elsie Ho (Eds.) (2011). Transmigration and the New Chinese: Theories and Practices from the New Zealand Experience, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2011) Staying or Leaving: Taiwanese-Chinese Making their Homes in New Zealand In: Manying Ip (ed.) Transmigration and the New Chinese, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, pp. 102-137. (link)
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2009) Making Guam One’s Home: The Story of Taiwanese-Chinese ‘Old Timers’ on Guam, Proceedings, Pacific Science Association. (with R. A. Stephenson, H. Kurashina and Y. C. Chen ) ISBN N°978-2-11-098964-2
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2006) The Hakka People: Fortunes of a Cultural Minority in Taiwan, In: J. Lidstone (Ed.) Cultural Issues of Our Time. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, pp. 25-33.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2006) Immigrant Taiwanese Women in the Process of Adapting to Life in Australia: Case Studies from Transnational Households, In: Ip, D., Hibbins, R. and Chiu, W. H. (Eds.) Experiences of Transnational Chinese Migrants in the Asia-Pacific. New York, NY: Nova Publishers, pp. 69-86.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2005) Overview of Recent Research on Taiwanese Migrants in Australia, In: Alina Potrykowska (Ed.) Population, Environment and Development, Prace Geograficzne nr 202, Polish Academy of Sciences, Stanislaw Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, pp. 201-207.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone and Becky Stephenson (Eds.) (2004) The Challenges of Globalization: Cultures in Transition in the Pacific-Asia Region. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN # 0-7618-2951-2.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2004) Ethnic Identity and Eco-tourism in a Rural Township in Taiwan, In: L. H. N. Chiang, J. Lidstone and R. Stephenson (Eds.) Challenges of Globalization: Cultures in Transition in the Pacific-Asia Region. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ISBN # 0-7618-2951-2.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone and Becky Stephenson (Eds.) (2003) Global Processes, Local Impacts: The Effects of Globalization in the Asia Pacific Region. University of Guam and Pacific Science Association, ISBN #1-878453-62-9.
Ann Curthoys, Henry Chan and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2001) The Overseas Chinese in Australasia: History, Settlement, and Interactions, Interdisciplinary Group on Australian Studies, Monograph #3. ISSN 1815-1906.
Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (2001) Taiwanese, In: James Jupp (Ed.) The Australian People — An Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins, Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.