Hung, Po-Yi
Office : Room 408, Department of Geography
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Phone : +886-2-33665846
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Po-Yi Hung is Professor of Geography at National Taiwan University. He uses food, agriculture, and fisheries as lens to look into border and territoriality, mobility and infrastructure, nature and society. He has conducted research in Taiwan, China, the Highlands of Southeast Asia, and Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Po-Yi is the author of Tea Production, Land Use Politics, and Ethnic Minorities: Struggling over Dilemmas in China's Southwest Frontier, published in 2015 by Palgrave Macmillan. His latest studies focus on two themes: one is about water and tea production under climate change, and the other is the geopolitical ecology of fisheries.
My academic position is at the intersection among food and agriculture (fishery) geography, political ecology, and political geography. Specifically, I take geopolitical ecology as the research approach to the spatiality of cross-regional connections of both agriculture and fishery. My theoretical purpose is to reconceptualize the relations among border, mobility, and the state territoriality. By taking Taiwan’s agriculture, tea in particular, and fishing industry, such as tuna, as the epitome of these relations, I also aim to reposition Taiwan in the world as from the methodology of “Taiwan inside out.” I therefore take agriculture and fishery as the conjunctural practices, situating Taiwan within the transnational political, economic, and cultural forces. Meanwhile, from agriculture and fishery of Taiwan, I re-conceptualize border and the state territoriality as a more-than-human work realized through people’s everyday practices.
My scholarship has pushed geographers, and other social scientists in general, of border studies to look beyond the physical state borders and to re-orient attentions to the non-state actors for border work at the scale of people’s everyday lives, such as the tea production and consumption and fishing activities of my studies. By doing that, the relationship between the boundary-drawing and the state governance is not “locked” into the discussion of the top-down bordering process simply at the margins of the state sovereignty. Rather, border work has been practiced and realized through people’s everyday lives, where the location of borders could be far away from the national borderlines, like the tea plantation sites both in Taiwan and in Southeast Asia, and the fishing industry that connects Taiwan’s fishery harbors and the oceanic spaces. To note, this does not mean that the actual site of border becomes less significant. On the contrary, it is an approach to further understandings of how the power of exclusion and inclusion of the actual borderlines has been diffused and exercised through, as in my research, the everyday lives for tea transfer between Taiwan and Southeast Asian Highlands, and the fishing activities between Taiwan and the dynamic marine resource frontiers.
Ph.D., Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013)
Master of Environmental Science, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University (2005)
Master of Science, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University (1999)
Bachelor of Arts, Department of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University (1997)
Introduction to Human Geography
Thesis (b.s.) (1)(2)
Landscape, Culture, and Power
Introduction to Political Ecology
Cultural Geographies of Landscape
Geographies of Globalization : a Critical Introduction
Food, Agriculture, and Society
Global Political Ecology
Fieldwork Workshop
Seminar (Ⅰ)
Author | Date of Publication | Title | Source |
Yu-Hsiu Lien, Elizabeth Havice, Po-Yi Hung | 2025-04 | Settling disputed oceans: Law, enforcement, and the state effect in the Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement | Political Geography |
Po-Yi Hung | 2025-03 | Bordered-In, Bordered-Out, and Overlapping Territorialities in Ocean Space: The Case of Fisheries | Ocean Governance (Beyond) Borders |
Po-Yi Hung, Ming-Tang Huang | 2025-01 | Small City Big Thinking: The Making of China’s Coffee Capital | Urban Geography |
洪伯邑, 陳懷萱(編) | 2025-01 | 田野敲敲門2:調查研究再進攻 | 國立臺灣大學出版中心 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2025-01 | Maritime Borders | Routledge Handbook of Critical Ocean Studies |
洪伯邑, 陳懷萱 | 2025-01 | 田野敲敲門,敲到2.0 | 田野敲敲門2:調查研究再進攻 |
洪伯邑, 王麒愷 | 2024-11 | 傷痛地景的驅力:氣候變遷下的水與茶山社會 | 流動的界域:從在地、跨域到多物種 |
Po-Yi Hung, Yu-Chia Lin | 2024-10 | Ocean Geographies | Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography |
Po-Yi Hung | 2024-10 | Political Geography in Action or Inaction: A Perspective from the East Asian Context | Political Geography in Practice: Theories, Approaches, Methodologies |
Po-Yi Hung | 2024-08 | Gaia and the Repositioning of the State Territoriality: A Dialogue with Critical Geopolitical Ecology | Dialogues in Human Geography |
刘云刚, 王丰龙, 安宁, 葛岳静, 胡志丁, 王雨, 苏晓波, 洪伯邑, 彭飞, 熊理然, 魏冶, 王淑芳, 王韬 | 2023-04 | 中国政治地理学教材建设:特色定位与拓展领域 | 地理研究 |
洪伯邑 | 2022-11 | 移動的餐桌:冰凍的臺灣海「鮮」 | 鹽分地帶文學 |
洪伯邑 | 2022-11 | 金馬日常邊界裡的多重斷裂與連結,苦勞網: | |
洪伯邑 | 2022-10 | 當我在段義孚的「地方」 | 地理學報 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2022-09 | Food Nationalism beyond Tradition: Bubble Tea and the Politics of Cross-Border Mobility between Taiwan and Vietnam | Asian Journal of Social Science |
Po-Yi Hung | 2022-07 | Interlacing China and Taiwan: Tea Production, Chinese-language Education and the Territorial Politics of Re-Sinicization in the Northern Borderlands of Thailand | China Quarterly |
Po-Yi Hung, Yu-Hsiu Lien | 2022-06 | Maritime Borders: A Reconsideration of State Power and Territorialities over the Ocean | Progress in Human Geography |
洪伯邑 | 2022-04 | 種電於海:離岸風場與臺灣白海豚的空間競奪 | 科技社會人4:跟著關鍵物去旅行 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2022-02 | Searching for Taiwan's Flavour: An Introduction to the Series, Taiwan Insight: | |
洪伯邑(編) | 2021-09 | 田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功 | 臺大出版中心 |
洪伯邑 | 2021-09 | 寫在前頭 | 田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功 |
洪伯邑 | 2021-09 | 書寫呈現 | 田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功 |
洪伯邑 | 2021-07 | 黑潮與黑道,臺灣和日本漁業交織的兩道「黑」《故事》https: // | |
Karl S. Zimmerer, Martha G. Bell, Innocent Chirisa, Chris Duvall, Monika Egerer, Po-Yi Hung, Amy M. Lerner, Charlie M. Shackleton, James D. Ward, Carolina Yacamán Ochoa | 2021-04 | Grand Challenges in Urban Agriculture: Ecological and Social Approaches to Sustainability Transformations | Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems/Urban Agriculture |
Po-Yi Hung, Yu-Hsiu Lien | 2020-06 | Anxiety of Food Nationalism: Dilemmas of Bordering in the Vietnam-Taiwan Tea Trade | The Geographical Journal |
洪伯邑(編) | 2020-05 | 尋找台灣味: 東南亞X台灣兩地的農業記事 | 左岸文化 |
洪伯邑 | 2020-05 | 在劃界與跨界之間:台灣味裡的食物國族主義 | 尋找台灣味:東南亞X台灣兩地的農業記事 |
洪伯邑 | 2020-05 | 從「飲食新南向」到「尋找台灣味」 | 尋找台灣味:東南亞X台灣兩地的農業記事 |
洪伯邑, 雲冠仁 | 2020-04 | 跨國飲食中的國族建構:臺灣珍珠奶茶在越南的本真性邊界 | 中國飲食文化 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2020-01 | Placing Green Energy in the Sea: Offshore Wind Farms, Dolphins, Oysters, and the Territorial Politics of the Intertidal Zone in Taiwan | Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
Po-Yi Hung, Yu-Hsiu Lien | 2020-01 | Taiwan Tea: Ongoing Struggles over Food Nationalism, Geography Directions: | |
Huai-Hsuan Chen, Po-Yi Hung | 2019-11 | Performing Frontier as Home: Yuanshengtai Performance and the Representational Politics of Homeland in Southwest China | Space and Culture |
Po-Yi Hung | 2019-10 | Taiwan: Toward the Revitalization of Smallholder Agriculture | Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective |
洪伯邑 | 2019-08 | 國家力量如何掌控土地?從耶魯政治人類學家觀點看台灣高山農業,報導者:https: // | |
洪伯邑 | 2019-04 | 從臺灣到南洋:泰北邊境的罌粟花、異域孤軍與臺灣茶 | 觀·臺灣 Watch Taiwan |
Po-Yi Hung, Hui-Tsen Hsiao | 2018-12 | Apples in Action: Territoriality and Land Use Politics of Mountain Agriculture in Taiwan | Asia Pacific Viewpoint |
洪伯邑, 練聿修 | 2018-12 | 「越」界台茶:台越茶貿易中的移動、劃界與本土爭辯 | 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies |
洪伯邑 | 2018-02 | 為什麼我們要寫「飲食新南向」?獨立評論@天下:https: // | |
洪伯邑, 蕭彗岑 | 2017-11 | 蘋果的政治技術:台灣高山農業的領域政治與經濟 | 台灣土地研究 |
洪伯邑 | 2017-10 | 書評:Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments about the Ethics of Eating | 中國飲食文化 |
Po-Yi Hung, Ian Baird | 2017-05 | From Soldiers to Farmers: The Political Geography of Chinese Kuomintang Territorialization in Northern Thailand | Political Geography |
洪伯邑, 許純鎰 | 2017-03 | 從異域到茶鄉:泰國北部山林的茶葉生產與臺泰農業計畫的領域效應 | 地理學報 |
洪伯邑 | 2017-01 | 一葉知秋:連結常民知識與全球變遷 | 氣候變遷下的國家發展藍圖 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2016-06 | Book Reveiw: Besky, Sarah. The Darjeeling distinction: labor and justice on fair-trade tea plantations in India. xxii, 233 pp., maps, illus., bibliogr. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2014. | Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute |
洪伯邑 | 2015-12 | 前进与后退:中国西南边疆的古茶林,少数民族,与模棱的现代性 | 中国人类学 |
Po-Yi Hung | 2015-08 | Tea Production, Land Use Politics, and Ethnic Minorities: Struggling over Dilemmas in China's Southwest Frontier. (ISBN: 9781137494078). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. August, 2015. | Palgrave Macmillan |
Po-Yi Hung | 2014-12 | Frontiers as dilemma: the incompatible desires for tea production in southwest China | Area |
Po-Yi Hung | 2013-06 | Tea Forest in the Making: Tea Production and the Ambiguity of Modernity on China's Southwest Frontier | Geoforum |
Po-Yi Hung, Abigail Popp | 2008-10 | How to Frame a Research Question. In Cronon, B. Learning to Do Historical Research. | |
Po-Yi Hung, Stephen Laubach | 2008-10 | Photographic Images. In Cronon B. Learning to Do Historicaql Research. |
Fiscal Year | Plan Name | Title |
114 | Elizabeth Havice | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 多重風險的危脆性:地緣政治、環境變遷與市場波動交織下的臺灣農漁業 | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適(4/4) | 共同主持人 |
112 | 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適(3/4) | 共同主持人 |
111 | 在「藍色經濟」與「藍色法律性」之間:海洋邊界、遠洋漁業與海上國家領域 | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適 (2/4) | 共同主持人 |
110 | 海洋邊界:台灣的海鮮、漁港與遠近海漁業的領域性 | 計畫主持人 |
110 | 多面向氣候變遷與大阿里山茶區生態系服務整合研究--瞭解氣候變遷下雲霧帶下緣大阿里山茶區生態系服務的改變與調適 (1/4) | 共同主持人 |
108 | 崛起的「黑金」:中國西南邊境的咖啡生產、跨境貿易與少數民族 | 計畫主持人 |
107 | 南向的茶: 越南茶與台灣農技跨境轉移的領域政治(II) | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 在地的全球化擺盪:台灣牡犡養殖的文化、技術與環境政治--(總計畫暨子計畫一)游移海陸之間:台灣西部沿海的蚵農、海 埔新生地與土地利用政治 | 計畫主持人 |
106 | 南向的茶: 越南茶與台灣農技跨境轉移的領域政治 | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 台茶南向: 越南茶、台灣農技轉移與跨境茶鄉地景的政治生態學 | 計畫主持人 |
103 | 從戰場到市場:泰北金三角跨境農技轉移與茶葉轉植的政治生態學 | 計畫主持人 |
103 | 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:回復力思維之永續環境與資源管理 | 計畫主持人 |
102 | 邊境裡的跨國地景:泰北金三角的華人移民、茶葉生產與地方建構 | 計畫主持人 |
年份 | 獎勵 | 單位 |
2024 |
國立臺灣大學教學優良(2024 Outstanding Teaching Award) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2023 |
國立臺灣大學教學優良(2023 Outstanding Teaching Award) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2023 |
國立臺灣大學111學年度優良教師(2022 Academic Year Teaching Award) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2021 |
2021-2022 Luce East Asia Fellow at the National Humanities Center(美國國家人文科學中心Luce East Asia會士) |
National Humanities Center (美國國家人文科學中心) |
2021 |
美國傅爾布萊特(Fulbright Senior Research Grants)訪問學者研究獎助 |
Fulbright Taiwan(學術交流基金會) |
2020 |
2020 Openbook好書獎·年度生活書(Openbook Annual Best Book Award) |
Openbook Taiwan |
2019 |
臺灣大學教研人員彈性加給 (Outstanding Faculty Merit Reward) (2019/08-2022/07) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2019 |
國立臺灣大學107學年度優良教師(2018 Academic Year Teaching Award) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2019 |
國立台灣大學傑出期刊論文獎(2018 Outstanding Publication Research Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2019 |
國立台灣大學優良期刊論文獎(2018 Publication Research Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2018 |
國立台灣大學傑出期刊論文獎(2017 Outstanding Publication Research Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2018 |
國立台灣大學優良期刊論文獎(2017 Publication Research Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2018 |
科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫(Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators) |
科技部(Ministry of Science and Technology R.O.C.) |
2016 |
國立台灣大學優良學術專書獎(2016 Book Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
2016 |
Excellent Oral Presentation Award |
2016 International Forum on Frontiers of Political Geography |
2015 |
國立台灣大學優良期刊論文獎(2015 Publication Research Award, National Taiwan University) |
國立台灣大學(National Taiwan University) |
08/2013-07/2016 |
科技部補助大專院校延攬特殊優秀人才措施-獎勵新聘教研人員(Outstanding Research Specialty Award for Faculty Recruitment) |
科技部(Ministry of Science and Technology R.O.C.) |