
Huang, Tsung-Yi


Huang, Tsung-Yi



Office : Room 402, Department of Geography

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Phone : 886-2-33665840

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I am currently a Professor of Geography at National Taiwan University. My works on cinema, literature, cultural studies, and global cities have been published in the Quarterly Review of Film and Video; Journal of Narrative Theory; Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies; Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies; and, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, among others. In 2004 my book Walking Between Slums and Skyscrapers: Illusions of Open Space in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Shanghai was published by Hong Kong University Press. I received an Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators in 2005.

Research interests: biopolitics and cultural governance, emerging social subject, cultural identity, social/cultural text and discourse analysis



Three years ago I started working on the radically transformed morphology of the East Asia metropolises in response to capital globalization in the last two decades calls for rigorous analysis. Contemporary literature on the global city, with its major emphasis on Western global cities, is inadequate to theorize the cultural, economic, and political changes seen in such cities as Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. This three-year project therefore seeks to reframe the global city by analyzing the cultural politics of global city-regions and linked cities in East Asia. I engage with the following questions: what do linked cities mean against the backdrop of the circulation and drift of transnational capital? How do we understand the idea of “the twin-city” in relation to the global city-regions? To what extent are global cities or global city-regions the quintessential transnational space of our time? How do we address questions of citizenship in global city-regions? I argue that to investigate urban phenomenon of linked cities in the context of globalization, we need to attend to not only the function and images of the global city but also the operating logic of the global city-regions. Employing East Asia global cities as my case studies, I illustrate some of the most established theories of city-links, such as the hypothesis of “the cultural other” (in Leo Lee Ou-fan’s words) or the idea of cosmopolitanism (Ackbar Abbas on Hong Kong and Shanghai), have to be postulated in the context of the global city and global city-regions to be effective analytical terminology.

My current 3-year project focuses on the articulation of transnational flows of people. While the privileged professional managerial class takes center stage, the migratory flows of the underclass are often hidden from sight, left without resources for self-articulation. In view of the discursive absence of cultural representations and official recognition of the global underclass, I attempt to explore, with a critical geographic perspective, one of the most significant aspects of the emergent cultures of East Asian globalization, the migration of underprivileged people and their lived space of everyday life in a few cultural texts. The first year analyzes contemporary Hong Kong’s cinematic representations of the migration of the underclass, including prostitutes, foreign domestic workers, illegal immigrants and new immigrants, to explore how tensions resulting from capital and people flows are cast in stereotypical differences between Hong Kong and China. The second year looks at the representations of transmigrants in Taiwan’s recent documentary films with a particular emphasis on the aborigines, new immigrants, foreign workers, and low-skilled workers. I intend to investigate the complicated relationship between the camera’s gaze at the underclass and Taiwan’s self-articulation in the context of mega-urbanization. The last year focuses on the images and narratives of rural migrants in several Chinese films produced after the 1990s. Central to the project are the possibilities and limitations of representing rural migrants’ experiences of disembeddedness and the impact of uneven geographical developments on the concrete space of migrant workers’ everyday life.  



Ph.D. in Comparative Literature SUNY at Stony Brook

M. A. in Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU

B. A. in Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU



Urban Geography

Gender, Cities and Culture



AuthorDate of PublicationTitleSource
黃宗儀、陳盈璇/td> 2025-08 雙重情感經濟與在韓台妻的社群媒體經營:以臉書粉絲專頁為例 地理學報
Penn Tsz-Ting Ip, Tsung-yi Michelle Huang, and Jing Wang. 2023- Gendering grassrootscapes: The sociospatial relations of lower working-class women dwelling in the socialist Workers’ New Villages in post-reform Shanghai Journal of Urban Affairs
黃宗儀、黃佳媛 2023- 「妳怎麼嫁到比大陸還大陸的地方?」性別化地緣政治與臺港跨境婚姻 台灣社會研究季刊
黃宗儀,胡俊佳 2022-12 「硬著頭皮」為母則強:在韓台灣女性婚姻移民之母職實踐 地理學報
黃宗儀,胡俊佳 2021-04 〈從觀光客到港妻:台港跨境婚姻中的親密性與生活方式想像〉 文化研究
黃宗儀 2020-09 《中港新感覺:發展夢裡的情感政治》 聯經
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2019-04 "Let’s Talk About Love: Hong Kong’s Geopolitical Narratives of Emotion and Stories of Lifestyle Migration in Taiwan" Positioning Taiwan in a Global Context:Being and Becoming
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang, Chun-kai Woo and Yen-fu Lai 2019-03 "Imagining accidental fetal citizens: pregnant Mainland women and the cultural politics of birthright citizenship" Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang, Szu-Yun Hsu and Chun-Kai Woo 2018-09 "Cooling China's Body: Herbal Cooling Tea and Cultural Regionalism in Post-SARS China" Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang and Muzi Dong 2018-09 "Imagining the entitled middle-class self in the global city: Tiny Times, small-town youth and the New Shanghainese" The Routledge Companion to Urban Imaginaries
黃宗儀, 董牧孜 2017-04 從「小城青年」到「新上海人」:《小時代》與大都會「新中產」之自我想像。《台灣社會研究季刊》 台灣社會研究季刊
Tsung-yi Huang and Chi-she Li 2015- “Multiple Modernities and the Imaging of Uselessness in Contemporary Chinese Cinema” Technovisuality: Cultural Re-Enchantment and the Experience of Technology
黃宗儀, 胡俊佳, 賴彥甫 2014-06 從人口政策到排他論述:內地孕婦赴港分娩與出生公民權的文化政治 台灣社會研究季刊
Chi-she Li, Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2014- "Culture Governance of the New Economic Human: The Entrepreneurial Biography in Contemporary China" positions: asia critique
黃宗儀 2014- 「襟兄弟」與「自己友」:從親密性談《低俗喜劇》的本土主義與中港合拍片想像 中外文學
黃宗儀, 胡俊佳 2013- 生命安全與文化區域主義:SARS、涼茶與嶺南中醫藥發展 地理學報
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2013- "Conceiving Cross-Border Communities: Mobile Women in Recent Hong Kong Cinema" The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2013- "New Mobile Women in South China: Narratives of Female Success and the Imagination of Development in the Pearl River Delta" Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban
黃宗儀 2012-06 想像跨界社群:晚近香港電影中的中國移動女性 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究
黃宗儀 2011-12 中國南方「新流動女性」:女性發達史敘事與珠江三角洲的發展想像 中外文學
黃宗儀,李紀舍 2011-06 「近似家人,實非親故」:移工情感勞動與影像親密性的文化政治 台灣社會研究季刊
黃宗儀,李紀舍 2011-03 新自由主義經濟人的生命政治:中國富商傳的企業家主體敘述 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2011- Cinematic Imagination of Border-Crossing in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Comrades, Almost a Love Story and Durian, Durian.  
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang and Chi-she Li 2011- Like a Family but Not Quite: Cinematic Politics of Intimacy in Representing Migrant Workers. The Global and the Intimate: Feminism in Our Time
黃宗儀 2008-11 面對巨變中的東亞景觀:大都會的自我身份書寫 群學出版社
黃宗儀 2008-06 全球城市區域治理之外:香港的跨境身份論述與再現 地理學報
黃宗儀,李紀舍 2007-12 東亞多重現代性與反成長敘述:論三部華語電影 中山人文學報
黃宗儀 2007-03 全球都會區域連結的跨國身份想像:以上海與台北為例 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
黃宗儀 2007-03 東亞全球都會區域的互相凝視與自我書寫:以香港與上海為例 思與言
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2006-09 The cosmopolitan imaginary and flexible identities of global city-regions: articulating new cultural identities in Taipei and Shanghai Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
Tsung-yi Huang 2006-03 Revisiting Postcolonial Global Cities: Hong Kong and Fruit Chan's Little Cheung Tamkang Review
黃宗儀 2005-06 全球城市的自我形象塑造:談老上海的懷舊論述 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2005-01 Mutual Gazing and Self-Writing: Revisiting the Tale of Hong Kong and Shanghai as Global City-Regions Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies
黃宗儀 2004-03 都市空間的生產:全球化的上海 台灣社會研究季刊
Tsung-yi Michelle Huang 2004-03 Walking Between Slums and Skyscrapers: Illusions of Open Space in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Shanghai Hong Kong University Press
黃宗儀,李紀舍 2004- 抗爭運動之外:試論反全球化的文化與訓育面向  
黃宗儀 2003-09 後殖民與全球化的東亞世界都市: 從香港與《細路祥》談起 中外文學
Tsung-yi Huang 2003- Tetsuo: Salaryman or Iron Man?  
Tsung-yi Huang 2001- Chungking Express: Walking with a Map of Desire in the Mirage of the Global City Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Tsung-yi Huang 2000- Hong Kong Blue: Flâneurie with the Camera's Eye in a Phantasmagoric Global City Journal of Narrative Theory


Fiscal YearPlan NameTitle
113 全球南方─北方之外:台新婚姻與亞洲四小龍之跨國婚姻研究 計畫主持人
112 全球南方─北方之外:台新婚姻與亞洲四小龍之跨國婚姻研究 計畫主持人
109 浪漫愛敘事、地緣政治與跨國婚姻:台韓婚姻移民的反身性計畫 計畫主持人
107 親密關係與地緣政治:以晚近台港跨境婚姻為例 計畫主持人
106 情感的地緣政治:以晚近香港生活方式移民敘事為例 計畫主持人
105 區域認同與發展再定位:以廣東與「嶺南文化」為例 計畫主持人
102 香港特區新浪潮電影中的本土意識:從低俗喜劇的文化政治談起 計畫主持人
101 全國性學術團體辦理學術推廣業務計畫(中華民國文化研究學會) 計畫主持人
101 出生公民權與生命政治治理:以香港的內地孕婦為例 計畫主持人
101 「蕪土吾民: 2012文化研究研討會」 計畫主持人
100 100年度全國性學術團體辦理學術推廣業務計畫(中華民國文化研究學會) 計畫主持人
100 中國新富的建構:工作認同、消費品味與城鄉分化--子計畫一:敘述珠三角區域化與新流動女性主體:女首富張茵傳記與杜拉 拉現象 計畫主持人
098 湊組東亞城市區域: 經濟整合與政治治理之外的文化邏輯 計畫主持人
098 湊組東亞城市區域: 經濟整合與政治治理之外的文化邏輯 計畫主持人
095 全球化時代新興文化與人文知識的新方向--東亞全球化的新興文化:大都會化地理情境下底層人口流動與生活空間的再現議題 計畫主持人
095 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:人文地理 計畫主持人
094 建構批判性的跨(國)文化流動研究 Toward Critical Transnational Studies: Theory, Method, Practices--跨國空間與城市連結:全球化情境下的東亞世界都市 (3/3) 計畫主持人
093 建構批判性的跨(國)文化流動研究 Toward Critical Transnational Studies: Theory, Method, Practices--跨國空間與城市連結:全球化情境下的東亞世界都市 (2/3) 計畫主持人
092 建構批判性的跨(國)文化流動研究 Toward Critical Transnational Studies: Theory, Method, Practices--跨國空間與城市連結:全球化情境下的東亞世界都市(1/3) 計畫主持人
092 美國比較文學學會2003年年會 計畫主持人
091 第四屆國際文化研究大會 計畫主持人
091 全球化與後殖民的東亞世界都市:以香港為例 計畫主持人


2012 Excellent Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan

2012 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan

2012 Excellent Publication Research Award(Book Chapters), NTU, Taiwan

2009 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan

2009 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan

2008 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan

2008 Excellent Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan

2007 Excellent Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan

2005 中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎