Jou, Sue-Ching
Office : Room 406, Department of Geography
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Phone : 886-2-33665834
I received my Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Minnesota in 1991 and have been teaching at National Taiwan University since then. My research interests include urban studies, cross-border investment and smart living technology. My recent research and publications have focused on the corporate landscapes and mega-projects of the global cities in East Asian countries.
Research interests: urban policy and governance, urban regeneration and redevelopment, participatory river governance
Over the past ten years, I have continued my research on the policies of Taipei City and have carried out research on the development plans of old and new city districts. With regard to the development of old districts, I have examined the nature of urban renewal policies of Taipei and the institutional arrangements, which have been implemented over the past one and half decades. In addition, I have studied the developmental processes in an old district from the perspective of historical analysis. I have also used a case study area to examine the social production of a slum community to reveal the relations of market forces and state intervention to the production of social marginalization within the city. Regarding the development of new districts, using Xinyi Center and Nankang Software Park as examples, I have analyzed how policies have been initiated and implemented under the power struggle among central government, local government and business conglomerate. In recent years, my research has focused on the Xinyi District of Taipei, integrating political economy and cultural studies to discuss the global and local forces within the production of material and symbolic forms in this new city center, the home of Taipei 101.
Moreover, because high-rise buildings, especially skyscrapers, have become the landmarks of major global cities, both forming and representing their cityscapes, they have transformed from merely spectacular real estate commodities to conspicuous monumental structures. Two years ago I started working on three global cities in the Greater China region—Taipei, Hong Kong and Shanghai—to analyze the production networks of those high-rise buildings located in each city, and to see how the production of high-rise buildings has become a global enterprise in each city. In the coming three years I will study the urban policies and mega-projects of major East Asian cities, including Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul-Incheon, to examine how these Asian cities situate themselves in global-city competition under the rubric of neo-liberal policy and investment environments.
In studies on overseas investment, through cooperation with industries, I have studied the production networks of Taiwanese investors in Southeast Asia and China. Since 1998, I have interviewed over 300 Taiwanese corporations. My published research is primarily on the international processes of those Taiwanese corporations and their territorial production networks. The research first takes the example of large Taiwan electronics industries investing in Malaysia to explain the particulars of the overseas investment of corporations from the first-tier newly developed countries in the second-tier ones, especially how they build the local supply chain and sustain production management in foreign sites. These multinational production investments prompted the growth and international experience of Taiwan corporations. Moreover, through comparative analyses of different Taiwan industries in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and the integrated analyses of Taiwan corporations in Southeast Asia and China, the transplantation and particulars of overseas territorial production networks are explained.
Ph.D. in Geography, University of Minnesota, 1991
M.A. in Geography, University of Minnesota, 1988
B.S. in Geography, National Taiwan University, 1984
Introduction to Human Geography
Urban Geography
Research Methods
Globalization and Urban Change
Seminar in Urban Policy and Politics
Seminar in Urban Geography
Author | Date of Publication | Title | Source |
周素卿、洪鴻智、薛欣怡、劉玫宜 | 2023-12 | 社會影響評估應用於在地滯洪方案之實例分析 | 地理學報 |
Phan, T L, S-C Jou and C-J Yang | 2023-09 | Is it because of climate change? Social-ecological system analysis of wetland protected area in Vietnamese Mekong Delta | Wetlands Ecology and Management |
Phan, T L, S-C Jou and D V Khanh | 2023-09 | Reorientation of the community-engaged research in the era of COVID-19: Innovative strategies for adaptive capacity evaluation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta | International Journal of Qualitative Methods |
周素卿、盧鏡臣、鄭詠晨、林培安 | 2023-06 | 臺北市沿山都市緩衝帶的再自然化及其效益分析 | 都市與計劃 |
Mabon, L., Y-W Shih and S-C Jou | 2023-03 | Integration of knowledge systems in urban farming initiatives: insight from Taipei Garden City | Sustainability Science |
Chang, I-Chun Catherin, Sue-Ching Jou, Ming-Kung Chung | 2022-10 | Taipei Smart City: Primary Findings | |
Jou, S-C & Y-C Cheng | 2022-10 | Transforming Interface Spaces for Urban Sustainability in Taipei City: The Role of Landscape Design in Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions | |
鄭詠晨、周素卿、盧鏡晨 | 2022-10 | 都市與環境規劃中的關係性轉向:台北市水岸環境營造的意義 | |
林子倫,李宜卿,周素卿 | 2021-12 | 淨零轉型的知識與行動架構:台灣知識社群研究圖像的檢視 | 台灣能源期刊 |
Herlin Chien, Loan Thi Phan, Sue-Ching Jou | 2021-12 | Social Science Approaches to Critical Zone Studies: A Review | |
Loan Thi Phan, Sue-Ching Jou, Jiun-Chuan Lin | 2021-11 | Untangling adaptive capacity in tourism: A narrative and systematic review | Environmental Research Letters |
Manasse Ellusma, Thung-Hong Lin, Sue-Ching Jou | 2021-08 | Climate change perception and resilience through a gendered lens of farmers in Haiti | |
Wei Weng, Luis Costa, Matthias Luedeke, Sue-Ching Jou, Mei-Yi Liu, Fernando Jaramillo, and Delphine Zemp | 2021-04 | Human in nature: two cases on social factors nested in the implementation of Nature-based Solutions | |
周素卿,盧鏡臣,沈崇恩 | 2021-03 | 都市公園生態化及其發展脈絡: 台北市生態公園的自然鑲嵌與社會特徵分析 | 都市與計劃 |
I-Chun Chang, Sue-Ching Jou and Ming-Kung Chung | 2021- | Provincializing smart urbanism in Taipei: Smart city as a strategy for urban regime transition | Urban Studies |
黃書禮,周素卿,盧鏡臣,張昱諄 | 2020-12 | 都市永續性的新思維—土地遠距連接、尺度與都市脈絡 | 都市與計劃 |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2020-07 | Urban Green Infrastructure in Transition: Case Study of Policy Adaptation and Transition Management in Taipei | |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2020-02 | Edible landscape and active aging: Green infrastructure and Urban Sustainability | |
林培安、周素卿 | 2019-08 | 防救災體系中的資訊治理與社會網絡: 以中央與地方防救災情資整合研究計畫為例 | 國家災害防救科技中心災害防救電子報 |
Loan Thi Phan, Sue-Ching Jou and Jun-Hua Lin | 2019-02 | Gender inequality and adaptive capacity: The role of social capital in the impacts of climate change in Vietnam | Sustainability |
王驥懋,周素卿 | 2019- | 韌性能力,《台灣理論關鍵詞》,頁289-301,台北:聯經出版社。 | 台灣理論關鍵詞 |
黃書禮,李盈潔,李叢禎,周素卿,林子倫,張昱諄,張學聖,葉佳宗,詹士樑,蔡育新 | 2018-12 | 「都化與環境變遷」國際研究—台灣研究議題 | 台灣土地研究 |
Sue-Ching Jou and Jing-Chein Lu | 2018-09 | Sidewalks Retrofitted: Land Teleconnection, Policy Mobility and Urban Green Infrastructure | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Shu-Mei Huang | 2018- | Planning pedagogy and practices in transition: Taiwan’s young planners and their challenges of finding purpose in planning | From Student to urban planner: Young practitioners’ reflections on contemporary ethical challenges |
盧鏡臣,周素卿 | 2017-10 | 台灣的都市氣候變遷政策與行動:北、高兩都會的分析 | 台灣的都市氣候議題與治理 |
周素卿,盧鏡臣 | 2017-10 | 地方政府氣候變遷計畫的治理特性:台北、新北與屏東的案例 | 台灣的都市氣候議題與治理 |
蕭新煌,周素卿,黃書禮 | 2017-10 | 正視台灣的都市氣候變遷:剖析與回應 | 台灣的都市氣候議題與治理 |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2017-08 | Smart city initiatives @ Taipei: An experiment in open innovation and platform governance | |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2016-08 | Social Innovation and Smart University: A Living Lab Approach toward Interdisciplinary and Entrepreneurship Education | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Eric Clark and Hsiao-Wei Chen | 2016- | Gentrification and revanchist urbanism in Taipei? | Urban Studies |
王驥懋,周素卿 | 2015-12 | 靭性能力:一個臺灣歷史地理的考察 | |
周素卿 | 2015-09 | 民間組織參與流域治理的綜合經驗 | 台灣社會研究季刊 |
周素卿 | 2015-09 | 整合創新與創業教育:以場域的共學與共創為途徑 | |
周素卿 | 2015-09 | 整合創新與創業教育:以場域的共學與共創為途徑,《2025台灣工程及科技人才培育之展望》,2015年9月,臺北:中 華工程教育學會,頁201-210。 | |
盧鏡臣,周素卿,廖昱凱 | 2015-03 | 落差與接軌?從國際發展看台灣的都市氣候治理與研究 | 都市與計劃 |
周素卿 | 2015-03 | 都市氣候變遷特刊序 | 都市與計劃 |
周素卿 | 2015-03 | 永續性與都市新政治計畫:文獻回顧與研究芻議,人文與社會科學簡訊,第十六卷第二期,頁61-68。 | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Jing-Chein Lu | 2014-11 | Adaptive city and local climate policies in Taiwan: Institutional alignment and policy transfer | |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2014-11 | Urban Climate in Taiwan | |
Natacha Aveline, Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (eds.) | 2014-08 | Globalization and New Intra-Urban Dynamics in Asian Cities | National Taiwan University Press |
Natacha Aveline, Sue-Ching Jou and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao | 2014-08 | Introduction: About the book | Globalization and New Intra-Urban Dynamics in Asian Cities |
Sue-Ching Jou and Dung-Sheng Chen | 2014-08 | The embryology of spontaneous cultural clusters in Taipei: Creative class, consumption and urban fabric in the making | Globalization and New Intra-Urban Dynamics in Asian Cities |
Sue-Ching Jou, Eric Clark, Hsiao-Wei Chen | 2014-07 | Gentrification and revanchist urbanism in Taipei? | Urban Studies |
Sue-Ching Jou, Yu-Ping Wu | 2013-08 | Intermediary Organizations and Knowledge Transfer in the Integrated Watershed Management | |
Tung-Jung Sung and Sue-Ching Jou (eds.) | 2013-05 | 2011 Asian Smart Living Summer School Report: Innovation and Connections | Ministry of Education |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2013-04 | Water, Urban Design and Pathway to Post-industrial City: The Chung Kang Project and Its Paradoxes of Green Urbanity and Participation | |
周素卿,彭渰雯,蘇淑娟,杜文苓,王佑靈,吳郁玶,李沛樺,廖昱凱 | 2012-10 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究─民間組織參與流域綜合治理之研究(II) | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Yu-Ling Wang, Yu-Ping Wu | 2012-08 | Public participation and institutional alignment in river governance: The role of intermediary group in multi-stakeholder platforms for Tanshui River Basin Management | |
吳郁玶,周素卿 | 2012-04 | 自發性地理資訊在救災應變的效能與空間性─以莫拉克風災網路災情平台為例 | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Eric Clark, Hsiao-Wei Chen | 2012-03 | Gentrification, neoliberalisation and revanchist urbanism in Taipei | |
周素卿,劉佩玲 (主編) | 2012- | 智慧生活家科技 | 臺灣大學智慧生活科技整合與創新研究中心 |
Sue-Ching Jou, Anders Lund Hanson and Hsin-Ling Wu | 2012- | Accumulation by dispossession and neoliberal urban planning: “landing” the mega-projects in Taipei | Contradictions of Neoliberalizing Planning: Cities, policies and politics |
高崇真,周素卿,劉佩玲 | 2012- | 政策藍圖與智慧生活科技的推動 | 智慧生活家科技 |
周素卿,劉佩玲 | 2012- | 智慧生活科技導論 | 智慧生活家科技 |
周素卿,高崇真 | 2012- | 智慧科技與未來生活想像 | 智慧生活家科技 |
周素卿,賴彥如 | 2012- | 煮食、情境感知與智慧廚房 | 智慧生活家科技 |
周素卿,宋同正,董芳武 | 2012- | 100年度智慧生活國際教育發展實施規劃結案報告 | |
周素卿,宋同正,董芳武 | 2012- | 2011亞洲智慧生活夏日學院結案報告 | |
盧鏡臣,周素卿,江尚書 | 2011-12 | 重大災害事件對媒體議題設定及政府決策之影響:基隆河流域河川整治的個案研究 | 地理學報 |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2011-12 | Going green, getting smart and seizing design: Urbanism, regeneration and neoliberal city | |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2011-10 | Outward thinking, inward looking: Social & open innovation @ new urban development | |
周素卿,彭渰雯,蘇淑娟,杜文苓,王佑靈,吳郁玶 | 2011-10 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究─民間組織參與流域綜合治理之研究(I) | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Lin-Tuan Liu, Mu-ning Wang | 2011-04 | Neoliberal nature and birdwatchers’“Urban Eden”in Taipei: The role of NGOs in urban wetland governance | |
黃妤婕,周素卿 | 2011-04 | 水岸再生與後工業城市之路: 以新北市中港大排河廊再造工程為例 | |
Dung-Sheng Chen, Sue-Ching Jou | 2011-01 | The embryology of spontaneous cultural clusters in Taipei: Creative class, consumption and urban fabric in the making | |
Sue-Ching Jou, et al | 2011- | Program Book of the 2011 Asian Smart Living Summer School | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Eric Clark, Hsio-Wei Chen | 2010-12 | Revanchist urbanism and contested spaces in Taipei | |
江尚書,周素卿,吳幸玲 | 2010-06 | 都市再發展與新自由主義治理的經驗模式:以台北車站特定專用區之開發為例 | 都市與計劃 |
周素卿,江尚書 | 2010-04 | 都市大型開發計畫與東亞城市發展:全球化、新自由主義化與全球城市發展(第3年)研究成果報告 | |
陳東升,周素卿 | 2010-03 | 東南亞台商生產網絡的結構特徵與運作機制的改變 | 亞太研究論壇 |
周素卿,吳幸玲,江尚書 | 2009-12 | 後工業化臺北與新自由主義都市政治 | 中國地理學會會刊 |
Jing-Chein Lu, Sue-Ching Jou, Shang-Shu Chiang | 2009-12 | Disaster events, mass media and agenda setting: a study of Keelung River floods and their mitigation policies | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Jing-Chein Lu, Shang-Shu Chiang | 2009-12 | Ecological modernization and river governance in Taipei: “taming” by straightening | |
周素卿,江尚書,王冠棋 | 2009-12 | 片斷化的治理與競爭性的都市區域發展:林口新市鎮的活化與區域治理 | |
江尚書,周素卿,吳幸玲 | 2009-09 | 都市再發展與新自由主義治理的經驗模式:以台北車站特定專用區之開發為例 | |
陳東升,周素卿 | 2009-06 | 東南亞台商的企業網絡 | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Peng-Yu Chen | 2009-03 | Cultivating sustainable lifestyles at home: Horticulture, consumption and “indoor nature” in Taipei | |
Chi-Mao Wang, Sue-Ching Jou | 2009-03 | Muffling the resistant voice: Guanxi as governmentality in rural Taiwan | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Dung-Sheng Chen | 2009-02 | Urbanization and development of city-regions in Taiwan: Patterns, dynamics and pathway of transformation in the past three decades | |
San-Shu Chiang, Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Ling Wu | 2008-12 | Urban Redevelopment under Neoliberalization: A Case Study of Taipei Main Station Special District | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Ling Wu | 2008-05 | Urban Restructuring and Neoliberal Urban Politics: ‘Landing’the Mega-Projects in Taipei | |
Chi-Mao Wang, Sue-Ching Jou | 2008-04 | An Emerging Global City? A Real Estate Perspective | |
Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Ling Wu, Anders Lund Hansen | 2008-04 | New Asian urbanism: property investment and neo-liberal urban politics | |
周素卿,高崇真 | 2008-01 | “智活”的想像及其再現:智慧生活情境與智慧住家原型案例之分析 | |
周素卿,林潤華 | 2008- | 與世爭高:台北市高層建築生產的在地脈絡 | 都市與計劃 |
Dung-Sheng Chen, Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao | 2008- | Transforming Guanxi networks: Taiwanese entrepreneurs’ production networks in Thailand and Vietnam | Chinese Entrepreneurship in a Global Era |
陳東升,周素卿 | 2007--- | 都市發展篇的評論之回應 | 研究台灣 |
Nora L-H Chiang, Sue-Ching Jou | 2006-12 | Development of human geography in Taiwan in the last decade | Jimbun-Chiri (Japanese Journal of Human Geography) |
Sue-Ching Jou, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Dung-Sheng Chen | 2006-12 | Skyscrapers and the production of primacy and centrality in Taipei | Capital Cities in Asia-Pacific: Primacy and Diversity, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies |
Sue-Ching Jou, Dung-Sheng Chen | 2006--- | Regionalization of Networked Production: Taiwanese Manufacturing Capital in Southeast Asia and China | Geography Research Forum |
Hsin-Ling Wu, Sue-Ching Jou, Lily Kong* | 2006--- | The development of Social and cultural geography in Taiwan: knowledge production and social relevance | Social and Cultural Geography |
林潤華,周素卿 | 2005-06 | 「台北信義豪宅」及其生產集團-信義計畫區高級住宅社區之生產者分析 | 地理學報 |
Sue-Ching Jou | 2005-03 | Domestic politics in urban image creation | Globalizing Taipei: Political Economy of Spatial Development |
高崇真,周素卿 | 2004-11 | 資訊城市空間組織形式之制度基礎分析:以臺北市寬頻網路的空間形構為例 | 國立台灣師範大學地理研究報告 |
周素卿 | 2003-12 | 全球化與新都心發展 | 地理學報 |
周素卿 | 2002-09 | 台灣人文地理學的研究進程 | 都市與計劃 |
Sue-Ching Jou, Dung-Sheng Chen | 2001--- | Keeping the high-tech region open and dynamic: The organizational networks of Taiwan's integrated circuit industry | GeoJournal |
周素卿,劉美琴 | 2001--- | 性別、遷移與貧民窟生活世界 | 地理學報 |
Fiscal Year | Plan Name | Title |
112 | 都市永續轉型與韌性建構--以自然為本的都市永續轉型與韌性建構之創新系統(總計畫暨子計畫三)(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
112 | 以自然為本的都市永續轉型與韌性建構之創新系統(總計畫暨子計畫三)(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 都市永續轉型與韌性建構--以自然為本的都市永續轉型與韌性建構之創新系統(總計畫暨子計畫六) | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 以自然為本的都市永續轉型與韌性建構之創新系統(總計畫暨子計畫六) | 計畫主持人 |
110 | 棄置與再生:地景和土地利用變化的社會觀點及其對水文和土壤之影響 | 共同主持人 |
109 | 都市因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益--以自然為本的都市氣候政策: 介面空間治理的綜效、權衡及共效益分析 (子計畫二) | 計畫主持人 |
109 | 科技政策規劃及評估支援系統建置整合型計畫(1/3) | 共同主持人 |
109 | 在地滯洪於台灣實行之初步可行性評估及實行策略探討 | 共同主持人 |
108 | 都市因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益--都市的再自然化與永續轉型:介面空間治理的綜效、權衡及共效益 | 計畫主持人 |
107 | 人文及社會科學研究中心設置計畫 | 共同主持人 |
105 | 土地遠距連接、治理與都市永續性--都市藍綠基盤之治理及其遠距連接 | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 土地遠距連接、治理與都市永續性--土地遠距連接、治理與都市永續性 | 共同主持人 |
101 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--民間組織參與流域綜合治理之研究 (III) | 計畫主持人 |
100 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--民間組織參與流域綜合治理之研究(II) | 計畫主持人 |
100 | 智慧生活科技整合與創新研究中心(IV) | 共同主持人 |
099 | 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--民間組織參與流域綜合治理之研究(I) | 計畫主持人 |
099 | 智慧家庭科技創新與整合中心(3/3) | 共同主持人 |
098 | 永續性與都市的新政治計畫:永續治理、綠色都市主義與永續生活方式的地理 | 計畫主持人 |
098 | 智慧家庭科技創新與整合中心(2/3) | 共同主持人 |
098 | Island Development and Neoliberal Urbanism | 計畫主持人 |
098 | 都市化、災害與永續城市治理 | 計畫主持人 |
097 | Yahia Mohamed Mahmoud | 計畫主持人 |
097 | 政府科技計畫地球環境科技群組(地科、化學、環保、生態工法)規劃、審議及管考研究計畫 | 計畫主持人 |
097 | 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:都市、文化與經濟地理(2/2) | 計畫主持人 |
096 | 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:都市、文化與經濟地理(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
096 | 政府科技計畫地球環境科技群組(地科、化學、環保、生態工法)規劃、審議及管考研究計畫 | 計畫主持人 |
096 | 都市大型開發計畫與東亞城市發展:全球化、新自由主義化與全球城市發展 | 計畫主持人 |
095 | 都市大型開發計畫與東亞城市發展:全球化、新自由主義化與全球城市發展 | 計畫主持人 |
094 | 從開放空間到公共空間:台北市新都心的發展與市民空間的消逝 | 計畫主持人 |
093 | 新企業地景:華人全球城市高層建築的生產與再現(2/2) | 計畫主持人 |
093 | 新企業地景:華人全球城市高層建築的生產與再現(2/2) | 計畫主持人 |
092 | 2003年第99屆美國地理學會年會 | 計畫主持人 |
092 | 2003年第99屆美國地理學會年會 | 計畫主持人 |
092 | 新企業地景:華人全球城市高層建築的生產與再現(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
091 | 打造「臺北曼哈頓」:新都市中心發展的政治經濟與文化分析 | 計畫主持人 |
090 | 地域網絡與族群關係:東南亞台商的研究(3/3) | 共同主持人 |
089 | 都市貧民窟形成與發展的社會空間歷程(1/2) | 計畫主持人 |
089 | 埔里眉溪四庄的聚落變遷與災後重建之研究(I) | 計畫主持人 |
089 | 地域網絡與族群關係:東南亞台商的研究(1/3) | 共同主持人 |
089 | 地域網絡與族群關係:東南亞台商的研究(2/3) | 共同主持人 |
089 | 美國地理學會第96屆年會 | 計畫主持人 |
086 | 都市政治與政策對都市空間之形塑:以台北都會區為例(II) | 計畫主持人 |
085 | 都市政治與政策對都市空間之形塑:以台北都會區為例(I) | 計畫主持人 |
084 | 台北都會區居住空間結構及其變遷之研究(III) | 計畫主持人 |
083 | 台北都會區居住空間結構及其變遷之研究(II) | 計畫主持人 |
083 | 美國地理學會一九九四年度會議 | 計畫主持人 |
082 | 台北都會區居住空間結構及其變遷之研究 | 計畫主持人 |
2012 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan
2011 Excellent Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan
2009 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan
2004 Outstanding Teaching Award (College), NTU, Taiwan
1999 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan