
Chuang, Ray Y


Chuang, Ray Y.

Associate Professor 


Office : Room 504, Department of Geography

Email :

Phone : +886-2-33665833

Laboratory:Surface and Crustal Dynamics Lab


I received my Ph.D. at the Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University with a major in Geophysics and a minor in mathematics. Before that, I got my M.S. in Geology at Central Washington University. With the passage of my career, I have been working on topics related to surface processes, tectonic geomorphology, active tectonics, and crustal deformation by integrating multiple techniques in geodesy and geoinformatics.
Our group currently focuses on three major directions: (1) Monitoring of topographic evolution; (2) Integrating and applications of multiple techniques in geodesy and geoinformatics; (3) Evaluation of natural hazards and applications of hazard mitigation.
In the processes of topographic evolution and mountain building, two fundamental factors are deformation/movement associated with tectonic activities (endogenic forces) and erosion/landslides influenced by climate (exogenic forces). For the endogenic forces, we mainly combine high-precision GNSS and InSAR techniques to monitor surface displacement and deformation such as coseismic and postseismic deformation of major earthquakes. We then construct numerical models based on continuum mechanics and inverse theory to study mechanisms of crustal deformation. On the other hand, we use UAV, digital camera, and other terrestrial and satellite geodetic methods to observe topographic changes like large-scale landslides, fluvial channel migration, and mud volcanic eruptions. Since modern geomorphological studies are dynamic monitoring and analyses of processes rather than morphological description, we focus on topographic evolution due to the competition and feedback between tectonics and erosion.
Because we are using different techniques in geodesy and geoinformatics, in addition to surface monitoring, we are interested in how to combine multiple data sets, even to integrate techniques like panorama and virtual reality, for other applications. Moreover, surface monitoring data are in the form of time series so we are also interested in how to extract useful information from time series and to develop spatiotemporal analysis based on time series data.
For applications of surface monitoring and surface processes, we pay attention to topics related to natural hazards. One topic is inferring the characteristics of hazards such as estimating seismic potential and scenarios and evaluating properties of landslides. Other topics could be associated with hazard mitigation like forecasting earthquake-triggered landslides and social impacts due to natural hazards.
Our main study area is Taiwan and other study areas are U.S., Japan, Mainland China and Southeast Asia. International collaborations include several schools in U.S., NASA, USGS, schools in Japan (University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Hokkaido University, and Nagoya University), GFZ, and EOS.
If you are interested in any part of what we are doing, you are welcome to contact me and join our group!
Research interests: topographic evolution, surface processes, crustal deformation, applications of geodesy and geoinformatics, natural hazards and applications of hazard mitigation, land monitoring


Ph.D., Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University (2014)

M.S., Department of Geological Sciences, Central Washington University (2007)

B.S., Department of Geography, National Taiwan University (2001)


Physical geography related courses:
Introduction to Physical Geography (with Cho-Ying Huang and Jehn-Yih Juang)
Physical Geology
Crustal Deformation
Topographic Evolution in Orogenic Belts
Basic Mechanics in Physical Geography (with Jehn-Yih Juang)
Seminar on Surface Processes and Earthquake Geology (with J. Bruce H. Shyu and Yu Wang)

Geospatial technique courses:
Spatial Data Collection Methods
Radar Remote Sensing (1) (multi-school course)
Special Topics on Synthetic Aperture Radar (I) (with Yunung Nina Lin) (TIGP-ESS course)
Special Topics on Synthetic Aperture Radar (II) (with Yunung Nina Lin) (TIGP-ESS course)

Field trip and internship courses:
Advanced Field Geology (with J. Bruce H. Shyu)
Advance Investigation Methods in Physical Geography
Special Topics and Research in Physical Geography
World Geography Overseas Fieldwork Internships in Geography and Environment – related Organizations

International program courses:
Exploring the Natural Forces that Shape the Island (with J. Bruce H. Shyu, Yu Wang, Wei-Ting Chen, and Huei-Ting Tina Lin)
Modern geospatial techniques and disaster prevention applications (with Jen-Yu Han) (Disaster Prevention Program, International College)

Unofficial courses:
Making your own UAVs: principles and practice


AuthorDate of PublicationTitleSource
Li-Chieh J. Lin, Ray Y. Chuang, Chih-Heng Lu, Kuo-En Ching and Chien-Liang Chen 2024-03 Derivation of 3D Coseismic Displacement Field from Integrated Azimuth and LOS Displacements for the 2018 Hualien Earthquake Remote Sensing
Yi, D. C., Chuang, R. Y., Chung, L. H., Lin, C. W., and Rau, R. J. 2023-10 Surface deformation induced by the 2016 Meinong earthquake and its implications to active folds Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Wu, B. S., Chuang, R. Y., Chen, Y. C., Lin, Y. S. 2022-01 Characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2013 ML6.5 Nantou, Taiwan earthquake Earth, Planet and Space
Chao, C. M., Chuang, R. Y., Ching, K. E., Lee, Y. J. 2021-11 Estimates of fault-slip rates in southwestern Taiwan by using the BLOCKS model 臺灣地殼變動專刊Special issue on crustal deformation in Taiwan
Chuang, R. Y., Wu, B. S., Liu, H. C., Huang, H. H., Lu, C. H. 2021-08 Development of a statistics-based nowcasting model for earthquake-triggered landslides in Taiwan Engineering Geology
Lu, C. H., Lin, Y. S., and Chuang, R. Y. 2021-06 Pixel offset fusion of SAR and optical images for 3-D coseismic surface deformation IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Ho, T. C., Satake, K., Watada, S., Hsieh, MM. C., Chuang, R. Y., Aoki, Y., Mulia, I. E., Gusman, A. R., Lu, C. H. 2021-06 Tsunami Induced by the Strike-Slip Fault of the 2018 Palu Earthquake (Mw = 7.5), Sulawesi Island, Indonesia Earth and Space Science
Chuang, R. Y., Lu, C. H., Yang, C. J., Lin, Y. S., and Lee, T. Y. 2020-08 Coseismic uplift of the 1999 Mw7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake and implication to topographic change in frontal mountain belts Geophysical Research Letters
Hsu, Y. F., Huang, H. H., Huang, M. H., Tsai, V. C., Chuang, R. Y., Feng, K. F., and Lin, S. H. 2020-08 Evidence for fluid migration during the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, aftershock sequence Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
Chen, K. H., Chuang, R. Y., and Ching, K. E. 2020-06 Realization approach of non-linear postseismic deformation model for Taiwan semi-kinematic reference frame Earth, Planets and Space
Shih, J. Y., Ching, K. E., Chang, W. L., Chuang, R. Y., and Chen, C. L. 2019-12 Fault slip deficit rates in central Taiwan determined based on GNSS and precise leveling data 經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊Bulletin of the Central Geological Survey
Huang, S. Y., Yen, J. Y., Wu, B. L., Yen, I. C., and Chuang, R. Y. 2019-06 Investigating the Milun Fault: The coseismic surface rupture zone of the 2018/02/06 ML 6.2 Hualien earthquake, Taiwan Terrestrial, Atmospheric, Oceanic Sciences
Lin, Y. S., Chuang, R. Y., Yen, J. Y., Chen, Y. C., Kuo, Y. T., Wu, B. L., Huang, S. Y., and Yang, C. J. 2019-06 Mapping surface breakages of the 2018 Hualien earthquake by using UAS photogrammetry Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences
Chao, C. M., Chuang, R. Y., Ching, K. E., Li, Y. R., and Chen, C. L. 2018-11 Estimates of fault-slip rates in central Taiwan based on block modeling 經濟部中央地質調查所特刊Central Geological Survey Special Publication
Chen, J. S., Ching, K. E., Rau, R. J., Hu, J. C., Cheng, K. C., Chang, W. L., Chuang, R. Y., Chen, C. L., and Chen, H. C. 2018-11 Surface deformation in Taiwan during 2002-2017 determined from GNSS and precise leveling measurements. 經濟部中央地質調查所特刊Central Geological Survey Special Publication
Yen, J. Y., Lu, C. H., Dorsey, R. J., Kuo-Chen, H., Chang, C. P., Wang, C. C., Chuang, R. Y., Kuo, Y. T., Chiu, C. Y., Chang, Y. H., Bovenga, F., and Chang, W. Y. 2018-10 Insights into seismogenic deformation during the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan, earthquake sequence from InSAR, GPS, and modeling Seismological Research Letters
Kuo, Y. T., Wang, Y., Hollinsworth, J., Huang, S. Y., Chuang, R. Y., Lu, C. H., Hsu, Y. C., Tung, H., Yen, J. Y., and Chang, C. P. 2018-10 Shallow fault rupture of the Milun Fault in the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien earthquake: A high resolution approach from optical correlation of Pleiades satellite imagery Seismological Research Letters
Lu, C. H., Ni, C. F., Chang, C. P., Yen, J. Y., and Chuang, R. Y. 2018-08 Coherence difference analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR interferogram to identify earthquake-induced disasters in urban areas Remote Sensing
Grace Carlson, Kaj Johnson, Ray Chuang, and John Rupp 2018-04 Spatially Varying Stress State in the Central U.S. From Bayesian Inversion of Focal Mechanism and In Situ Maximum Horizontal Stress Orientation Data Journal of Geophysical Research
Yu-Ting Kuo, Chin-Shang Ku, Yue-Gau Chen, Yu Wang, Yu-Nung Nina Lin, Ray Y. Chuang, Ya-Ju Hsu, Frederick W. Taylor, Bor-Shouh Huang, Hsin Tung 2016-08 Characteristics on Fault coupling along the Solomon megathrust based on GPS observations from 2011 to 2014 Geophysical Research Letters
Ray Y. Chuang, Kaj M. Johnson, Yu-Ting Kuo, Yih-Min Wu, Chien-Hsin Chang, Long-Chen Kuo 2014-05 Active back thrust in the eastern Taiwan suture revealed by the 2013 Rueisuei earthquake: Evidence for a doubly vergent orogenic wedge? Geophysical Research Letters
Ray Y. Chuang, Kaj M. Johnson, Yih-Min Wu, Kuo-En Ching, Long-Chen Kuo 2013- A midcrustal ramp-fault structure beneath the Taiwan tectonic wedge illuminated by the 2013 Nantou earthquake series Geophysical Research Letters
Yi-Rong Yang, Kaj M. Johnson, Ray Y. Chuang 2013- Inversion for absolute deviatoric crustal stress using focal mechanisms and coseismic stress changes: The 2011 M9 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
Ray Y. Chuang, M. Meghan Miller, Yue-Gau Chen, Horng-Yue Chen, J. Bruce H. Shyu, Shui-Beih Yu, Charles M. Rubin, Kerry Sieh, Ling-Ho Chung 2012-08 Interseismic Deformation and Earthquake Hazard along the Southernmost Longitudinal Valley Fault, Eastern Taiwan Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Ray Y. Chuang, Kaj M. Johnson 2011-07 Reconciling geologic and geodetic model fault slip-rate discrepancies in Southern California: Consideration of nonsteady mantle flow and lower crustal fault creep Geology
Kuo-En Ching, Kaj M. Johnson, Ruey-Juin Rau, Ray Y. Chuang, Long-Chen Kuo, Pei-Ling Leu 2011- Inferred fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2010 Jiashian, Taiwan, earthquake is consistent with a thick-skinned deformation model Earth and Planetary Science Letters
J. Bruce H. Shyu, Kerry Sieh, Yue-Gau Chen, Ray Y. Chuang, Yu Wang, Ling-Ho Chung 2008- Geomorphology of the southernmost Longitudinal Valley fault: Implications for evolution of the active suture of eastern Taiwan Tectonics


Fiscal YearPlan NameTitle
113 建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台--建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台(3/3) 共同主持人
112 地震週期下地表與構造交互作用於活動造山帶地形演育之影響 計畫主持人
112 建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台--建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台(2/3) 共同主持人
111 臺灣地震模型-臺灣大規模地震之災害衝擊與風險分析(3/3) 共同主持人
111 集集地震後中部地區影響河道變化相關地形研究 共同主持人
111 建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台--建構SAR衛星多時序與近即時海岸帶整合監測平台(1/3) 共同主持人
111 111全國性學術團體辦理學術推廣業務計畫(中國地理學會) 計畫主持人
111 地震週期下地表與構造交互作用於活動造山帶地形演育之影響 計畫主持人
110 新世代臺灣大地基準及三維框架之建置--應用大地監測資料推估臺灣地表運動模式以建置三維坐標框架 共同主持人
110 GEMT台美合作計畫:橋接台灣多時間尺度之侵蝕與岩體抬升 計畫主持人
110 臺灣西南部泥貫入體活動速率之機制及其之社會衝擊研究--子計畫五:偵測台灣西南部快速地表變形於基礎設施與區域衝擊之 研究 計畫主持人
110 福衛衛星影像應用加值Data Cube與多元環境參數之建構--雷達衛星影像與多元測地觀測融合技術之建構-地表變形監測與資料建立(總計畫及子計畫二) 計畫主持人
110 臺灣地震模型-臺灣大規模地震之災害衝擊與風險分析(2/3) 共同主持人
109 校正InSAR觀測以提升測地精度--校正InSAR觀測以提升測地精度 共同主持人
109 地震誘發山崩的分布特徵與其用於辨識震源斷層 共同主持人
109 臺灣地震模型-臺灣大規模地震之災害衝擊與風險分析(1/3) 共同主持人
109 由短時距地表與地殼作用探討地震造山與地形演育機制 計畫主持人
108 花蓮市與其周遭致震斷層之特性調查與探討 共同主持人
108 臺灣地形類聚落地名分布與意涵 共同主持人
108 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性(2) 計畫主持人
108 板塊邊界隨時變化之地表變形速率與活動構造評估 計畫主持人
107 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性(2) 計畫主持人
107 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性(2) 計畫主持人
107 整合遙測及細胞自動機模型於地震型山崩之及時評估 共同主持人
107 對台灣西南部地表變形與海水面變化之精密監測以及對其影響與因應方法之評估--台灣西南部地區水平及垂直速度場 (2000-2020)之建立與應用於變形位移之影響分析 共同主持人
106 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性(1) 計畫主持人
106 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性(1) 計畫主持人
105 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 計畫主持人
105 台灣現今板塊邊界地表應變率與變形特性 計畫主持人
104 American Geophysical Union 2015 fall meeting 計畫主持人


Honorary Mention, Earthscope National Meeting, Boise, ID, 2009
Most Outstanding Student Poster Award, Crossroads Conference, Bloomington, IN, 2009
Chevron Fellowship, Indiana University, 2008-09
Most Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2006
Chunghwa Post Scholarship, 2004
Most Outstanding Student Paper Award, Geological Society of China Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002
Chang, Wei-Jen Scholarship, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, 2001
The President’s Award, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, 2000, 2001