Hung, Kuang-Chi
Associate Professor
Office: Room 407, Department of Geography
Phone: +886-2-33665826
Website :
Kuang-chi Hung received his PhD in the history of science from Harvard University in 2013, and carried on his postdoctoral research at the Smithsonian Institution and Needham Research Institute, respectively. He is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, National Taiwan University. Hung’s research concerns the history of evolutionary theory, the history of geography, and the geography of scientific knowledge. Currently he is revising his dissertation, under the title “Finding Patterns in Nature: Asa Gray’s Plant Geography and Collecting Networks,” for publication, and initiating a new project tentatively titled “China as a field,” which deals with the Smithsonian Institution’s archaeological expeditions in China during the early twentieth century.
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. Department of the History of Science, September 2006-November 2013
Dissertation, “Finding Patterns in Nature: Asa Gray’s Plant Geography and Collecting Networks (1830s-1860s).”
Committee members: Janet Browne, Shigehisa Kuriyama, Henrietta Harrison, Donald H. Pfister
Examination fields: Environmental History and the History of Biology (Janet E. Browne), History of the Body (Shigehisa Kuriyama), Modern Japanese History (Ian J. Miller), Modern Chinese History (Henrietta Harrison)
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Exchange Student, University Archives, April 2012-October 2012
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Ph.D. Student. School of Forestry and Natural Conservation, September 2000-February 2005
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
M.S. Department of Forestry, September 1998-June 2000
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
B.S. Department of Forestry, September 1994-June 1998
Nature, Society, and Nature
Geography and Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Introduction to Environmental History
Author | Date of Publication | Title | Source |
洪廣冀、張嘉顯 | 2023-06 | 林政與林產分合不定:戰後初期臺灣環境秩序的重整與爭議 | 國史館館刊 |
洪廣冀、張嘉顯 | 2023-03 | 「林務局之惡聲狼籍,布於全島」:二二八事件前後的臺灣林業 | 臺灣史研究 |
洪廣冀 | 2021-12 | 畢士博、李濟與「中國人自己領導的第一次田野考古工作」 | 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 |
洪廣冀、張家綸 | 2020-06 | 近代環境治理與地方知識:以臺灣的殖民林業為例 | 臺灣史研究 |
洪廣冀,羅文君,胡忠正 | 2019-06 | 從「本島森林的主人翁」到「在自己的土地上流浪」:臺灣森林計畫事業區分調查的再思考(1925-1935) | 臺灣史研究 |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2019-05 | Subscribing to Specimens, Cataloging Subscribed Specimens, and Assembling the First Phytogeographical Survey in the United States | Journal of the History of Biology |
洪廣冀 | 2019-03 | 中國即田野-畢士博及中國於二十世紀初期美國學術界的地位 | 新史學 |
洪廣冀 | 2018-12 | 「蕃地」開發、「蕃人」控制及臺灣原住民「族群性」之展現:以蘭陽溪中上游地域為中心 | 考古人類學刊 |
洪廣冀、何俊頤 | 2018-12 | 自然資源治理與原住民部落發展:後發展與後人類的視角 | 考古人類學刊 |
洪廣冀 | 2018-09 | 從「臺灣之恥」到「發展最速的產業」:再思日治時期臺灣的科學林業與工業化 | 臺灣史研究 |
洪廣冀 | 2018-06 | 拼裝的科學革命―― 以美國第一回達爾文爭議為中心 | 臺大歷史學報 |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2017-02 | "Plants that Remind Me of Home": Collecting, Plant Geography, and a Forgotten Expedition in the Darwinian Revolution | Journal of the History of Biology |
洪廣冀 | 2016-12 | 論科技研究中的地理轉向及其在地理學中的迴響 | 地理學報 Journal of Geographical Science |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2015- | “When the Green Archipelago Encountered Formosa: The Making of Modern Forestry in Taiwan under Japan’s Colonial Rule (1895-1945).” | Environment and Society in the Japanese Islands: From Prehistory to the Present |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2015- | “Within the Lungs, the Stomach, and the Mind: Convergence and Divergences in Medical and Natural Histories of Ginkgo biloba.” | Historical Epistemology and the Making of Modern Chinese Medicine |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2010- | “The Place that ‘Offers the Greatest Interest:’ Northeast Asia and the Making of Asa Gray's Disjunction Thesis.” | Harvard Papers in Botany |
Kuang-chi Hung | 2009- | “Alien Science, Indigenous Thought and Foreign Religion: Reconsidering the Reception of Darwinism in Japan.” | Intellectual History Review |
洪廣冀 | 2004- | 〈林學、資本主義與邊區統治:日治時期林野調查與整理事業的再思考〉 | 《臺灣史研究》 |
洪廣冀、林俊強 | 2004- | 〈觀光地景、部落與家:從新竹司馬庫斯部落的觀光發展探討文化與共享資源的管理〉 | 《地理學報》 |
洪廣冀、鄭欽龍、楊槐駒 | 2003- | 〈從不同層級探討資源依賴社區於森林經營的意涵:苗栗縣泰安鄉與新竹縣五峰鄉的個案研究〉 | 《臺灣鄉村研究》 |
洪廣冀 | 2002- | 〈戰後初期之臺灣國有林經營問題:以國有林伐採制度為個案 (1945-1956)〉 | 《臺灣史研究》 |
洪廣冀、鄭欽龍 | 2001- | 〈地方觀光的發展與困境:新竹司馬庫斯原住民部落的個案研究〉 | 《中華林學季刊》 |
Fiscal Year | Plan Name | Title |
113 | 沒有島是座孤島:島嶼研究新展望 | 計畫主持人 |
113 | 原住民族地區長期社會生態觀測站示範站點計畫--原住民族地區長期社會生態觀測站示範站點計畫(1/3) | 共同主持人 |
112 | 重置世界的尺度:科技、醫療與社會的跨尺度對話 | 計畫主持人 |
111 | 「餘蔭長留」: 戰後臺灣林業的政治生態學(1949-1975) | 計畫主持人 |
110 | 科普活動:打破 Silo、體驗 STEAM:探索戰後台灣科技史的意義(主題四) | 共同主持人 |
109 | 從科學界的偵探到防疫網絡的哨兵:臺灣質譜分析技術的形成及其在防疫上的應用(2000-2020) | 計畫主持人 |
108 | 再思全球科學史中的「地方」:以近代生物地理學於歐美及東亞間的傳播為中心 | 計畫主持人 |
107 | 南島文化跨領域研究:從南島語族到原住民族 | 共同主持人 |
106 | 從「中國即田野」到「中國為研究領域」:20世紀上半葉美國史密梭尼恩研究院於中國的科學探險 (二) | 計畫主持人 |
105 | 從「中國即田野」到「中國為研究領域」:20世紀上半葉美國史密梭尼恩研究院於中國的科學探險 | 計畫主持人 |
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution, 2014.
D. Kim Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2013-2015
Exchange Student Fellowship, D. Kim Foundation, 2012
Baird Society Resident Scholarship, Smithsonian Institution, 2012
Dibner History of Science Program, Huntington Library, 2011
Dissertation Research Fellowship, Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science, 2011.
Dissertation Research Fellowship, Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University, 2011
The Merit/Term Time Research Award, Harvard University, 2011 (declined)
Summer Research Grant, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University 2010
Summer Research Grant, Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies, Harvard University, 2010
Erwin Hiebert Grant for Travel and Research, Harvard University, 2010
Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University, 2009
Fellowship, Satoh Artcraft Research & Scholarship Foundation, 2009
Graduate Summer Language Grant for East, South, and Southeast Asian Language Study, Asia Center, Harvard University, 2009
Erwin Hiebert Grant for Summer Research, Harvard University, 2008
Taiwan Ministry of Education Studying Abroad Fellowship Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2006-2008
Doctoral fellowship, Harvard-Yenching Institute, 2006-2009