Refereed Articles (2001-present):
Huang, J.C.; Lee, T.Y.; Teng, T.Y.; Chen, Y.C.; Huang, C.Y.; Lee, C.T. ,2014. Validating the Operational Bias and Hypothesis of Universal Exponent in Landslide Frequency-Area Distribution, Plos One, 9(5), e98125. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098125. (SCI)
許立志、李建堂*,2013。 由生物地形學觀點探討關渡自然保留區的紅樹林分布變遷,中華林學季刊,46(1): 87-106.
Huang J. C.; Lin, C. C.; Chan S. C.; Lee, T. Y.; Hsu, S. C.; Lee, C. T.; Lin, J. C., 2012. Stream discharge characteristics through urbanization gradient in Danshui River, Taiwan: perspectives from observation and simulation, Environ Monit Assess,184(9), 5689-703. (SCI)
許立志、李建堂*,2010。 1978-2006年關渡自然保留區紅樹林分布變遷,華岡地理學報,26,31-41。(*通訊作者)
蕭志榮、李建堂*、許立志、林俊全、方引平、李玲玲 ,2010。 澎湖群島東南海域五個島嶼陸域維管束植物的物種調查,國家公園學報,20(2),67-85。(*通訊作者)
林俊全、鄭宏祺、李建堂、方引平、李玲玲,2010。 澎湖南方四島的地形地質景觀資源之研究,國家公園學報,20(3),54-65。
李禹璇、李建堂,2009。 陽明山國家公園磺嘴山步道品質與土壤沖蝕研究,地理學報,56, 1-16。
Yen-Hua Chen; Cheing-Tung Lee, 2008. A Study on the Relationship between the Geomorphology and Vegetation Distribution of the Coastal Dunes in the Western Chianshuiwan, Sanjhjh of Taipei County, Journal of Geographical Science, 51, 1-21.
2005: (with Lin, C.-C., Chang, C.-Y., Tsai, B.-W., Ding, T.-J. and Li, Y.-T.) Applying public participation geographic information system to the study of the traditional territories of indigenous peoples— A case of Atayal Smangus community, Journal of Geographical Science, 41, 65-82. (in Chinese)
2004: (with Kuo, C.-W.) Trend analysis of water quality in the upper watershed of the Feitsui Reservoir, Journal of Geographical Science, 38, 111-128. (in Chinese)
2004: (with Chan, S.-C., Sun, C.-H., Hsu, M.-L.) Flood estimation using neural networks based on physiographic features of watersheds, Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation,35(1), 1-16。(in Chinese)
2003: “Changes of Mangrove (Kandelia candel (L.) Druce) Distribution in Tanshui Estuary”, Reports of Geographical Studies. (in Chinese)
2002: (with Cheng, Y.-P., Chiou, W.-L., Lin, T.-T., Chen, C.-W. and Wang, I-C.) The vegetation changed in Kuantu Natural Reserve during 1986-1998, Taiwan Forestry Science, 17(1), 41-50. (in Chinese)
2002: (with Wang, S.) Evaluation of management effectiveness of protected areas, Bulletin of The Geographical Society of China, 30, 17-34. (in Chinese)
2001: (with Lie, H.C.) Formulation of a framework of management plan development for special landscape conservation sites in the Shei-Pa National Park, Bulletin of National Park Society, 11(2), 177-191. (in Chinese)
Books and Book Chapters (2001年迄今):
李建堂,2013。草嶺地景的變遷,草嶺地質公園解說叢書3,國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系、行政院農業委員會林務局,63 頁。(ISBN:978-986-038-827-5)