2009 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan
2003 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan
2009 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan
2003 Outstanding Teaching Award (University), NTU, Taiwan
石門水庫集水區原住民地區資源利用與永續發展之研究--原住民人地空間屬性之研究─新竹縣尖石鄉後山地區土地利用與災害關係之探討(II) ,98.08.01~99.07.31,國科會。
養殖土地利用變遷及對地區經濟發展的影響:雲林及宜蘭地區的比較研究 (II),95.08.01~96.07.31,國科會。
原住民傳統領域空間建構類型之分析—參與式地理資訊系統(public participation geographic information system, PPGIS)與部落參與的研究取徑,95.08.01~96.07.31,國科會。
Introduction to GIS
GPS in geography Seminar in GISc
Land use and land cover change
Quantitative geography and lab.
Spatial analysis
Refereed Articles(2001-present) :
Hsu, Hsiao-Ping, Tsai, Bor-Wen and Chen, Che-Ming (2017) Teaching Topographic Map Skills and Geomorphology Concepts with Google Earth in a One-Computer Classroom, Journal of Geography, Published online: 18 Jul 2017. (SSCI)
Tsai, B. W.; Lu, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Lien, M.C., 2013. Evaluation of PPGIS Empowerment - A Case Study of Meinong Yellow Butterfly Valley, Journal of Environmental Management, 116: 204-212.
鍾明光、盧道杰、蔡博文,闕河嘉,2013。保護區與鄉村發展的整合嘗試:以美濃社區運動1990年代迄今的保育軌跡為例,都市與計畫,40(3),217-241。 (TSSCI)
Chiang, G.; Chang, K.; Mondini, A.; Tsai, B. W.; Chen, C. Y. 2012. Simulation of event-based landslides and debris flows at watershed level, Geomorphology, 138, 306-318. (SCI)
彭安琪、盧道杰、林雅、蔡博文、鍾明光,2011。 社區監測的建置與施行:以宜蘭縣無尾港水鳥保護區為例,國家公園學報,21(1),59-74。
盧道杰、闕河嘉、高千雯、台邦‧撒沙勒、裴家騏、蔡博文、顏家芝、趙芝良、劉子銘 ,2011。 台灣保護區共管的情勢分析與挑戰,台灣原住民族研究季刊,4(2),1-37。
Lin, M. L.,; Chu, C. M.; Tsai, B. W., 2011. Drought risk assessment in western Inner-Mongoloa, International Journal of Environmental Research, 5(1), 139-148. (SCI)
Su, M. D.; Lin, M. C.; Hsieh, H. I.; Tsai, B. W.; Lin, Chun-Hung, 2010. Multi-layer multi-class dasymetric mapping to estimate population distribution, Science of the Total Environment, 408, 4807-4816. (SCI)
Chu, C. M.; Tsai, B. W.; Chang, K. T., 2009. Integrating decision tree and spatial cluster analysis for landslide susceptibility zonation, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, 479-483. (EI Compendex)
Tsai, B. W., 2008. Use of PPGIS for indigenous mapping: An assessment of data and function needs, Journal of Taiwan Geographic Information Science, 6, 49-61.
Tzai-Hung Wen; Ming-Daw Su; Bor-Wen Tsai, 2007. A Spatial Database System for Disaster Mitigation and Emergency Response, Journal of Disaster Mitigation and Rescue Central Police University, 8, 211-232.
Chen J.,Wei S.,Chang K. and Tsai, B. W., 2007. A Comparative Case Study of Cultivated Land Changes in Fujian and Taiwan, Land Use Policy, 24(2), 386-395.(TSSCI)
Hsieh, C.;Tsai, B. W.; Chang, K., 2007. Establishment of a Predictive Model for Aquaculture Land Use Change: An Agent-Based Approach, Journal of Geographic Science, 47, 1-18.(TSSCI)
許家成、蔡博文,2007。 案例式推理於地理資訊系統之應用--以颱風路徑預測為例,中興工程,94,101-108。
Tsai, B. W.; Chang, C. Y.; Lin, C. C.; Lo, Y. C., 2006. PPGIS and Indigenous Society--New Partnership of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan, Geography Research Forum, 26, 152-163.
Pei-Wen Weng; Bor-Wen Tsai, 2006. Spatial Dispersion Index: Old Conception, New Formula, Journal of Taiwan Geographic Information Science, 4, 1-12。 (in Chinese)
Tsai, B. W.; Chang, Kang-Tsung; Chang, Chang-Yi; Chu, Chieh-Ming, 2006. Analyzing Spatial and Temporal Changes of Aquaculture in Yunlin County, Taiwan, Professional Geographer, 58, 161-171. (SCI)
Tsai, B. W.; Lee, Chieh-Chung, 2005. Fractal Formation of Settlement Forms in Taiwan, Journal of Taiwan Geographic Information Science, 2, 1-10.
林俊強、張長義、蔡博文、李建堂、丁志堅、李玉亭,2005。 運用公眾參與地理資訊系統於原住民族傳統領域之研究:泰雅族司馬庫斯個案,地理學報,41,65-82。(TSSCI)
孫志鴻、游怡芳、阮忠信、蔡博文,2004。 以自然語言為基礎的交通路網通阻定位系統之研究,地理資訊學報,1,17-28。
Tsai, Bor-Wen; Wu, Shwu-Chong; Lee, Chieh-Chung, 2004. The integration of Taiwan 2000 census data and geocoding system: A pilot study of spatial allocation for long-term-care system, Journal of Population Studies, 28,135-152. (TSSCI) (in Chinese)
Sun, Chin-chon; Yu, Yi-Fang; Juan, Chung-Hsin; Tsai, Bor-Wen, 2004. Development of a natural language based transportation network blockage system, Journal of Taiwan geographical Information Science, 1, 19-32. (in Chinese)
Tsai, Bor-Wen; Lee, Chieh-Chung , 2004. Fractal formation of settlement forms in Taiwan, Journal of Taiwan Geographic Information Science, 2, 1-12.
Chang, Chang-Yi and Tsai, Bor-Wen, 2002, Sustainable development and land use changes in Taiwan, Geo-Information Science, 4(1), 71-73. (in Chinese)
Tsai, Bor-Wen; Chang, Kang-Tsung; Chang, Chang-Yi; Chu, Jen-Ming, 2001. Measuring Spatial Association: The case of Aquacultural Land Use in Yunlin County Taiwan, Journal of Geographical Science, 29, 121-129. (TSSCI) (in Chinese)
Tsai, Bor-Wen; Chang, Chang-Yi; Chang, Kang-Tsung, 2001. Land use change in the Ilan Plain, Taiwan, Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China, 29: 93-101. (in Chinese)
Books & Book Chapters:
Tsai, Bor-Wen; T.J. Ding, 2004. Exploration of ArcView 9.X, Hitron Tech. : Taipei. (in Chinese)
Tsai, Bor-Wen; Y.C.Hsu, 2002. Exploration of ArcView 8.X, SMEC: Taipei. (in Chinese)
Ph.D. in National Taiwan University (1994)
M.A. in University of Maryland
B.S. in National Taiwan University (1979)