2012 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan
2012 "Category A" Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan
Remote Sensing
Spatial Knowledge Management
Local Integrated Plan and Promoting strategy
Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing
Expert System and Image processing
Methodology of Spatial Information
Advanced Spatial Information
Geographic Information Techniques
Land Use
Tourism theory and practice
Creative Web Services for Applying GIS in Tourism
Refereed Articles (2001-present):
Shiu, Y. S.; Lin, M. L.; Huang, C. H.; Chu, T. H., 2012. Mapping paddy rice agriculture in a highly fragmented area using a GIS object-based post classification (GOBPC) process, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 6: 063526. (SCI/EI)
Chu, T. H.; Lin, M. L.; Chang, C. H.; Chen, C. W., 2012. Using mobile geographic information system (GIS) techniques to develop a location-based tour guiding system based on user evaluations, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 7(1), 121-131. (SCI)
Chu, T. H.; Lin, M. L.; Chang, C. H., 2012. mGUIDING (Mobile Guiding) — Using a Mobile GIS APP For Guiding, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12(3), 269-283. (SSCI)
Chu, T. H.; Lin, M. L.; Chang, C. H.; Chen, C.W., 2011. Developing a tour guiding information system for tourism service using mobile GIS and GPS techniques, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 3(6), 49-58. (EI)
王瑞源、徐逸祥、陳依婕、樊先達、黃昭雄、朱子豪,2011。 整合空間及遙測分析於非法廢棄物棄置場之判釋,航測及遙測學刊,16(1),45-61。
陳致元、朱子豪*、林孟龍,2011。 應用地理視覺化探索分析於交通流量的空間知識探索,地理學報,62,1-18。 (*通訊作者) (TSSCI)
Shiu, Y. S.; Lin, M. L.; Chang, K. T.; Chu, T. H., 2010. Mapping paddy rice agriculture using multi-temporal FORMOSAT-2 images, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. (submitted: 20100331) ( EI)
Lin, M. L.; Wang; Q., Sun, F.; Chu, T. H.; Shiu, Y. S., 2010. Quick Spatial Assessment of Drought Information Derived from MODIS Imagery Using Amplitude Analysis, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 67, 410-414. ( EI, ISSN: 2070-3740)
王瑞源、王義仲、陳家堂、朱子豪 ,2009。 運用RPC光束平差法於高解析度衛星影像之無地面控制點幾何精度改正,中華林學季刊,42(3),363-379。
黃昭雄、徐逸祥、朱子豪 ,2007。 應用地理資訊系統於海岸地形變化分析,台灣地理資訊學刊,5,41-60。
魏稽生、朱子豪、嚴治民 ,2007。 一個潛在未知的地下問題:臺灣煤礦地下開採之地盤下陷研究,工程環境會刊,19,65-80。
徐逸祥、朱子豪、劉英毓 ,2006。 衛星影像的雲霧偵測及干擾去除,國土資源遙感期刊,3,23-28。
Xu Yi-xiang; Tzu-How Chu; Lu Ying-yu, 2006. Developing Technique for the Detection and Removal of Cloud and Haze in Satellite Images, Remote Sensing for Land and Resources,3, 23-28。(in Chinese)
Chia-Hao Chang; Tzu-How Chu; Yin-Yu Liu, 2005. Application of High-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery to Monitoring IllegalRooftop Structures-An Experimental Case in Taipei City, Journal of Taiwan Geographic Information Science, 3, 15-26. (in Chinese)
Chi-Sheng Wei; Tzu-How Chu; Chih-Min Yen; Chin- Chieh Chang, 2005. Potential Disasters in the Excoal_Mining Sites, Geology, 24(2), 69-79. (in Chinese)
Chih-Yuan Chen; Tzu-How Chu, 2004. A Clustering Analysis of the Vehicle Routing Problem with a Single Depot, Journal of Geographical Science, 37, 123-137. (in Chinese) (TSSCI)
Jr-Chuan Huang; Mei-Ling Hsu; Eric Yen; Shan-Hsin Chiang; Tzu-How Chu, 2003. Spatial and Temporal Rainfall-runoff Simulation-Distributed Model Integrating with GIS and DEMs, Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation, 34 (3), 237-249. (in Chinese)
Jr-Chuan Huang; Mei-Ling Hsu; Tzu-How Chu, 2001. Discriminant Analysis of SPOT Imagery for Land Use Classification---A Case Study in I-Lang, Journal of Geographical Science, 29, 107-120. (in Chinese)(TSSCI)
Books & Book Chapters:
朱子豪、陳墀吉、林祥偉、劉英毓 ,2008。 觀光學概論,臺北:三民書局。
Professor Chu’s research covers a wide range, with primary interest in spatial information and secondary interest in tourism/recreation, environmental management, local development planning. His research of spatial information has recently focused on spatial cognition, spatial information error, spatial information integration and automatic interpretation of remote sensing data.
In GIS research, Professor Chu has dealt with production and management of spatial knowledge, analysis of spatial information errors. In addition, Professor Chu has helped the National GIS (NGIS) task force establish GIS clearinghouses at various government units, integrate GIS databases, control quality of data and integrate GIS and knowledge management systems. He has also studied integration of spatial information with documents and natural language interface. The completed research work consists of three research papers ready for publication and more than 10 application-oriented projects as well as GIS clearinghouse platforms and data inspecting systems for quality assurance.
Professor Chu’s research in remote sensing concerns the following areas: interpretation and segmentation of images based on land features; automatic interpretation of sites of special interest; surveys of changes in ground surface and land use; development of environmental monitoring technology; analyses of detected phenomena and data errors. Four papers on image segmentation are to be completed soon and finished work includes more than eight research projects as well as applied systems for automatic and semi-automatic interpretation of land features of special interest, changes in ground surface and analysis of interpretational errors.
Moreover, Professor Chu has applied spatial information and knowledge to studying behavior of tourism/recreation, focusing on the best time and places to provide information on tourism/recreation (especially guiding and virtual reality) as well as optimal themes and presentation of such data. Apart from two finished papers, a virtual reality system and a Kiosk system on tourism/recreational information in prototype have been completed and an electronic guiding system is to be set up in Yehliou, a coastal scenic place located in northern Taiwan.