Journal of Geographical Science welcomes articles for submission on geographical research, as well as reviews of current research and theoretical development in geography. Articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere.
1. Journal of Geographical Science covers different types of papers: 1) Original research papers 2) Review articles 3) Reports on novel analytical methods and new experimental techniques within the scope of the Journal 4) Book reviews
2. Papers are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they have not been published/submitted or being submitted elsewhere.
3. The language of the journal can be English or Chinese. Titles and abstracts of papers as well as names of authors shall be written in both English and Chinese.
4. A manuscript must be submitted electronically as email attachment (pdf).
5. Manuscripts are advised not to exceed 10,000 words or 15 pages (A4-size, including maps, tables and graphs). When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are required to pay NT$ 2,000 for review charge. If articles exceed 15 pages, authors are also required to pay extra-page charges, as outlined below:
color pages: NT$ 1,500 per page;
black & white pages: NT$ 500 per page
Notes and references
In the text, the author's name and date of publication should be given, e.g., "Gregory (1978) states that..." or "it has been postulated (Gregory, 1978) that...". Cited reference should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the following manner:
Lee, R., G. L. Clark, J. Pollard, and A. Leyshon. 2009. The remit of financial geography-Before and after the crisis. Journal of Economic Geography 9 (5): 723-47.
Harvey, D. 2006. Spaces of global capitalism. London: Verso.
Chen, D. S., S. C. Jou, and H. H. M. Hsiao. 2008. Transforming Guanxi networks: Taiwanese entrepreneurs' production networks in Thailand and Vietnam. In Chinese entrepreneurship in a global era, ed. R. Wang, 149-65. London: Routledge.
Titles of the journals should be given in full, e. g., Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
A limited number of informational notes may be included where they are unavoidable for clarifying related terms. Such notes should be indicated by super-script numbers in the text.
Maps, diagrams and photographs
Drawings, maps, graphs, diagrams, etc. should be of suitable quality for reproduction without further preparation. All illustrations should be numbered sequentially and provided with captions, separately typed. Titles, sources or references should not be included on maps or diagrams. Only black-and-white photographs are acceptable.
All correspondence must be sent to:
The Editor
Journal of Geographical Science
Department of Geography
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road
Taipei, Taiwan 10617
Voice: 886-2-33665850
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