Journal of Geographical Science

Journal of Geographical Science

    The Department publishes the refereed Journal of Geographical Science four times a year which includes articles from Taiwanese and international scholars on a wide range of issues across the discipline. Since 2006, it has been ranked as a TSSCI Journal by the Social Science Research Center of the National Science Council.

    Journal of Geographical Science welcomes articles for submission on geographical research, as well as reviews of current research and theoretical development in geography. Articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere.

Editor-in-Chief: Chien, Shiuh-Shen (National Taiwan University)

Editorial Board:

Chen, Liang-Chih (National Taiwan University),
Lee, Tsung-Yu (National Taiwan Normal University),
Li, Mei-Hui (National Taiwan University),
Lin, Tzu-Ping (National Cheng Kung University),
Peng, Sung-Yueh (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University),
Song, Yu-Ling (National Changhwa University of Education),
Tai, Hsing-Sheng (National Dong Hwa University),
Wang, Chi-Mao (National Taiwan University),
Wen, Tzai-Hung (National Taiwan University)

Map Consultant:
Ching-Jen Kao (Chinese Culture University )

Assistant Editor:
Wen-Yu Li

International Editorial Board
Margot Bose (Freie University Berlin, Germany)
Eric Clark (Lund University, Sweden )
Chi-Yung Jim (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Lily Kong (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
David Ley (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Si-Ming Li (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)
Laurence Ma (University of Akron, U.S.A.)
Jack F. Williams (Michigan State University, U.S.A.)
Anthony Yeh (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
May Yuan (University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.)

Please direct all queries to:
Journal of Geographical Science
Department of Geography
National Taiwan University
1 Sec. 4 Roosevelt Rd.
Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Voice: 886-2-33665850
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.