
Huang, Jr-Chuan


Jr-Chuan Huang



Office : Room 206, Department of Geography

Email :

Phone : 886-2-33665825


Dr. Huang received his Ph.D. degree in National Taiwan University. His research interests were Hydro-geomorphical process simulations in catchment scale. After receiving Ph.D. degree, Dr. Huang worked as a postdoctoral at Biodiversity Research Center and Research Center for Environmental Changes in Academia Sinica. Recently, he focused on carbon cycle nitrogen cycle, and watershed management. He is active in the international academic communities such as EGU (European Geophysics Union), AGU (American Geophysics Union) and IAEH (International Association for Environmental Hydrology). Meanwhile he also serves as journal reviewer of Bulletin of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Journal of Geographical Science and Paddy and Water Environment.

Research interests: hydrological modeling and simulation, land sliding and sediment export, nitrogen cycling within watersheds


Hydrological process

Hydrological process simulations in catchment

Digital terrain analysis




Ph.D. National Taiwan University (2003)

M.A. National Taiwan University (1999)

B.S. National Taiwan University (1997)



Digital terrain analysis

Hydrological process simulations in catchment

Environmental water chemistry

Introduction of C++

Watershed Management



AuthorDate of PublicationTitleSource
Jun-Yi Lee, Ci-Jian Yang, Tsung-Ren Peng, Tsung-Yu Lee, and Jr-Chuan Huang 2023-12 Landscape structures regulate the contrasting response of recession along rainfall amounts Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Shengyue Chen, Jinliang Huang, Jr-Chuan Huang 2023-07 Improving daily streamflow simulations for data-scarce watersheds using the coupled SWAT-LSTM approach Journal of Hydrology
Ci-Jian Yang, Pei-Hao Chen, Erica D. Erlanger, Jens M. Turowski, Sen Xu, Tse-Yang Teng, Jiun-Chuan Lin, and Jr-Chuang Huang 2023-05 Mobile evaporite enhances the cycle of physical–chemical erosion in badlands Earth Surface Dynamics
Hongyan Bao, Ying Wu, Xiaoqian Zhan, Xiaona Wang, Robert G. M. Spencer, Peter J. Hernes, Xiaojuan Feng, Li-Chin Lee, Jr-Chuan Huang, Jingjing Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Jing Zhang 2023-04 Global Riverine Export of Dissolved Lignin Constrained by Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Land‐Cover Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Li-Chin Lee, Gabriele Weigelhofer, Thomas Hein, Shin-Chien Chan, Ying-San Liou, Chien-Sen Liao, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Yu-Lin Yu, Tsung-Yu Lee, Jr-Chuan Huang 2023-04 Transition of carbon-nitrogen coupling under different anthropogenic disturbances in subtropical small mountainous rivers Science of The Total Environment
Shail Vijeta Ekka, Yu-Hsuan Liang, Kuo-Fang Huang, Jr-Chuang Huang, Der-Chuen Lee 2023-03 Riverine molybdenum isotopic fractionation in small mountainous rivers of Taiwan: The effect of chemical weathering and lithology Chemical Geology
Chung-Te Chang, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang 2023-02 Wet depositions of cations in forests across NADP, EMEP, and EANET monitoring networks over the last two decades Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Chung-Te Chang, Jun-Yi Lee, Jyh-Min Chiang, Hsueh-Ching Wang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Chun-Wei Tseng, Chiu-Hsien Wang, Shu-Wei Fu 2022-11 Characterizing the climate-phenology-hydrology associations in a subtropical forested watershed, central Taiwan Ecological Indicators
Rohit Kumar, Hasan Raja Naqvi, Rahul Devrain, Benidhar Deshmukh, Jr-Chuan Huang 2022-11 Sediment Yield Assessment, Prioritization and Control Practices in Chambal River Basin Employing SYI Model Journal of the Geological Society of India
Chung-Te Chang, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang 2022-11 Wet depositions of cations in forests across NADP, EMEP, and EANET monitoring networks over the last two decades Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Chung-Te Chang, Lixin Wang, Lih-Jih Wang, Chiung-Pin Liu, Ci-Jian Yang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Chiao-Ping Wang, Neng-Huei Lin, Teng-Chiu Lin 2022-05 On the seasonality of long-range transport of acidic pollutants in East Asia Environmental Research Letters
Guan-Zhou Lin, Shao-Yiu Hsu, Chia-Chun Ho, Chi-Feng Chen, Jr-Chuan Huang, Tsung-Yu Lee 2022-02 Application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to evaluate the fates of nitrogenous fertilizer in subtropical mountainous watershed tea farms Environment Monitroing and Assessment
Chao Xu, Teng-Chiu Lin, Jr-Chuan Huang, Zhijie Yang, Xiaofei Liu, Decheng Xiong, Shidong Chen, Minhuang Wang, Liuming Yang, Yusheng Yang 2022-02 Microbial Biomass Is More Important than Runoff Export in Predicting Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations Following Forest Conversion in Subtropical China Land
李宗祐、黃誌川 2021-11 亞熱帶小型高山河川的物質輸出之研究發展與意涵 地理學報 Journal of Geographical Science
Zhang, T.P., Huang, J.-C., Lei, Q.L., Liang, X., Lindsey, S., Luo, J.F., Zhu, A.X., Bio, W.K., Liu, H.B. 2021-07 Empirical estimation of soil temperature and its controlling factors in Australia: Implication for interaction between geographic setting and air temperature CATENA
Wang, C.H., Liou, Y.S., Chen, P.H., Huang, J.C. 2021-05 Tropical cyclones likely enhance chemical weathering but suppress atmospheric CO2 consumption in landslidedominated catchments Biogeochemistry
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y. 2021-03 Hydrological Impact of Typhoon on Rivers Water
Chang, C.T., Song, C.E., Lee, L.C., Chan, S.C., Liao, C.S., Liou, Y.S., Chiang, J.M., Wang, S.F., Huang, J.-C. 2021-02 Influence of landscape mosaic structure on nitrate and phosphate discharges: An island-wide assessment in subtropical mountainous Taiwan Landscape and Urban Planning
Chang, C.T., Shih, Y.T., Lee, L.C., Lee, J.Y., Lee, T.Y., Lin, T.C., Huang, J.C.* 2020-10 Eects of Land Cover and Atmospheric Input on Nutrient Budget in Subtropical Mountainous Rivers, Northeastern Taiwan Water
Lee, W.S., Huang, J.C., Chang, C.T., Chan, S.C., Liou, Y.S., Liao, C.S., Lee, L.C., Lee, J.Y., Shih, Y.T., Lu, M.C., Chen, P.H. 2020-10 Interaction Among Controlling Factors on Riverine DIN Export in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan: Inseparable Human-Landscape System Water
Teng, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., Jan, M.Y., Liu, C.C. 2020-10 Investigating Sediment Dynamics in a Landslide-Dominated Catchment by Modeling Landslide Area and Fluvial Sediment Export Water
Zhang, Z.Y., Huang, J.L., Xiao, C.R., Huang, J.C. 2020-07 A simulation-based method to develop strategies for nitrogen pollution control in a creek watershed with sparse data Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Yeh, T.C., Krennmayr, K., Liao, C.S., Ejarque, E., Schomakers, J., Huang, J.C., Zehetner, F., Hein, T. 2020-07 Effects of terrigenous organic substrates and additional phosphorus on bacterioplankton metabolism and exoenzyme stoichiometry Freshwater Biology
Lee, JY, Shih, YT, Lan, CY, Lee, TY, Peng, TR, Lee, CT, Huang, JC* 2020-04 Rainstorm Magnitude Likely Regulates Event Water Fraction and Its Transit Time in Mesoscale Mountainous Catchments: Implication for Modelling Parameterization Water
Qiao, J., Bao, H.Y., Huang, D.K., Li, D.W., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2020-03 Runoff-driven export of terrigenous particulate organic matter from a small mountainous river: sources, fluxes and comparisons among different rivers Biogeochemistry
Lian, H.S., Yen, H., Huang, J.C., Feng, Q.Y., Qin, L.H., Bashir, M.A., Wu, S.X., Zhu, A.-X., Luo, J.F., Di, H.J., Lei, Q.L., Liu, H.B. 2020-02 CN-China: Revised runoff curve number by using rainfall-runoff events data in China Water Research
Huang, GZ, Hsu, TC, Yu, CK, Huang, JC*, Lin, TC* 2020-01 Dilution and precipitation dominated regulation of stream water chemistry of a volcanic watershed Journal of Hydrology
Zheng, L.W., Li, D.W., Dong, X.D., Lee, T.Y., Zheng, Z.Z., Shiah, F.K., Zheng, X.F., Hsu, T.C., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2020-01 Isotope Constraints on the Sources of Particulate Organic Carbon in a Subtropical Deep Reservoir JGR Biogeosciences
Lee, Y.J., Chen, P.H., Lee, T.Y., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C.* 2020-01 Temporal variation of chemical weathering rate, source shifting and relationship with physical erosion in small mountainous rivers, Taiwan CATENA
Xu, C., Yang, Z., Qian, W., Chen, S., Liu, X., Lin, W., Xiong, D., Jiang, M., Chang, C.-T., Huang, J.-C., Yang, Y. 2019-05 Runoff and soil erosion responses to rainfall and vegetation cover under various afforestation management regimes in subtropical montane forest Land Degradation Development
Chen, Y.-C., Chang, K.-T., Wang, S.-F., Huang, J.-C., Yu, C.-K., Tu, J.-Y., Chu, H.-J., Liu, C.-C. 2019-04 Controls of preferential orientation of earthquake- and rainfall-triggered landslides in Taiwan's orogenic mountain belt Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Li-Chin Lee, Ting-Chang Hsu, Tsung-Yu Lee, Yu-Ting Shih, Chuan-Yao Lin, Shih-Hao Jien, Thomas Hein, Franz Zehetner, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Jr-Chuan Huang 2019-02 Unusual Roles of Discharge, Slope and SOC in DOC Transport in Small Mountainous Rivers, Taiwan Scientific Reports
Yu-Ting Shih, Pei-Hao Chen, Li-Chin Lee, Chien-Sen Liao, Shih-Hao Jien, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Tsung-Yu Lee, Thomas Hein, Franz Zehetner, Chung-Te Chang, and Jr-Chuan Huang 2018-12 Dynamic responses of DOC and DIC transport to different flow regimes in a subtropical small mountainous river Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Tz-Ching Yeh, Chien-Sen Liao, Ting-Chien Chen, Yu-Ting Shih, Jr-Chuan Huang, Franz Zehetner, Thomas Hein 2018-08 Differences in N loading affect DOMdynamics during typhoon events in a forested mountainous catchment Science of the Total Environment
Lian Huishu, Lei Qiuliang, Zhang Xinyu, Yen Haw, WangHongyuan, Zhai Limei, Liu Hongbin, Huang Jr-Chuan, Ren Tianzhi, Zhou Jiaogen, QiuWeiwen 2018-06 Effects of anthropogenic activities on long-term changes of nitrogen budget in a plain river network region: A case study in the Taihu Basin Science of the Total Environment
J. Schomakers, H. Mayer, J.Y. Lee, T.Y. Lee, S.H. Jien, A. Mentler, T. Hein, J.C. Huang, Z.Y. Hseu, L.W. Cheng, C.K. Yu, F. Zehetner 2018-06 Soil aggregate breakdown and carbon release along a chronosequence of recovering landslide scars in a subtropical watershed Catena
Chung-Te Chang, Jr-Chuan Huang, Lixin Wang, Yu-Ting Shih, and Teng-Chiu Lin 2018-04 Shifts in stream hydrochemistry in responses to typhoon and non-typhoon precipitation Biogeosciences
Bao, H., Kao, S.-J., Lee, T.-Y., Zehetner, F., Huang, J.-C., Chang, Y.-P., Lu, J.-T., and Lee, J.-Y. 2017-07 Distribution of organic carbon and lignin in soils in a subtropical small mountainous river basin Geoderma
Chow, M., Huang, J.-C., and Shiah, F.-K. 2017-07 Phosphorus Dynamics along River Continuum during Typhoon Storm Events Water
Chang, C.-T., Wang, C.-P., Huang, J.-C., Wang, L.-J., Liu, C.-P., and Lin, T.-C. 2017-06 Trends of two decadal precipitation chemistry in a subtropical rainforest in East Asia Science of the Total Environment
Lu, M.-C., C.-T. Chang, T.-C. Lin, L.-J. Wang, C.-P. Wang, T.-C. Hsu and J.-C. Huang 2017-03 Modeling the terrestrial N processes in a small mountain catchment through INCA-N: A case study in Taiwan Science of The Total Environment
Schomakers, J., S.-H. Jien, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, Z.-Y. Hseu, Z. L. Lin, L.-C. Lee, T. Hein, A. Mentler and F. Zehetner 2017-03 Soil and biomass carbon re-accumulation after landslide disturbances Geomorphology
Milliman, J. D., Lee, T. Y., Huang, J. C., and Kao, S. J. 2017-02 Impact of catastrophic events on small mountainous rivers: Temporal and spatial variations in suspended- and dissolved-solid fluxes along the Choshui River, central western Taiwan, during typhoon Mindulle, July 2–6, 2004. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Chang, C.-T., Wang, L.-J., Huang, J.-C., Liu, C.-P., Wang, C.-P., Lin, N.-H., Wang, L., and Lin, T.-C. 2017-02 Precipitation controls on nutrient budgets in subtropical and tropical forests and the implications under changing climate Advances in Water Resources
Huang, J.-C., Milliman, J. D., Lee, T.-Y., Chen, Y.-C., Lee, J.-F., Liu, C.-C., Lin, J.-C., and Kao, S.-J. 2017-01 Terrain attributes of earthquake- and rainstorm-induced landslides in orogenic mountain Belt, Taiwan Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Shih, Y.T., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Chang, F.J. 2016-04 Apportioning riverine DIN load to export coefficients of land uses in an urbanized watershed. Science of The Total Environment
Huang, J. C., Lee, T. Y., Lin, T. C.*, Hein, T., Lee, L. C., Shih, Y. T., Kao, S. J., Shiah, F. K., and Lin, N. H. 2016-03 Effects of different N sources on riverine DIN export and retention in a subtropical high-standing island, Taiwan. Biogeosciences
Lin, C.Y., Su, C.J., Kusaka, H., Akimoto, Y., Sheng, Y.F., Huang, J. C., and Hsu, H.H. 2016-02 Impact of an improved WRF urban canopy model on diurnal air temperature simulation over northern Taiwan Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Lin, T.C., Shaner, P.-J. L., Wang, L.-J., Shih, Y.-T., Wang, C.-P., Huang, G.-H., Huang, J.C. 2015-12 Effects of mountain tea plantations on nutrient cycling at upstream watersheds Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Bao, H., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Feng, X., Dai, M., Kao, S.J. 2015-11 Importance of Oceania small mountainous rivers (SMRs) in global land-to-ocean output of lignin and modern biospheric carbon Scientific Reports
Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Lee, J.Y., Jien, S.H., Zehetner, F., Kao, S.J. 2015-08 Magnified sediment export of small mountainous river in Taiwan: chain reactions from increased rainfall intensity under global warming PLOS ONE
Lee, T.Y., Hong, N.M., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2015-08 The sources of streamwater to small mountainous rivers in Taiwan during typhoon and non-typhoon seasons Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Selevaraj, K., Lee, T.Y., Yang, J.Y.T., Canuel, E.A., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2015-02 Stable isotopic and biomarker evidence of terrigenous organic matter export to the deep sea during non-typhoon seasons Marine Geology
Milliman, J.D., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2014-12 Temporal and spatial responses of river discharge to tectonic and climatic perturbations: Choshui River, Taiwan, and Typhoon Mindulle (2004) Sediment Dynamics from the Summit to the Sea, IAHS
Lee, T.Y., Shih, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J., Shiah, F.K., Liu, K.K. 2014-10 Speciation and dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen export in the Danshui River, Taiwan Biogeosciences
Laskar, A.H., Huang, J.C., Hsu, S.C., Bhattacharya, S.K., Wang, C.H., Liang, M.C. 2014-10 Stable isotopic composition of near surface atmospheric water vapor and rain–vapor interaction in Taipei, Taiwan Journal of Hydrology
Tung, C.P., Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C., Perng, P.W., Kao, S.J., Liao, L.Y. 2014-07 The development of stream temperature model in a mountainous river of Taiwan Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Teng, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., Huang, C.Y., Lee, C.T. 2014-05 Validating the Operational Bias and Hypothesis of Universal Exponent in Landslide Frequency-Area Distribution Plos One
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Lee, J.Y. 2014-03 Observed magnified runoff response to rainfall intensification under global warming Environmental Research Letters
Kao, S.J., Hilton, R.G., Selvaraj, K., Dai, M., Zehetner, F., Huang, J.C., Hsu, S.C., Sparkes, R., Liu, J.T., Lee, T.Y., Yang, J.-Y.T., Galy, A., Xu, X., Hovius, N. 2014-03 Preservation of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments offshore Taiwan: mountain building and atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration Earth Surface Dynamic
Chen, L., Yeh, H.C., Wei, C.C., Huang, J.C., Fu, Y.R. 2013-12 Combining Genetic Algorithm and Operation Tree Model for Improving the Radar-based Rainfall Estimation: A Case Study for Typhoon Rainfall in Shih-men 農業工程學報Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering
Hsu, S.C.*, Tsai, F.J., Lin, F.J., Chen, W.N., Shiah, F.K., Huang, J.C., Chan, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Liu, T.H., Chen, H.Y., Tseng, C.M., Hung, G.W., Huang, C.H., Lin, S.H., Huang, Y.T. 2013-07 A super Asian dust storm over the East and South China Seas: Disproportionate dust deposition Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Lee, T.Y., Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Tung, C.P. 2013-04 Temporal variation of nitrate and phosphate transport in headwater catchments: the hydrological controls and land use alteration Biogeosciences
Huang, C. Y.*, Chai, C. W., Chang, C. M., Huang, J.C., Hu, K. T., Lu, M. L., Chung, Y. L. 2013-02 An Integrated Optical Remote Sensing System for Environmental Perturbation Research IEEE J-STARS
Huang, J.C.* 2012-11 Editorial: Facing the unpredictable tropical cyclone induced disasters Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters
Huang, J.C.*, Yu, C.K., Lee, J.Y., Cheng, L.W., Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J. (2012) 2012-09 Linking typhoon tracks and spatial rainfall patterns for improving flood lead time predictions over a mesoscale mountainous watershed Water Resources Research
Huang, J.C.*, Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Lin, H.J., Peng, T.R. 2012-03 Land use effect and hydrological control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watershed Hydrology and Earth Systems Science
Lee, T. Y., Huang, J. C., Kao, S.J., Liao, L.Y., Tzeng, C.S., Yang, C.H., Kalita, P.K., Tung, C.P.* 2012-01 Modeling the effects of riparian planting strategies on stream temperature : increasing suitable habitat for endangered Formosan Landlocked Salmon in Shei-Pa National Park, Taiwan Hydrological Processes
Huang, J.C.*, Lin, C.C., Chan, S.C., Lee, T.Y., Hsu, S.C., Lee, C.T., Lin J.C. 2011-10 Stream discharge characteristics through urbanization gradient in Danshui River, Taiwan: perspectives from observation and simulation Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Huang, J.C.*, Kao, S.J., Lin, C.Y., Chang, P.L., Li, M.H. 2011-09 Effect of subsampling tropical cyclone rainfall on flood hydrograph response in a subtropical mountainous catchment Journal of Hydrology
Jiang, Z.P.*, Huang, J.C., Dai, M.H., Kao, S.J., Hydes, D.J., Chou, W.C., Jan, S. 2011-06 Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems of Taiwan: observations and modeling Limnology and Oceanography
Kao, S.J.*, Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Liu, C.C., Walling, D.E 2011- The changing rainfall-runoff dynamics and sediment response of small mountainous rivers in Taiwan under a warming climate (eds) Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins,IAHS
Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Arimoto, R., Shiah, F.K., Gong, G.C., Huang, Y.T., Kao, S.J., Chen, J.P., Lin, F.J., Lin, C.Y., Huang, J.C., Tsai, F.J., Lung, S.C.C. 2010-10 Effects of acidic processing, transport history, and dust and sea salt loadings on the dissolution of iron from Asian dust Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Tsai, F., Engling, G., Lin, I.I., Chou, C.K.C., Kao, S.J., Lung, S.C.C., Chan, C.Y., Lin, S.C., Huang, J.C., Chi, K.H., Chen, W.N., Lin, F.J., Huang, C.H., Kuo, C.L., Wu, T.C., Huang, Y.T. 2010-09 High wintertime particulate matter pollution over an offshore island (Kinmen) off southeastern China: An overview Journal of Geophysical Research
Hsu, S.C.*, Huang, Y.T., Huang, J.C., Tu, J.Y., Engling, G., Lin, C.Y., Lin F.J., Huang, C.H. 2010-02 Evaluating real-time air-quality data as earthquake indicator Science of the Total Environment
Dai, M.H.*, Meng, F.F., Tang, T.T., Kao, S.J., Lin, J.R., Chen, J.H., Huang, J.C., Tian, J.W., Gan, J.P., Yang, S. 2009-11 Excess total organic carbon in the intermediate water of the South China Sea and its export to the North Pacific Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
Huang, J.C., Lee, T.Y., Kao, S.J. 2009-01 Simulating typhoon-induced storm hydrographs in subtropical mountainous watershed: An integrated 3-layer TOPMODEL Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Chang, K. T.*, Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J., Chiang, S.H. 2009- Radar Rainfall Estimates for Hydrologic and Landslide Modeling in Park, Seon K. and Xu, Liang (eds) Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications
Lin, C.Y.*, Chen, F., Huang, J.C., Chen, W.C., Liou, Y.A., Chen, W.N., Liu, S.C. 2008-03 Urban heat island effect and its impact on boundary layer development and land-sea circulation over northern Taiwan Atmospheric Environment
Zehetner, F.*, Vemuri, N.L., Huh, C.A., Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Huang, J.C., Chen, Z.S. 2008-02 Soil and phosphorus redistribution along a steep tea plantation in the Feitsui reservoir catchment of northern Taiwan Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J.*, Hsu, M.L., Liou, Y.A. 2007-12 Influence of specific contributing area algorithms on slope failure prediction in landslide Modeling Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J. 2006-12 Optimal estimator for assessing landslide model performance Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Huang, J.C., Kao, S.J.*, Hsu, M.L., Lin, J.C. 2006-09 Stochastic procedure to extract and to integrate landslide susceptibility maps: an example of mountainous watershed in Taiwan Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences


Fiscal YearPlan NameTitle
114 2025自然保育國際研討會 計畫主持人
113 生物地理因子對溪流新陳代謝作用與碳-氮耦合的控制:金瓜寮溪為例 計畫主持人
113 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃-第二期(1/2) 計畫主持人
112 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(3/3) 計畫主持人
112 2023國際海岸研討會 計畫主持人
111 永續發展與氣候變遷研究的新創方法 計畫主持人
111 評估沈積物流失、氮循環與水土品質對農民生計之影響: 以喜馬拉雅山錫金集水區為例 計畫主持人
111 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(2/3) 計畫主持人
110 氣候變異與地景特性對地表植被生長及集水區水文效應:以台灣熱帶/亞熱帶高山島嶼為例 共同主持人
110 臺北水源特定區森林茶園社會生態系統核心觀測站規劃(1/3) 計畫主持人
110 棄置與再生:地景和土地利用變化的社會觀點及其對水文和土壤之影響 計畫主持人
109 河水的停留時間與交換對山地集水區營養循環的影響 計畫主持人
109 溶解碳轉換與運移的水文控制:以中尺度集水區的關鍵帶為例 計畫主持人
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109 應用氣象、水文及遙測資料對亞熱帶島嶼森林進行的乾旱整合性分析 共同主持人
108 以雪山隧道導坑水之地球化學參數瞭解地表─地下水之交互作用(III) 共同主持人
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106 氣候變遷下的跨國合作 – 下一步目標 計畫主持人
106 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 計畫主持人
106 以雪山隧道導坑水之地球化學參數瞭解地表─地下水之交互作用 共同主持人
106 化學風化與物理侵蝕的共變與非共變 (II) 計畫主持人
105 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究(Ⅲ) 共同主持人
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105 台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連--台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連 (II) 共同主持人
105 化學風化與物理侵蝕的共變與非共變 計畫主持人
105 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 計畫主持人
105 森林集水區總氮循環及氮模式分析研究 - 以東北部福山森林集水區為例 計畫主持人
104 物理與化學剝蝕率在快速抬升與氣候控制下的動態歷程 計畫主持人
104 物理與化學剝蝕率在快速抬升與氣候控制下的動態歷程 計畫主持人
104 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究(Ⅱ) 共同主持人
104 台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連--台灣海岸帶變遷與海陸交互作用研究-科學基礎與社會關連 (I) 共同主持人
103 台灣近岸環境觀測、分析與模擬研究--台灣近岸環境觀測、分析與模擬研究(I) 共同主持人
103 亞熱帶高山溪流總有機碳輸出通量之研究 共同主持人
103 臺灣集水區生態與生地化監測研究--翡翠水庫集水區之流量與營養鹽/沉積物輸出模擬(I) 計畫主持人
103 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 (II) 計畫主持人
103 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 (II) 計畫主持人
102 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 計畫主持人
102 以集水區尺度探討極端事件對陸域至水域間碳循環之影響 計畫主持人
102 水分與硝酸鹽運移時間之估算 - 以大陸型與島嶼型流域為例 計畫主持人
102 應用NEWs與INCA—N模式估計高山型島嶼之氮輸出 計畫主持人
101 大陸型與島嶼型流域氮遺失之觀測與模擬 計畫主持人
101 大陸型與島嶼型流域氮遺失之觀測與模擬 計畫主持人
101 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(III) 共同主持人
100 亞熱帶山地集水區之水循環與氮循環觀測與模擬 計畫主持人
100 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(II) 共同主持人
100 臺灣集水區生態與生地化監測研究--微生物群聚在碳氮磷循環中所扮演的角色:以流域生態系模式為例 共同主持人
100 亞熱帶山地集水區之水循環與氮循環觀測與模擬 計畫主持人
099 公共參與式流域綜合治理之研究--流域水土資源與土地利用的交互作用(I) 計畫主持人
099 亞熱帶山地集水區溶解態無機氮輸出之觀測與模擬 計畫主持人


2012 Distinguished Publication Research Award, NTU, Taiwan